The nurse continued to approach, and seeing the faceless nurse approached within two meters, Lafite turned to look at Hua Ye: "Mr. Facial Paralyzed, is there any monitoring here?"

Hua Ye said, "No."

"Hey, how does that boy know that this area is not monitored? Could it be a relative of a certain staff member?"

"Then there's no problem." The dark-bellied girl pursed her thin lips, her eyes curved into crescent moons, "Student Hua Ye, let's do it!"

"Hey, what is this beautiful girl going to do?" The nurse hesitated and stopped.

Lafite stretched out a finger, solemnly said:

"My boyfriend has a puberty syndrome of 'no girl gets fat and goes crazy'."

Your uncle, who has such a messy disease!Don't push everything to puberty syndrome, because puberty syndrome will blame quantum mechanics!

The corners of Lafite's lips turned up, and in the dark shadows, he looked like a great demon: "Since the nurse is unwilling to get out of the way, then offer your fat time as a sacrifice."

Hua Ye's face was expressionless, and she was not the god of work/mouth, even if she offered Fatty as a sacrifice, she would definitely not give her strength.

The black-bellied girl raised her right hand, gesticulating to catch her: "Boyfriend, Alice and I help hold down the hands and feet of the nurse, and you can take it off yourself when you get fat..."

Hua Ye turned to look at the faceless nurse. This staff member was undoubtedly a girl. Although the mask covered her entire face, in order to restore it, the deep career line was exposed on her chest, and a popular star was pasted on her face The photos are completely doable.

"No, don't!" The nurse, who was dizzy and couldn't figure out the situation, groaned in grief. She really thought that Hua Ye was going to take off her fat, so she turned around and ran away in fright.

After taking two steps, he suddenly fell to the ground with a 'plop'. Obviously, high heels are not suitable for running.

Alice poked out half of her small face from behind Hua Ye, and saw the faceless nurse sitting on the ground with one hand covering her feet, her nervousness and fear disappeared immediately.

"Are you okay?" Lafite was a little speechless, and stepped forward to help.

The nurse panicked: "You, don't come here!"

The nurse who was a scary ghost just now changed roles in an instant and became a little lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Sorry." Lafite bowed slightly, "I was joking just now, I didn't expect you to fall."

"Are you kidding me?" The nurse was dubious.

The black-bellied girl showed an apologetic expression on her face, and said pitifully, "I'm sorry to cause you trouble, we are just ordinary tourists..."

The nurse let out a sigh of relief: "Then the disease you mentioned..."

"I'm talking nonsense." Lafite pointed at Alice, "Even if it's true, I can get rid of Alice's fatness."

"Master Bai Yu!" The short bean's face flushed, and his cheeks puffed up slightly, "Why do you want to take off my fat!"

Lafite stretched out his hand to help the nurse up: "Is the foot serious? Would you like to have your boyfriend take a look at it for you?"

"No need." The nurse shook her head, leaned her back against the wall, and moved her feet lightly, "I fell down because I was a little nervous just now, and you didn't actually chase me..."

Alice picked up the dagger on the ground, opened her eyes wide and said, "It's so light."

Hua Ye said, "Plastic products."

"In order to ensure the safety of the tourists, there must be no real daggers." The faceless nurse explained in a low voice, and then felt aggrieved, "Other tourists usually turn around and run away when they see me. You don't bring such daggers..."

"Hey, your dagger." Alice carefully touched the faceless nurse's clothes, "Isn't there real blood on it?"

"Of course not, they are all makeup pigments." The nurse shook her head and said.

Alice exclaimed: "The makeup is so powerful, it feels like the real thing."

Nonsense, one of the four major sorcerers in Asia, you think it’s just for fun, and haunted houses, a popular item in amusement parks, if the make-up is shoddy, it will definitely lower the reputation!

"Well, the three of you, please continue walking?" The nurse was a little embarrassed, "This is not a place for chatting, your companions should have already left."

"That's right." Lafite waved his hand, "Let's go first."

Alice followed suit and waved: "Miss Nurse, goodbye."


"Student Hua Ye, let's go."

Lafite hugged Hua Ye's arm, Alice hugged Lafite's arm again, and the three left together.

Watching the back of Hua Ye and the three of them leaving, the nurse was a little confused. Why is this relationship a bit chaotic?

That little girl with twin ponytails hugged the boy's waist just now, right?Why is it replaced by that beautiful girl now, and the three of them still accept this relationship frankly?

The nurse muttered to herself: "Could it be that the sisters are so good... that they share boyfriends?"


Because of seeing the real face of the nurse, Alice's fear of the haunted house was reduced by half. Although she still encountered many scenes of rapid heartbeat and pale face on the road, she was no longer so scared that her hands and feet became weak and unable to walk.

"It's here." Lafite looked at the gloomy passage in front of him, "I still remember the last time my boyfriend Jun bullied me here."

Alice stood by the side, pricking up her ears to eavesdrop. She recognized Lafite as the eldest sister only after she was conquered by Holy Light Lafite in an outdoor practice class. It is not clear what happened before that.

Hua Ye said with disgust, "You were the one who bumped into me."

"Don't listen, don't listen, bastard chant scriptures." The black-bellied girl raised her pretty face, the corners of her lips raised, her eyebrows and eyes curved, "I'm going to bully you back today—"

Chapter 1292 Husband, I'm Here to Give You a Baby

"What do you want to do?"

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