Since it is a loli who has lived for an unknown number of years, it is completely understandable to hate women with long breasts and thighs.

Seeing all the melon-eating girls turn their eyes to her, Miss Miko hesitated and explained: "I know this girl... She is a guest of the shrine, and she speaks a bit strangely, please bear with me."

Miss Miko didn't know that Lafite and Wei Nai were actually angels and demons who came to practice in the world. She thought they were just ordinary girls, so she concealed the true identity of the mountain god, otherwise it would be very troublesome to explain, and it would be difficult to let people believe.

Hyuga rolled her eyes and helped her sister out: "It's about the same as Liuhuajiang, isn't it?"

Miss Witch nodded: "That's right."

In fact, it's much worse. Liuhua is just a second-year girl, and the loli in front of her is a real supernatural creature.

"So..." Wei Nai pursed her lips, "Let's talk first."

Mountain God Loli raised her chin and walked in.

Wei Nai reminded: "Change your shoes first... Hey, you came here barefoot?"

As the mountain god loli brought up the dress, Wei Nai was surprised to find that this little girl had a pair of white and tender feet, and she didn't wear shoes at all.

"No shoes." Mountain God Shi Changji shook her head, "Wearing shoes will hinder my communication with the earth."

Wei Nai complained: "If you don't wear shoes in such a cold day, you are probably a pill!"

The mountain god loli turned her head to look: "What does the pill mean?"

"This..." Wei Nai was a little speechless, as it turned out, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, and accidentally learned what Lafite said, "Anyway, you should wear a pair of slippers first."

The mountain god Shi Changji glanced at Wei Nai, but after all, she did not refuse the good intention of not mixing any impurities. She put on her slippers and walked into the living room, came to Hua Ye, raised her chin and said, "My lord, I will come according to the agreement." gave birth to your child."

"My lord?" A clear and pleasant voice called out.

Seeing everyone looking at him one after another, Lafite didn't panic at all, and changed the subject with a smile: "When did classmate Hua Ye become this girl's husband?"

"What?" Hinata lay on the kotatsu, puffed out her cheeks and muttered in a low voice, "It was intentional, that Demon King Lafite must have shouted that on purpose."

The little cat girl asked curiously, "Why did you meow on purpose?"

Hinata shook his head: "You are still young, and you don't understand even if you say it."

"We are older than you, meow."

"Besides, your saury is gone."


Hua Ye looked at the mountain god Shi Changji in front of him calmly, without any fluctuations in his heart: "I am not your husband, and I have no agreement to have a child."

Mountain God Loli said: "The days of being sealed are so boring, I'm going crazy."

Eating potato chips, reading books and comics, and surrounded by a bunch of people serving you, why are you bored!

"It was you who told me how to unlock the seal. Of course I have to repay this kindness." The mountain god Shi Changji straightened her small chest, and it was obvious that she was not wearing a bra at all, because it was so peaceful that the bra couldn't hang on at all, "So I The snail-like girl is here to repay her favor!"

Your uncle's snail girl, it's not true to repay her kindness, but it's true to come to 'ask for seeds'!

It's like an ancient woman who was rescued by others. If she was pleasing to the eye, she would say that the little girl is willing to promise her with her body. Repay the favor.

Hua Ye said blankly: "No need."

"Well, is it because of these girls?" Mountain God Shi Changji turned to look at the maiden's girl.

First of all, Miss Miko, with nine points of appearance, long and straight black, demure demeanor, long breasts and thighs... she is not an opponent at all.

Then there was Wei Nai who opened the door for herself just now, with bright eyes and bright teeth, a beautiful nose and beautiful eyebrows, who seemed to have just exercised just now, wearing a white autumn coat, with a soft bulging curve on her chest... still incomparable.

Then there is the silver-haired girl lying on the chair and looking over with a smile, her soul is light!How could it be possible to have such an exaggerated outline? Women in this era have developed so well!

Fortunately, there are three melon-eating girls, Liuhua, Alice, and Gabriel, so that the mountain god Lori has regained some confidence, at least she is not the most flat person.

"My lord, it's okay if you don't want to marry me." The mountain god Shi Changji put his hands together and said pitifully, "At least let me give birth to you, and I'll leave after giving birth."


Whoosh whoosh.

A series of gazes shot at Hua Ye again.

Hua Ye's face turned black and he said, "Don't even think about it."

Repaying kindness is false, but wanting to have children is true. The mountain god is a high-level earth-bound spirit after all, and he can't go wherever he wants like other people. However, the ideal of this mountain god Shi Changji is "the world is so big." , I want to go and see', the only way to pass on the god position is by giving birth to offspring, and then escape by myself!

"Why?" Mountain God Shi Changji puffed her mouth, "They can all give birth, so it's okay if I have one more."


Chapter 1294 Make a Choice!

"It's okay to have one more me, right?" Mountain God Shi Changji looked over pitifully, as if as long as Hua Ye nodded, she could take off her clothes and have a baby right now—with her integrity and logic of thinking, it was really possible to make such a move. Please come here.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "No."

How could it be possible to agree to have a baby with you in front of Wei Nai and the others? If you hesitate a little, you will be disgusted to death!

"It's so troublesome." The mountain god Shi Changji sighed, "Aren't you humans animals that can mate and reproduce all year round?"

The mountain god loli looked at Hua Ye, and muttered to herself with some doubts: "Why do you think you are not in estrus?"


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