Hua Ye poured a cup of hot milk and handed it to the useless angel.

"Don't drink."

Gabriel was expressionless.

Hua Ye said, "You really don't want to drink?"

"I won't drink it even if I'm killed." The useless angel turned on the computer, logged into the game, and started the cultivation mode.

"Brave, brave, I want to drink." Liuhua raised her hand and said, "Thirsty."


Hua Ye responded, and handed the hot milk to Liuhua.

"Thank you Brave." Liuhua took it and took a sip of the milk, "The Brave's milk tastes great."

A row of black lines fell from the top of Gabriel's head, and he opened his mouth, but he still didn't speak in the end.

This matter cannot be solved with a glass of milk. Anyway, there is a kotatsu, and there is no need to heat milk at all.

"Well, the brave man's stomach is full of milk..." Liuhua wiped the corner of his mouth, "The stomach is warm, the mana has been replenished, and it is fully revived."

Gabriel clicked the mouse unhurriedly. After listening to similar conversations so many times, she was already unmoved.

"Brave and brave." Liuhua put down the cup, "What are you having for dinner?"

Hua Ye said: "Prawn, eel, saury, anglerfish, and pine leaf crab."

Liuhua looked forward with anticipation: "I want to eat."

When they came back from the amusement park, Hua Ye and Miss Miko stopped by to buy ingredients at the supermarket. Miss Miko was not short on money, so of course she would not be reluctant to buy things. Basically, she would buy whatever was pleasing to the eye. The cat-eared lady likes to eat seafood. So I buy more seafood.

"Eat the perishable seafood first, put the beef and pork chops in the refrigerator, and talk about it later."

Hua Ye turned his head to look at the useless angel sitting in the kotatsu playing games, "Is it okay for dinner?"

"Don't talk to me." Gabriel didn't look back, "You can't eat a bite of the food you cook."


Hua Ye didn't have any fluctuations in his heart. He turned around and walked into the kitchen, and started to process the ingredients. Unfortunately, now everyone is gone, only Liuhua and a useless angel are left, and there is no hope at all.

"Brave, do you want me to help?" Liuhua shouted.

Shut up, if you want to help you, you have to go to the kitchen door and say it, there is no sincerity in shouting while sitting in the kotatsu!

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said: "No need, you two just sit and wait for food."

"Oh." Liuhua lay back on the kotatsu, the dumb hair on the top of her head swaying slightly, "Then Xiaojia and I are waiting to eat."

Gabriel squinted her eyes: "Don't take me with you."

"Eh?" Liuhua turned her head to look, "Won't Xiaojia eat?"

"Don't eat."

"I remember Xiao Jia likes seafood the most?"


After a while, a strange smell wafted out from the kitchen.

Liuhua lay on the kotatsu, shaking her head from side to side, "Brave, what are you doing, it smells so good."

Hua Ye replied: "Pine leaf crab."

"Well, it's Matsuba crab. I remember my sister made it before. It tastes super delicious." Liuhua looked at Gabriel and asked curiously, "Has Xiaojia ever eaten crab?"

While playing the game, Gabriel replied absent-mindedly: "I have."

When eating the buffet, of course I ate crabs, but the taste was not as good as expected.

"Then have you ever eaten crabs made by the brave?"

Gabriel: "..."

I must have never eaten it!

The day when China eats crabs is in autumn, but the season for eating crabs in Japan is in winter, and the crab fishing moratorium will end in mid-November every year.

There are three famous crabs in Japan, namely Matsuba crab, and Hokkaido hairy crab and king crab. These three crabs do not live in rivers or lakes, but are salvaged from the deep sea. Among them, Matsuba crab is the most famous.

Liuhua said: "My sister said that Matsuba crab is the most elastic, tender and juicy of all crabs. It is called the Queen of Crabs in the food industry. It is known as the 'seasonal freshness' in winter. It must not Missed it."


Gabriel deliberately turned the table and left, but unfortunately, thinking about the icy coldness just now, this determination was instantly shattered into shards of ice.

Hold on.

Don't panic.

It's just a crab, and it's not like I haven't eaten it before, so don't try to shake my will!

Hua Ye said, "The crab is ready."

"Brave, let me taste it first to see if it's done." Liuhua raised his hand and said, "Uncooked crabs are very dangerous."

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