"Xiaoye, how can I take care of you?" Elma blinked her eyes and asked expectantly.

Hua Ye said with disgust: "I have already stated the conditions last time."

"You said to help you wipe your back?" Elma hugged a pillow in her arms and pouted, "But I don't have time at all. I have to get up early to go to work at seven o'clock in the morning and get home at nine o'clock in the evening. You have to work six days... Hey, how about I wipe your back for you now?"

Xiao Lin was drinking tea. Hearing this, he glanced over and cast a cautious look at Hua Ye. It's fine if he doesn't know the other girls well. Eat it!

Hua Ye's face was expressionless: "Ugly refuse."

"But I really want to eat such delicious food every day." Alma was dejected, lying on the sofa, her chest was about to come out, making people worry that the clothes would not be able to bear it.

Hua Ye said, "Aren't you free recently? It's time to practice cooking."

"W-Where are you free?" Elma's tone was erratic, and she looked away, "The company is at the end of the year, and there are so many things to do, it turns like a spinning top all day long. If you don't believe me, just ask Xiaolin."


Thor came over in an instant, raised his hand to cover his mouth, and showed a disgusted smile, "Xiao Lin told me a long time ago, just because the company is at the end of the year, in order to prevent you from causing trouble to everyone, it is not as busy as before."

"I've already learned how to type blindly." Elma was not convinced, "Obviously I can help a lot, but it's because the president doesn't trust me."

It took so long to learn blind typing, you must be thinking about eating in the company!

"Xiaolin, tell me, did I make trouble?"

"Hmm..." Xiao Lin pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "No, it actually boosted the morale of many colleagues."

The job of programming is hard and tiring, and it takes longer than other industries to work overtime. Many girls simply can't persevere. In fact, Xiao Lin doesn't even know how he perseveres.Probably when I graduated and applied for a job, I submitted a resume to the company with the mentality of giving it a try. As a result, I was quite lucky to pass the interview, successfully entered the job, and then I continued to work—no way, it is very difficult to resign in Japan. It is basically a job from graduation to retirement.

Although programmers have high salaries, they work a lot of overtime. So far, there are still many seniors in the company who are in their thirties and still have no wives or girlfriends. The professional level of employees has become the unspoken rule of the industry.

Some time before Elma joined the company, two cases related to programmers occurred in the city. One was that a game company caused someone to die suddenly because of long-term overtime work, and the other was a programmer in his thirties. The uncle and his younger generation went out to eat, and were accidentally stabbed to death on the road.

Therefore, for the safety of the members, the company recruited Elma. She is a mascot in the company. Although she also has a desk, her main job is to serve tea and water for everyone.

Thinking of the heavy work coming at the end of the year, Xiao Lin couldn't help sighing, raised his hand and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, Xiaolin's shoulders are uncomfortable?" Thor teleported over, "Really, my massage skills are no worse than Xiaoye's, and I won't let you massage..."

The dragon maid looked at Hua Ye, "Please Xiao Ye give Xiao Lin a massage. It's been a long time since I had a massage."

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"Thank you Xiaoye." Xiao Lin leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes, and breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't be a programmer in the future, this is my cousin's life advice."

Sorry, I never thought about working hard at all!Among other things, every day on the roof of the school to manually enlarge the breasts of the star with poor breasts, you will be given a generous "breast enhancement fee", which is more than your monthly salary!

The quality of Xiao Lin's sleep was not good. Now under Hua Ye's massage, he quickly relaxed his body and fell into a deep sleep.

"Are you asleep?" Thor came over and picked up Xiao Lin, "Let Xiao Lin go back to the bedroom."

Hua Ye stood up: "I'm going back."

"Hey, wait a minute." Elma said, "I want a massage. The massage last time was very comfortable."

The corner of the clothes was gently pulled.

Hua Ye looked down, and a blue-eyed young dragon raised his face, "I want it too."


Chapter 1306

"Xiao Ye, are you leaving now?" Thor reluctantly sent Hua Ye to the door, "Xiao Lin hasn't woken up yet, why don't we do it again?"

Being your sister, you can still make money by massaging Igarashi's star with poor breasts. There's no benefit in massaging you. I want to pay for it with a chest pillow every now and then. What's the use of having such a big breast? It's impossible to get your face stuffy. Can't breathe!

"Let's go." Hua Ye remained expressionless, "I'll tell you when the script is finished."

"Don't worry." Thor waved his hand, "I trust Xiaoye."

The dragon maid raised her right hand and made a pair of scissors hands beside her face, revealing the little tiger teeth at the corner of her mouth, smiling energetically, "Give Xiao Ye a mysterious reward at that time."


Hua Ye didn't feel any fluctuations in his heart, so he turned around and left.

When returning home, Hua Ye didn't take the tram, after all, the smell on the tram was not pleasant, so he walked alone through the streets and alleys in silence.

When passing by the door of a restaurant, a person wearing a bear doll costume and distributing leaflets quickly walked two steps to Hua Ye, and a weak voice sounded from under the hood, "Good afternoon, Hua Ye."


Hua Ye responded and reached out to take the leaflet.

Having said that, it seems that every time I meet this girl with glasses, the other party is working part-time, or on the way to work. In contrast, the useless angel who is sleeping on the kotatsu at home, eating oranges and playing computer , should really come out to work and earn money!

Kitano Haruka took off the teddy bear's headgear. Although the weather was very cold, there was still a trace of sweat on his forehead. He didn't wear those big and rustic black-framed glasses at the moment, and he looked extraordinarily delicate and delicate.

"That, that." The lady with glasses hugged the teddy bear's headgear in her arms, took a breath, raised her face, and whispered expectantly and nervously, "Is Hua Ye free today?"

"I agreed last week, mom wants to cook and thank you..."

When I went to deal with Jing's cute mother last time, I did promise this matter.

Hua Ye nodded and said, "I'm free."

"Then Hua Ye, wait for me a moment." The glasses girl's eyes lit up, "When I finish distributing the leaflets in my hand, let's go home together?"

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