Machiko asked nervously on the phone.

After hearing the news that Hua Ye said 'I want it all' yesterday, it was like a bolt from the blue... Well, it's not that exaggerated, but it's really uncomfortable.

She knew that Hua Ye was different from other girls, but she just kept pretending not to know. In fact, everyone maintained this tacit and tacit way, except Liuhua and Satania.

Machiko's idea is simple.

Everyone is still a freshman in high school, and they have to wait until they graduate from high school at least to get married, so there is still a lot of time, and if they haven't decided who to choose in the end, they may not necessarily lose.

As a result, it is true that they will not lose now, but no one has won.

Machiko was thinking wildly all night, and even thought about quietly quitting to study abroad by herself, because the appearance of being lost was too obvious, but her mother saw the clues.

As Hashimoto Qingyin smiled and said, "Just cut off the cheating boy", Machiko's grievances and sorrows all disappeared, and she began to worry about Hua Ye. There are mistakes, horses have mistakes, in case they are accidentally cut off by mother with scissors...

I don't want that kind of thing to happen at all!

"Don't worry." Hua Ye said, "Nothing will happen."

Even if your mother brought a pair of golden scissors from the river god, it would not be able to break through the defense at all!

"What if Mom really goes to you?" Machiko worried, "You also know Mom's character, it doesn't look like a joke."

Hua Ye thought for a while, then revised what he said just now, and simply returned it: "For those who are disobedient and want to make trouble, just slap them."

"No!" Machiko hurriedly shook her head, "You can't do that kind of thing to mom!"

Although I know that Hua Ye's 'slap' is just spanking, not clapping for love, but after all, she is also my mother, and maybe she will be mother-in-law in the future, how can I spank my mother's ass?

Mother and daughter, absolutely not, I would rather die!

"Understood." Hua Ye agreed, "I will subdue her and tell you."

"That's fine too, thank you Hua Ye..." Machiko breathed a sigh of relief, "I'll go talk to my mother first, and then ask my cousin for her opinion."

"You promised?"

"Eh?" Machiko was taken aback, then reacted, and bit her lower lip, "How can you easily agree to that kind of thing! I just don't want you to have a conflict with your mother!"

"Okay, that's all for now, I'm hanging up!"


The lady with glasses pricked up her ears and raised her head, feeling that her three views had been impacted again.

(The class and the monitor said how could it be easy to agree to such a thing, not that it was impossible to agree to that kind of thing... Difficult, is it necessary to acquiesce that classmate Hua Ye dated two girls together?)

(Although there are similar plots in the TV series, it is still very strange that it happened in reality?)

(If anyone finds out, they will be pointed out, right?)

Seeing Hua Ye turn his head to look over, the lady with glasses hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth: "I, I didn't hear anything!"

You are enough, you didn't hear anything, you should cover your ears, what kind of trouble are you covering your mouth!

"Hear it as soon as you hear it, it doesn't matter." Hua Ye's face was calm, and there was no need to be sneaky about things above board.

The glasses girl responded, lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, Hua Ye, I won't say anything."


Speechless all the way.

The phone call just now had a great impact on Haruka Kitano, and she couldn't find a new topic for a while.

She quickly walked outside Kitano Yao's house. Unlike others who rent apartments, her house is a very traditional two-story building with a small courtyard in front of the yard.

The lady with glasses took a step forward, took out the key to open the door, "Student Hua Ye, please come in."

Hua Ye walked into the entrance. It wasn't the first time he came here. The last time he came was because Haruka Kitano didn't attend class. When the monitor came to visit his home, he was accidentally caught by an alchemy puppet, but he never came again .

"I'm back." The lady with glasses bent down and took out a pair of men's slippers from the shoe cabinet. "Because I knew that Hua Ye was going to be a guest, I bought a new pair of slippers from the convenience store."

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

Walking into the living room, Hua Ye glanced over, the room was clean, and it was much more lively than the first time he came here.

"Student Hua Ye, you sit down first." The glasses girl told Hua Ye to sit down, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, "I'll tell mom about the visit of classmate Hua Ye."

Not long after, a girl in pajamas with loose hair ran down the stairs, 'Badabada', and when she saw Hua Ye, she exclaimed, "Oni-chan, good afternoon!"

Bad girl, Tian Zhongnao.

This bad girl opened her hands and flew over, "Oni-chan, catch me! (*^▽^*)"

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye stepped aside a little, allowing the girl to throw herself on the sofa.

"Well, it hurts, my nose is going to be crooked..." Tian Zhongnai raised his hand to cover his nose, and looked at Hua Ye pitifully, "It's too much for Oni-chan to be indifferent even when there is a beautiful girl in his arms !"

Hua Ye was unmoved: "Why are you here?"

Tian Zhongnan grinned, "I'm a guest at my cousin's house."

Hua Ye said, "You're still wearing pajamas."

"Okay, okay." Tian Zhongnai sighed, sat down on the sofa in the posture of a duck, and then took a pillow and pressed it on his lap, "Recently, I often come to my cousin's house to sleep, eating and sleeping here side."

"Eat and drink?" Hua Ye said with disgust in his eyes.

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