"Oni-chan didn't do anything to us. If you don't believe me, my cousin and I can go to the hospital for an examination right now!"


Kitano Haruka's mother opened her mouth, and finally sighed, "You have grown up, you can do whatever you want... as long as you don't regret it."

As Kitano Haruka's mother turned and left, the room fell into silence again.

"Oni-chan, it's been so cold lately." Tian Zhongnai hugged the pillow and leaned next to Hua Ye, raised his face, and said maliciously, "Do you want me to help you warm the bed?"

"Not at all."

"Won't Oni sauce help me warm my bed?"

"Ugly rejection."

"Then how about my cousin warming your bed?" Tian Zhongnai continued.

Hua Ye shook his head: "No need, shut up."


After dinner, Hua Ye got up to say goodbye.

"Student Hua Ye, I'll see you off." The glasses girl walked Hua Ye to the door.

Tian Zhongna waved from behind: "Oni-chan, come and play next time, my cousin and I will sweep the bed and wait."

Hua Ye waved his hand, "Let's go."

Looking away at Hua Ye, the glasses girl closed the door sadly.

"Cousin, don't look downcast." Tian Zhongnai crossed his arms, "We haven't lost yet."

The glasses girl shook her head and said in a low voice: "The review is over, so don't bother classmate Hua Ye in the future, and return it to him after earning enough money..."

"Hmph, I don't have any ambition at all. Are you going to back down when you encounter such a small setback?" Tian Zhongnai hated the iron, "When I was collecting protection fees in school, the situation was much more difficult at the beginning than it is now. .”

"Let me tell you, there is no boy who is not interested in a girl's body." The bad girl lowered her voice, "Even if Oni-chan doesn't like us now, he will definitely like us in the future."

Kitano Haruka couldn't help asking, "How?"

"It's so cold now, my cousin is going to be a maid for the reason of repaying the kindness, and sleep together after warming the bed at night. It's the so-called long-term love. After sleeping for a long time, the feelings will naturally come out..."



time flies.


on Monday.

It is currently late November, and there is still one month before the winter vacation.

Walking on the way to school, the autumn wind swirls, blowing off the last dead leaf on the branches, and there are bare trees on the street.

"Huh, it's so cold." Liuhua stomped her feet, the hair on the top of her head kept shaking in the cold wind, and turned to look at Hua Ye, "Brave man, brave man, I don't want to go to school, I want to sleep on the kotatsu at home."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Yes, as long as your sister agrees."

"The Holy Curator said that in winter in Italy, no girl on the street would dare to go out in short skirts." Liuhua looked down at herself, "We are still wearing short skirts, and it seems that Italy is colder."

Hua Ye said blankly: "No, it's just that you are more resistant to cold."

Liuhua raised her face and said expectantly, "When will we sneak up and surprise the Holy Conditioner?"

Hua Ye turned to look at Gabriel.

Although it has only just entered winter, this useless angel has already taken out a full set of cold-proof equipment-a thick winter school uniform, wearing thermal underwear inside, pantyhose instead of stockings, and a white scarf that he recently bought around his neck. The scarf directly covers the mouth and nose, and both hands are still in the pockets. The absolute domain has long since disappeared, and only half of a small face is exposed on the whole body!

Seeing Hua Ye's gaze, the crippled angel said weakly, "No, I won't go anywhere. I'll just stay in the house for the winter. If you dare to make trouble, you will die."

Hua Ye said, "Give me your hand if it's cold."


Gabriel firmly refused.

How dare you say 'I want it all', such shameless and obscene words, don't think that the matter is over like this!

"Brave and brave." Liuhua stretched out his hand, the hair on the top of his head swaying, "Will you take mine?"

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "You don't need to cover your hands as you run around."

"Xiaojia, Liuhua, good morning."

A tall, silver-haired girl stood in front, beckoning with a smile, and beside her was a little red-haired devil.

Liuhua waved his hands and shouted: "Good morning Lafite."

"Hmm." Gabriel put her hands in her pockets and replied weakly, "Good morning."

On the way to school, we met as usual, greeted each other as usual, and then... this black-bellied girl skipped over Hua Ye, just glanced at her, neither said anything nor made trouble, even Satania next to Lafite It's a look of 'don't come near me, I don't know you'.

Chapter 1310 Group placement pl/ay

"Master White Feather!"

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