Hua Ye responded, "Aren't you going together?"

"I'll leave later." Wei Nai shook her head and said, just in time to see Inujiro swaying over, reached out and hugged the super fat orange cat on his lap to tease, "Clean the living room first... ..."

Before she finished speaking, Wei Nai suddenly sniffed her nose, "What's the smell?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "It smells like urine."

Wei Nai: "..."

Chapter 1330 Wei Nai's Back Wiping Achievement


Wei Nai gritted her silver teeth and looked at the super fat orange on her lap.

"Meow meow."

The fat orange raised its head and looked over innocently.

"I called you to change the cat litter." Hua Ye translated from the side, "I'm not asking you to hug me to play with."


Wei Nai put Inujiro on the ground, looked down, she was wearing a thick winter school uniform skirt, the color was tea brown, at this moment there was a dark brown wet mark on the left thigh, the area was not large , but the taste... let alone, it is simply offensive.

"No, I have to wash it." Wei Nai wrinkled her nose, "I can't go out to meet people like this."

Whether you're taking a tram or going to a coffee shop, the smell can cause trouble for others, and it's also embarrassing.

Wei Nai turned to look at Hua Ye, "You..."

"I'm going to change the cat litter." Hua Ye understood Wei Nai's meaning, stood up, looked at Inujiro on the ground, "get up."

This orange cat, who always walked and lay down, was so lazy that he doubted his life, stood up obediently like a grandson under Hua Ye's order, and followed Hua Ye to the direction of the litter box.

Wei Nai took out her mobile phone and made a call to Xiaoqian.

"Hello, Wei Naijiang?" Xiaoqian's voice sounded, and he said in surprise, "What's wrong? Could it be that the house was burglarized?"

"No thief." Wei Nai said speechlessly, "It's Inujiro... just accidentally peed on my skirt."


Xiaoqian was silent for a while, and then said: "Don't worry, I will beat it to vent your anger when I get back."

"It's not venting." Wei Nai shook her head, "It's just that the smell is a bit strong, and going out will cause trouble for others. I want to borrow your bathroom for a while."

"Then you can use it." Xiaoqian agreed, "The change of clothes is in my closet, you can take whatever you want to wear... Ah, I forgot, my clothes are a little small, you probably won't be able to wear them , then let your boyfriend go out and buy it."

Wei Nai wanted to refute, but thinking about the tingling feeling on her lips that hadn't dissipated, she acquiesced: "I see, we're not much different, we should be able to wear it."

After hanging up the phone, Wei Nai saw Hua Ye walking over and sitting on the sofa, she knew that she would not leave even if she said so, so she said, "Watch TV for a while, I'll get some clothes for a change, and then take a shower, we'll take a shower after we finish the shower." Let's go."

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"I'm up."

Wei Nai went up to the second floor, took a skirt from Xiaoqian's room, and then went back to the first floor and went into the bathroom to take a shower. For Wei Nai who has a slight cleanliness, the smell of the skirt is one thing, and the feeling of wet legs is even worse. unbearable.

After washing for a while, Wei Nai suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Strange, why does it feel like the water is getting colder?"

Facts have proved that Wei Nai did not have an illusion, because after a while, a gust of cold water suddenly poured on her body.


It's winter now, the room temperature outside is only a few degrees, and it will soon be cold and stinging when sitting still, let alone being suddenly drenched in cold water, Wei Nai subconsciously exclaimed.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and walked to the bathroom door, "What's wrong?"

"No, it's fine..."

He stuttered, so there must be something wrong!

Hua Ye reached out and pushed the bathroom door open, and saw Wei Nai holding her body pale and shivering.

"You, you, you, close the door!" Seeing Hua Ye push the door in, Wei Nai's pretty face quickly flushed, and she hurriedly raised her hands to cover her body, shouting in embarrassment and indignation.

So what is there to cover, whether it is a hot spring bath or a beach vacation, I have already seen it!

Hua Ye responded and closed the bathroom door.

"I only let you close the door, I didn't let you come in and close the door!" Wei Nai almost fainted from anger, she was still taking a shower in the bathroom, what did you want to come in suddenly.

"Solve the problem before going out." Hua Ye replied.

Wei Nai bit her lower lip and whispered, "Just now the water suddenly turned cold."

Hua Ye took the shower and tried it, "It's still cold water."

"The hot and cold hot water is usually caused by unstable water pressure, or the water heater may be broken." Hua Ye put the shower back, and said, "Shall I wash it for you?"


Wei Nai was shocked.

I'm not wearing any clothes right now, how thick-skinned are you to say such things openly!

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