When Hua Ye walked up to him, the Akita wagged its tail feebly, and then lay down again, without the flattering look it used to have.

"Xiaoqiu doesn't know what's wrong." Seeing Hua Ye approaching, Alice stood up quickly, her eyes were a little red, "I haven't eaten for three days, I only drank a little water, I'm sure I'm going to die if I go on like this ?”

You think too much, this dog is just a little weak, it is far from dead!Just look at that fat body!

Lafite put his arms around his chest, and said in a deep thought, "I think Xiaoqiu is... going on a hunger strike?"


People have tempers, and dogs have tempers too, so hunger strikes are normal.

Hua Ye said, "Did you go to the hospital for an examination?"

A dog’s refusal to eat is usually a sign of bad health, such as teeth and gastrointestinal problems, or even serious diseases such as canine distemper and parvo.

"I have taken Xiaoqiu to a professional pet hospital for a comprehensive examination." The housekeeper pushed the glasses, "The examination results show that Xiaoqiu's body is very healthy, there are no adverse symptoms in the body, and no foreign objects have been swallowed."

Nonsense, this dog has a professional nutritionist in charge of nutrition, and a nurse in charge of bathing and brushing his teeth, and a maid takes him out for a walk every day. People are not as good as dogs. This is the kind of dog!

The housekeeper looked at the strange maid next to her, "Qiu Mei, repeat the situation at that time."

"Yes!" The strange maid standing next to her pinched the hem of her clothes, and replied nervously and timidly, "At noon three days ago, Xiaoqiu had a fruit set meal, and I took him out for a walk as usual... the same way as before. Xiaoqiu didn’t let Xiaoqiu eat anything strange, and he didn’t take a strange route. After returning, Xiaoqiu didn’t eat or drink.”

Hua Ye knelt down, reached out and touched Xiaoqiu's dog's head, and said, "I'll ask you an answer."

"Okay, okay!" The maid hurriedly stood at attention.


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and said speechlessly, "I'm not talking about you."


The maid blinked her eyes and looked over in a dazed and puzzled manner.

"Well, Miss Maid can go back to work." Lafite said with a smile, "Leave it to me and classmate Hua Ye."

The maid didn't know what to do, and looked at the housekeeper helplessly.

Fujiwara Norika nodded slightly, "Go back to work."

"Okay, Lord Ji Xiang!"

The maid bowed, looked at Hua Ye curiously, turned and left full of doubts.

Alice stretched out her hand to cover the hem of her skirt, then squatted next to Hua Ye, and asked nervously, "How is it?"

Hua Ye raised his hand and tapped Xiaoqiu's dog's head, "Continue talking."

"Wang Wang."

The Akita dog looked at Hua Ye pitifully, and barked.

"Okay, I got it." Hua Ye stood up and told the real reason for Xiaoqiu's hunger strike, "It's in love."

"Huh? In love?"

Alice opened her eyes wide, but she didn't doubt the authenticity of Hua Ye's answer. Is it just that a dog can fall in love?And even went on a hunger strike?

"Who is Xiaoqiu dating?" The little bean blinked, and suddenly panicked. Xiaoqiu seems to be getting smarter and smarter recently. Could it be...

Panic your sister!Are you worried that this dog likes people, or likes you!

Hua Ye said with disgust: "Don't worry, it likes a dog."

"Who, who's worried about this!" Alice blushed and shouted, showing her small canine teeth, "Idiot! Big idiot!"

Lafite was smiling and touching the dog's head: "Student Hua Ye, let's get down to business. I still want to know Xiaoqiu's love story."

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "The back is gone."

"Hey, why did it disappear later?"

Not only Lafite and Alice were dissatisfied, but even the housekeeper Norika Fujiwara showed a speechless expression. Girls are born to gossip, and it's super uncomfortable to hear the story halfway.

"While going out for a walk three days ago, Xiaoqiu met the real dog in his life." Hua Ye said, "The third of the three idiots in the sled."

Lafite said, "A Samoyed?"

The three sled dogs are three very famous pet dogs. Alaska is called Dasha because it is the largest, Husky is called Ersha, and Samoyed is called Sansha.

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded, "Xiaoqiu said that that afternoon, the sweet smile that Samoyed showed instantly hit his heart, making him fall in love, unable to extricate himself, but unfortunately he was dragged home by the maid."

Lafite put his arms around his chest and muttered to himself: "I heard that all love at first sight is love at first sight?"


Xiaoqiu expressed that she was very dissatisfied, and her true love was unquestionable.

"Samoyed..." Alice reached out and touched Xiao Qiu's dog's head, "Why not Akita? Will it be planted in series?"

"Wang Wang."

Hua Ye said: "Love is priceless, if you don't agree to it, you will go on a hunger strike and kill yourself."

"Okay, okay." A drop of cold sweat fell on Alice's head, and she suddenly communicated with her dog. Although Hua Ye was an interpreter in the middle, she still felt very strange, "So Xiaoqiu's wish is to find that dog. Samoyed?"


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