"Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai, is Grandpa Kappa really a shrinking turtle?"

The other loli nodded blankly: "It seems to be a turtle..."

"Shut up, both of you!" An angry voice sounded.

Ripples set off on the surface of the lake, revealing a bald head again.

It's just a lantern, there's nothing to be afraid of, it's just a sudden leg cramp just now... Believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

"My lord, I can't help you, but maybe you can sell yourself...to save yourself?"


Xiaoxiao night wind.

The stars are falling like rain.

Hua Ye and Miss Miko walked quietly on the path paved with bluestone slabs with two lolis. On both sides of the road were antique lanterns swaying in the evening wind, adding a bit of charm to the night.

After setting off the lanterns, Kang Na obviously wanted to continue her foraging journey, but Hua Ye, as the owner of the breeder, could only take on the task of feeding.

"Hey, so the classmate Hua Ye who abandoned us is dating someone else?" An elegant voice suddenly sounded, it was Gabriel and Rafael.

Shut up!

It's obvious that you were too excited to go shopping, so you forgot about me!

And it's just putting off lanterns, it has nothing to do with dating!

Satania pursed her mouth and said dissatisfiedly: "What, we thought you were lost, so we came back to find you."

You idiot have no right to speak of others!

If anyone ever gets lost, it must be you!

"Tch, I'm so sleepy, when will I go back to play games." Gabriel curled her lips.

Wei Nai and Liuhua didn't speak, but just stood beside them silently.

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye, even though you abandoned us, we still bought you a takoyaki." Raphael raised his hand and handed over the takoyaki.

Miss Miko narrowed her eyes slightly, and said calmly: "Mr. Hua, this crepe tastes good, try it."

Two voices sounded one after another.

Raphael and Miss Miko stood in front of Hua Ye, each holding a piece of food in their hands.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little delicate.

I always feel that if I don't handle it well, something bad will happen.


"I am full."

Hua Ye resolutely refused, took the food from the two of them casually, and handed it to the blue-eyed young dragon beside him.

However, at this moment, something worse happened.

Suddenly, two lolis rushed out from the corner, and they rushed directly in front of Hua Ye, crying in unison with tears in their eyes: "Master! We finally found you!"


The air was suddenly quiet.

The eyes of the pedestrians around all fell on the two lolis who suddenly appeared.

"Master, master?"

"Is it a story that the owner and the loli pet have to tell?"

"What a crime! You actually treat such a cute loli as a pet, you really should be sent to the gallows!"

"Hundan! Not only are there so many beautiful girls around me, but there are actually two top-quality lolitas as pets, you hateful girls, let's explode! Let's all explode!"

"Although Lolita is one of the most beautiful creatures in the world, but this little brother, starting in three years, the maximum death penalty."


The two lolis don't look very old, that is, they look about eleven or twelve years old. They are wearing small and cute maid outfits, and they have furry black cat ears on their heads. At this moment, they stand timidly hand in hand, with tears The appearance is simply heart-melting.

Amazingly, apart from a few minor differences, the two lolis look almost identical.

"Tsk, I didn't expect Hua Ye to have such a unique hobby." After being surprised, Rafael quickly came to his senses, and then said super bad words with a smile on his face.

Gabriel looked contemptuously: "Sure enough, it's hentai, it's even good for such a young child."

Satania: "Dreadful attendant!"

"That." Xiaoniao Youliuhua blinked, raised her hand and said, "I don't think a brave man is like that..."

Ah, I didn't expect you to support me unswervingly in the end?

It's decided, I will go back and continue for you for a second.

As a result, Xiaoniao Youliuhua didn't finish talking.

Just listen to the serious nonsense of this dumb-haired girl: "Because the brave man, like me, has been corroded by the dark force, as a price, I sealed the right eye, and the brave man lost the 'beep—'..."

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