Kaoru Ishihara took the key to open the door, bent down and took a few pairs of slippers from the shoe cabinet at the entrance, the lazy vixen/charming aura before disappeared, but at first glance she looked like a gentle wife.

"excuse me."

Everyone shouted and put on their slippers.

Tian Zhongnai's eyes were wide open, he was tired of Hua Ye's side and refused to leave. This night's novel and exciting experience made this bad girl very excited.

Of course, the most excited thing is not the person, but the Akita dog in Alice's hand. This dog probably smelled the scent of the lover in his dream, and now he was so excited that he was jumping up and down, barking non-stop.

"Stupid Xiaoqiu, please be quiet!"

Alice has calmed down. Although she drank the drugged drink, she was not taken advantage of by others, but she will never go to places like clubs in the future.

"Wang Wang."

Dogs barked from upstairs.

The door opened, and a white-haired Samoyed ran down the stairs, followed by a four or five-year-old little loli in a nightgown.

"Cuckoo, don't run so fast."

Little Lolita walked behind with short legs, panting.

"Hey, Mom?" Little Lolita quickly showed a surprised expression when she saw the woman in the room, and ran over to hug Ishihara Kaoru's calf, "Why did Mom come back so early today?"

Kaoru Ishihara reached out and touched her daughter's head, with a smile on her face, and said softly, "Because Mom has a few friends to visit."

Little Loli poked out half of her face from behind her mother's legs, and looked curiously at Hua Ye and the others with wide eyes, looking both timid and curious.

"Xiaoqian, you go back to your room to play first." Ishihara Kaoru said softly, obviously he didn't want his daughter to appear in front of Hua Ye, if he said or did something wrong, maybe even the child would be able to do it.

Tian Zhongnai suddenly said, "Oni-chan, look at that little girl's eyes and ears..."

Ishihara Kaoru's complexion changed slightly, and the little girl named Xiaoqian withdrew half of her small face and hid behind her mother.

"The eyes are beautiful." Lafite accepted the words with a smile, "The person is also very cute."

Tian Zhongnao also knew that he had said something wrong, stuck out the tip of his tongue, and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Thank you." Ishihara Kaoru looked gratefully.

The little loli who was hiding behind her also poked out half of her small face again, with a shallow pear dimple blooming on her small face.

Kaoru Ishihara raised his hand and touched his daughter's head: "Xiaoqian, take out the leash."

"Hey, what does Mom want the leash for?"

Kaoru Ishihara hesitated, "Because that sister wants to borrow cuckoo for a while."

She had no reason to refuse to hand over the Samoyed to Hua Ye and the others in order to smooth over what happened in the club.

Little Loli blinked, looked at Alice, then at the Samoyed at her feet, and suddenly realized, "No, mom, don't give away the cuckoo."

The little loli hugged the Samoyed's neck, tears rolled down one by one like broken pearls, "You guys are bad guys, don't grab my cuckoo!"

Alice raised her hand to cover her forehead. The reason why she came here in person was because she was worried that this kind of thing would happen. If she left it to the housekeeper Norika Fujiwara, she would definitely buy it home with money.

"It's not a robbery." The short bean patted the Akita dog's head, "It's Xiaoqiu who likes your cuckoo..."

"But Cuckoo doesn't like it at all."


Alice suddenly found a very serious problem. Xiaoqiu said it was love at first sight, but from the beginning it was singing a one-man show by itself, so she didn't know what kind of relationship Samoyed was, okay?

But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like she has feelings. Could it be that Xiao Qiu is actually... a real dog licking?

"Alice, untie Xiao Qiu's dog leash." Lafite said, "Let's see how the relationship between the two dogs is."

"Understood, Master Bai Yu."

Alice nodded, and untied the dog's leash. Anyway, Xiaoqiu was timid and afraid of getting into trouble, and never dared to bite anyone. Even if she really wanted to bite someone, with Hua Ye around, there would be no danger.

"Wang Wang Wang."

Xiao Qiu, who untied the dog leash, rushed towards the Samoyed like a wild horse, and the Samoyed was right next to the little Lolita, and directly regarded Xiao Qiu as a threat, and opened its mouth to bite.


Xiaoqiu tucked her tail, let out a scream of being beaten, and ran back to Alice in a hurry.


Alice's small face was slightly dark, and she couldn't help raising her hand to cover her forehead.

It didn't bite you at all, okay, what's wrong with such a shameful scream!You've lost all your face!

Lafite smiled and said, "Well, Xiao Qiu is a little timid."

"It's not small, it's super small, okay?" Tian Zhongnai complained, "I've never seen such a cowardly dog."

"Crying children have milk." Hua Ye remained expressionless. "This dog has been pampered since he was a child. He knows that as long as he barks, someone will get nervous about him. Now he has become a completely cowardly dog."

While speaking, Xiao Qiu tentatively stepped forward again, and Samoyed Cuckoo looked over vigilantly, making a pouncing gesture.

Ishihara Kaoru silently raised his vigilance, ready to subdue Cuckoo at all times, so as not to anger Hua Ye and put himself and his daughter in danger.

In the end, he was surprised to see the Akita dog lying on the ground, and then rolled over, revealing its belly.

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