"I, I won't go out." Feeling something strange on his thigh, even if he was as calm as Lafite, he was a little panicked at the moment, "You go out by yourself."

It's a pity that her hands and feet are weak at the moment, her whole body is limp, and she can't stand up at all.

Hua Ye looked down and said in a low voice, "Do you want to add two more buffs?"

"What buff?" Lafite couldn't help asking.

"A stamina buff, which guarantees your unlimited stamina." Hua Ye breathed hotly, and said in a low voice, "There is also a pain immunity buff, which guarantees that you will not be in pain... Shall we try it?"


That idiot Satania might not understand the use of these two buffs, but Lafite naturally understood it as soon as she heard it.

The red cloud on his face began to billow and burn, like lava in a crater, and he could feel the amazing heat through the air.

Hua Ye thought that this black-bellied girl would refuse, but he heard Lafite whisper, "...does it really not hurt?"

"Well, I promise it won't hurt."

"Wait, wait a minute." The black-bellied girl held Hua Ye's arm, her eyes were misty, like a lake in autumn and winter, and the winter fog was thick, and she said pitifully, "I can't do it now... at least I have to wait until I see my parents." Row."

In some settings, angels are genderless existences, born from the reincarnation pool, have no gender at all, and naturally have no parents, but every world is different—angels in this world are advanced lives and independent souls, So there are parents and relatives.

Hua Ye's voice was low: "See your parents..."

"What?" Lafite puffed up his pink cheeks, opened his eyes wide and looked fiercely, "You've already slapped other people's cabbage, isn't it a matter of course to pay a visit to my parents?"

Hua Ye said, "Not yet."

Lafite's cheeks are even more bulging, like a blown puffer fish, "I've already taken a bath in a bathtub, so it's clearly on the way to arch?"

So don't always pretend to be a Chinese cabbage, you are at most a small cabbage, okay?

"You have to meet your parents for that kind of thing. Angels are not ordinary people. Without their parents' consent, once they are caught, the consequences will be very serious, right?"

Hua Ye said calmly, "No one dares to arrest you."

"Anyway, that kind of thing can't be done, but..." Lafite's pretty face was red like fire, and it was obviously hotter, she turned her face away, and said softly in an inaudible voice, "But it's not impossible to help you... ..."

The right hand resting on the edge of the bathtub was retracted, and she silently plunged into the water, holding an indescribable boa constrictor nervously.


Quiet in the bathroom.

Only the ticking sound of water droplets falling on the ground sounded intermittently.

The foam on the surface of the bathtub was shaking gently.

"Okay, are you ready?"

An extremely nervous and embarrassing voice sounded in a low voice. Lafite looked at the wall, biting his pink lips with his white teeth, and the blush on his face has not dissipated since the beginning.

Hua Ye replied: "No."

"It's been so long, isn't it good?"

"That's why I said to add a stamina buff to you." Hua Ye said, "One day and one night, let's find out."

The black-bellied girl suddenly became unhappy: "Could it be that you are already with someone else..."

"No." Hua Ye shook his head, "I can control any part of my body for as long as I want."


Hua Ye opened the door and walked out of the bathroom, and saw Alice sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, her little face flushed.

At this moment, he turned his head and made eye contact with Hua Ye for a moment, and immediately turned his face away like an electric shock.

Hua Ye took the towel and sat next to the little bean to wipe his hair.

Smelling the familiar aroma of shampoo and shower gel, Alice was so nervous that her palms sweated, and her heart kept beating like a little rabbit was locked up.

(Uh, it took thirty minutes to come out...)

(What the hell did Shiraha-sama do with this big facial paralysis in the bathroom?

(I didn't deliberately calculate the time, I just noticed it accidentally!)

(Anyway, no matter how long it takes, it has nothing to do with me?

"Why are you nervous?" Hua Ye turned to look at Alice.

Alice was startled and almost didn't jump up, "Who, who is nervous? I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

(There is no sound of opening the door... Lord Baiyu has not come out yet.)

(Could it be that that kind of thing is so terrible that Lord Bai Yu doesn't even have the strength to walk out?)

(No, no, it must be Lord Bai Yu who is shy and embarrassed...)

Hua Ye withdrew his gaze and said expressionlessly, "Your face is still covered with cake crumbs, and the milk is already cold."

Alice hurriedly raised her hand to wipe her face, then took a sip of the milk on the table, "Nah, I like to drink cold milk, okay?"

The milk was already cold, and this short bean swallowed a big mouthful, and couldn't help but wanted to spit it out, but choked himself for a while, and spit out half of it with a 'poof'.


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