Hua Ye was speechless, "Didn't you eat dinner?"

"I've eaten." Liuhua raised her hand and replied, wrinkled her face and said bitterly, "Xiaojia made curry rice, but it was so unpalatable that I couldn't even eat it. I'm so hungry now."

The lazy way of curry is to stew curry powder and ingredients in a pot. It is normal that it is not delicious, but it will not be too bad to swallow anyway.

"Forgot to look at the fire." Gabriel turned her face away, and said with vacant eyes, "It's blurred."

Liuhua nodded: "It's all the kotatsu's fault. If the kotatsu hadn't sealed us, Xiaojia and I wouldn't have fallen asleep."


Hua Ye stood up silently, and brought over the iron pot for making octopus balls.

"Hey, the brave man is going to make octopus balls?" Liuhua's eyes lit up suddenly.


"I want to eat."


In addition to buying takoyaki on the street, you can also make takoyaki at home. In Osaka, the birthplace of takoyaki, basically every household has tools for making takoyaki. In your spare time, you can ask a few friends to make takoyaki by yourself. Very interesting thing.

While making takoyaki, Hua Ye looked at Liuhua: "I haven't said anything about the hands yet."

"This one, it's the dark warrior..."

"Be honest."

"Oh." Liuhua lay on the kotatsu and muttered, "Because I have to apply for a passport, I go back to the apartment to pick up things in the afternoon, the room hasn't been cleaned for a long time, and those exorcism trophies are dusty, when I clean , I accidentally cut my hand..."

The middle school girl said pitifully, "If you don't go to the hospital, say it."

"You don't need to go to the hospital." Hua Ye disliked it. It was a small wound, so there was no need to make a fuss. "Just put a band-aid on it."

Liuhua stretched out two fingers, and tapped gently on the chest: "That, that... the band-aid needs to be disinfected before it is put on."


"I'm running out of medical alcohol." Liuhua blinked, and the dumb hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side, "So the brave man disinfected me with shiny body fluid?"

Hua Ye said with a blank expression, "Let Xiaojia disinfect it for you."

This industrious immortal cultivator, Gabriel, is an angel after all, and its saliva has a weak power of holy light. In theory, if you hold your finger in your mouth for a long enough time, you don't even need to put a band-aid on it, and the wound will be healed immediately!

"Tch." Gabriel tapped on the keyboard, disgusted, "Shut yourself, don't bother me."

Saying it like this, if you really want to hug Liuhua's fingers, you will definitely not be indifferent!

"Oni no Heihachi was a woodcarver in his later years, and accidentally broke his finger and died." Liuhua said pitifully, "It's terrible."

The Japanese habit of giving names to celebrities has existed since ancient times, and it is becoming more and more intense today. For example, a certain Qing Dynasty court drama recently imported from China is called "The Concubine of the Forbidden City Burning Counterattack"!

Oni no Heihachi is Honda Tadakatsu in the Warring States period, known as "the strongest general in the Warring States period", "Oni no Heihachi", "Japan's Zhang Fei", unofficial history said that he was a woodcarver in his later years, and accidentally cut his finger and died , but some people think that he died of illness in depression because he was not reused in his later years.

Of course, this is not important, what is important is that this "Zhang Fei of Japan" is only 140cm tall according to historical data and his armor handed down, and Gabriel's height is still 144cm!This crippled angel can travel back to the past, and it can completely counterattack Oni no Heihachi!

Hua Ye was a little curious. If this [-] meter "Zhang Fei of Japan" accidentally dropped his weapon and was pinned down by the enemy with one hand on his head, he couldn't reach him with both fists. The scene must be extremely embarrassing! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Hua Ye said, "Open your mouth."

Liuhua nodded: "Ah——"

"Don't look at me, hold your own fingers in your mouth."


"Huh, it smells so good." Liuhua looked over eagerly, "Brave man, I want to eat the first octopus ball."

Are you a child, no one is interested in robbing you for this first time!

"Okay." Hua Ye said, "Eat by yourself."

Liuhua picked up a bamboo skewer, forked a small octopus ball, blew on it, and then ate it in one bite, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


The phone vibrated.

Liuhua picked up the phone and took a look, "Hey, sister...wrong, Holy Healer?"

Chapter 1348 Ten Flowers and Surprises

Liuhua reached out and clicked the 'Connect' button, and Xiaoniaoyou Shihua suddenly appeared on the other end of the phone screen. It was late at night in the island country, and it was still daytime on the Italian side.

"Sister... swollen, what's wrong?"

Shihua raised her eyebrows: "What are you doing?"

"I'm eating the brave man..." Liuhua raised her hand and patted her chest, showing an expression of 'almost dead', then spit out the tip of her pink tongue and panted lightly, saying vaguely, "It's too, too big, can't you keep your mouth shut?" live……"


Ten flowers and willows raised their eyebrows, and a cold air surged quietly.

"I want to spit it out and eat slowly...the brave insists that I swallow it all..."

Shihua said, "Spit it out next time."

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