"No, no."

"Is that safety pants?"

The glasses girl still blushed and shook her head: "No."

Neither this nor that, where on earth did you get the courage to lift up your skirt!

The skirt is lifted.

Hua Ye finally saw the scenery under the skirt of the glasses girl

a pair of pants.

It's neither pantyhose nor safety pants, but a whole pair of sports pants with the legs rolled up!

Pit father ah!Only skirts are allowed in the school rules!What a pair of safety pants! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"That... the weather is very cold." The glasses girl said weakly, "I won't freeze my legs when I wear it this way when I go out in the morning..."

Chapter 1351 Liuhua Limited Edition Scissorhands

Hua Ye left the school and walked towards the apartment.

Halfway through the walk, the phone suddenly vibrated.

He took it out and saw that it was a message from tax evader Lafite.

"Oh, I fell down, I need to kiss to get up."

Hua Ye's poker face: "No."

"You are losing your little cutie. The countdown is ten seconds, ten, nine, eight... If you don't kiss again, you will be picked up by someone."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and silently sent an emoji of a kiss on the cheek.

"After kissing the left side, there is still the right side."


"After kissing on the right side, there is still the forehead."


Undoubtedly, this black-bellied girl has read the messy stuff from somewhere, and started to tease/teach people secretly again!Tuning/teaching refers to the process of shaping a person into what you want by various means, not necessarily only candles and whips.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "No need, I'm already here."


Turning around a street corner, Hua Ye saw a silver-haired girl playing with her mobile phone across the road. It was already winter and the weather was getting colder. This dark-bellied girl was wearing black pantyhose and the school's uniform pale The blue thick school uniform skirt, the upper body is a white winter coat, and a red towel is wrapped around the neck. It seems to be a beautiful landscape, and many passers-by can't help but secretly look at it.

"Mr. Facial Paralysis."

Sensing Hua Ye's gaze, the dark-bellied girl put away her phone, with a charming smile on her face that could clear away the clouds and mist in a gloomy winter day.

Hua Ye walked up to Lafite, and before he could say anything, the black-bellied girl embraced her arms, "Satania and Liuhua are at the ramen shop in front."

Hua Ye said, "Eat ramen?"

Girls generally don't go into a ramen shop alone, it's the same as being embarrassed to buy sweet potatoes. Of course, this customary code of conduct is invalid for Satania and Liuhua.

"Well, that ramen restaurant is holding an event called 'North Pole Ramen Challenge. to compete."

Liuhua and Satania have similar temperaments, and they have the best relationship. They even chop their hands together, but the props bought by Liuhua are all fake special items. Although the props bought by Satania are real, they are always It is to entrap yourself.

Lafite said, "Boyfriend, do you want to participate?"


Hua Ye refused without hesitation.

Participating in the competition is either for fame or profit, or to challenge oneself and seek a breakthrough. Unfortunately, these things are not attractive to Hua Ye, so naturally he will not participate.

Hua Ye looked at Lafite, but before he could speak, the black-bellied girl said, "I can't eat spicy food, I'll cry when it's spicy."

It's fake to cry hot, but it's true that it's embarrassing to eat ramen noodles!

This ramen shop obviously just opened not long ago. The purpose of holding this event is to promote and gather popularity. At least for now, the effect is quite good.

When Huaye and Lafite walked into the store, they saw Satania and Liuhua at a glance. There was no way, the participants in the North Pole Ramen Competition were mainly men, and Satania and Liuhua were particularly conspicuous among them.

"Huhu~~It's so spicy." Liuhua opened her small mouth, half of the North Pole ramen in front of her was not finished, but her forehead was already dripping with sweat. Seeing Hua Ye at this moment, her eyes lit up and said, "The Brave Brave, the noodles are so spicy."

Nonsense, the noodles brought out for competitions, in pursuit of word-of-mouth and popularity, must strive for perfection, it's no wonder it's not spicy!

Liuhua stuck out the tip of her tongue, and muttered, "Phew... my tongue is numb."

Pay attention to your image in public!Sticking out your tongue is better than drinking water!Take a look at Satania beside you, she is calm and composed, the North Pole ramen is just like ordinary ramen to her!

Lafite sat beside Liuhua, took a paper towel to help wipe off his sweat, and then ordered: "Student Hua Ye, go and buy some bottles of milk."


"Go." The black-bellied girl waved her hand, ordering Hua Ye openly, "Drinking milk can effectively relieve the pain, I will use it later."


Hua Ye turned around and went out, went to a nearby convenience store to buy a few bottles of milk and came back.

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