Sitting next to Hua Ye, he twitched his lips.

This is the so-called "go out and talk, the news is all made up", it is obvious that this stupid little devil speaks without thinking, but when you come to you, he becomes frank and innocent!

The female reporter changed the subject: "May I ask you to eat so much Arctic ramen, don't you think it's spicy? If you eat too much spicy all at once, your body won't be able to stand it. Although the bonus is good, you have to do what you can."

"Not spicy." Satania shook her head.

The female reporter was taken aback, "Student Satania can eat spicy food?"

It’s not very edible, but very edible. This idiot is a taste idiot. The number of taste buds on the tongue is less than that of ordinary people. What kind of feeling is it to feel spicy?

Silly Meow said solemnly: "Only by suffering and suffering can one become a master."

"That's how it is." The female reporter was in awe, "Is it through persistent and unremitting hard work that you have honed your current endurance?"

I'm sorry, it's innate, but exercise the day after tomorrow can make people love spicy food, it's just a fool.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Satania was puzzled, "I eat bitter candy."


A row of black lines clearly appeared on the top of this young female reporter's head. If you want to say that Satania deliberately added to the confusion, the innocent expression on her face and the clean and clear eyes are not offensive at all, so she can only say: "Okay." Alright, the last question, how does Satania feel about this ramen competition?"

"What do you think..." Satania showed a small canine tooth, and her smile was extraordinarily bright, "Ramen is delicious. (〃'▽'〃)"

Looking at the female reporter who hurriedly turned and left, Satania blinked and asked doubtfully, "Did I say something wrong?"

"No." Lafite shook his fingers, "Answers that are the same are far from being as good as answering what you think."

"I think so too."

"Sata meow, ramen ramen."

"Ah, the game is not over yet, don't talk to me, I want to catch up."


In the end, Satania managed to win the championship with four full bowls of North Pole Ramen.

Walking out of the ramen restaurant, the sky was already dark, and twilight shrouded the earth.

The evening wind is cold.

The setting sun is like blood.

"I invite you to eat pineapples/buns." Satisfied, Satania pinched her waist with one hand, and walked towards the nearby supermarket with an unrecognizable pace.

Hua Ye's poker face: "I'm going back."

"No, I just drank the attendant's milk and haven't..."

Halfway through the speech, the idiot suddenly fell silent, pursed his lips, frowned and covered his stomach.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Lafite realized something was wrong, "Satania, are you okay?"

"Stomach pain..." The idiot's face quickly turned pale, "Okay, it hurts..."

"Student Hua Ye, come and see what happened to Satania." Lafite turned his head and said.

"There's no need to go there." Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "She ate too much and she was exhausted."


I ate four bowls of ramen at once, of course I will last!

"But eating too much will only make you bloated?" Liuhua rubbed her stomach and said doubtfully, "I haven't had any pain."

"The taste idiot is just that the tongue can't taste spicy." Hua Ye said, "But chili will damage the gastric mucosa. If you eat too much this time, of course you will have a stomachache."

"Then what should I do?" Liuhua was nervous, "Sata can't even walk."

Hua Ye sighed, and walked up to Satania, "Would you like to rub it for you?"

This stupid little devil has always been full of energy, and he only shows aggrieved expressions when he is robbed of pineapples/bags. This is the first time he has seen his sick and weak appearance. He looks pitiful, weak and helpless.

"Yes." Satania said pitifully, "The hand job of an attendant is the most comfortable."

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and looked at the repeater Lafite behind Satania, "You're going to get fucked like this."

"Student Hua Ye, quickly rub it for me." Lafite urged, "Didn't you see that Satania is so painful that she can't speak?"

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand, lifted the hem of the skirt, and quickly touched Satania's stomach.

Soft and moist, smooth as silk.

Probably due to regular exercise, it is more firm and delicate than other girls, and it feels super good in the hand.

When Hua Ye brushed his finger over his belly button, the little red-haired devil trembled even more, and a large blush appeared on his face.


Lafite took out his mobile phone to take pictures in quick succession, "Now we have His Highness Satania's emoticon pack."

Chapter 1353 Of course you need to use milk to replenish the magic...

"Okay, okay, it doesn't hurt anymore..."

Satania's eyes drifted, and she blushed and whispered.

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