The essence of human beings is the essence of pigeons, repeaters, and the law of true fragrance. Only when there is no one else can the true self and nature be liberated. The characters in those 18X movies are just actors. Whether it is expressions or actions, they all have obvious acting Traces, the scene in front of you is the real revealing of your nature.

"Hey, don't go too far, kid." Seeing that Hua Ye didn't respond, Jing Keai raised her eyebrows and raised her hand to make another hand knife.

It's a pity that Hua Ye grabbed the palm before he fell down.

Jing Keai was a little flustered, feeling that the plot was getting off track, so she raised her hand and pressed the horn.

The loud trumpet sounded in the night sky, and the passionate wild mandarin ducks outside the window suddenly woke up. The woman let out a low cry, and hurriedly raised her hand to cover her chest, her face flushed like blood, and the two fled.


Jing Keai breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was the well-informed old Si Ji, after all, she had only seen it but never done it. Suddenly seeing someone making out at such a close distance made her body feel hot.

There was silence in the car.

There is a strange atmosphere quietly spreading.

Jing Keai rubbed her legs slightly, bit her pink lips and said, "McDull is getting more and more uneasy now, I guess I won't be able to buy holy water tomorrow, so..."

Hua Ye turned his head to look: "So what?"


Jing's cute eyes stared at Hua Ye in embarrassment, what else do you think?

Of course it's cheap for you guy!

No matter if it is bitten by a shikigami or by you, it is very bad, but the image of a shikigami is similar to that of a ghost. I don't know if it will suddenly go crazy when biting. If it suddenly loses control, I have no way to resist, right?

There is no way, after much deliberation, I can only make this guy cheaper once.

Hold on.

Don't panic.

I've never eaten pork, but I've always seen pigs run away, isn't that the only thing, now even many junior high school students have been to love hotels, right?

Jing Keai took a deep breath, suppressed her nervousness, looked at the hazy moonlight outside the window, and said in a serious voice, "Only you and I know what happened today, and absolutely don't tell the third person, otherwise neither of us will be able to go again. It's school!"

What the hell?

Just discussing how to quit breastfeeding, why can't I go to school!

"You... come on." Jing Keai raised her chin, revealing her slender, fair and graceful neck, which made people inexplicably reminiscent of a swan trying to kill her.

Hua Ye recalled what Lafite said, and casually retorted: "There is only one time and countless times, there is no such thing as only one time."


"How many more times do you want to do it?" Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her chest, gritted her teeth in embarrassment, and said, "Do you have to wait until someone finds out, and then die socially to be comfortable!"

It's just to make up for a demon, why do you talk about social death again, you must have misunderstood something!

"Hurry up." Jing Keai bit her pink lips, stretched out her hand to hook the shoulder straps of the skirt, revealing a touch of white and round shoulders, and said decisively, "Quick battle, only this time, there is absolutely no chance of a second time!"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, don't think that taking off his clothes will help you breastfeed!The saliva refers to the saliva of Xiaojia and Lafite, not her!

"It's not good." Hua Ye shook his head and said.

"Huh?" A row of black lines fell on the top of Jing Keai's head, and she almost had the intention of killing someone.

You actually said bad things to me?

Is it okay for a person to date so many girlfriends?

In front of other people, sticking your hands into Igarashi's fat pussy and messing around, wouldn't it be fine?

He's obviously a pervert student, but now he's still pushing back and forth. It shouldn't be those keyboard warriors who are flamboyant on the Internet and become soft after they face reality!

Jing Keai gritted her silver teeth, pulled down the shoulder straps of the skirt, revealing the pink bra inside, the deep snow-white gully was particularly dazzling, and then said in a tone of reprimanding a cowardly student: "Stop talking nonsense, and drink your coffee when you're done." go."


Enough of you, why did it suddenly become a story in a book where a female teacher rapes a weak male student!

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand silently.

Jing Keai closed her eyes and became nervous again.

(Crazy, really crazy!)

(I must be crazy to do such a thing.)

(I thought that at the age when I was calm, I would look down on everything, but I didn't expect to do such a crazy thing.)

(I can’t say I like it, I can only say I don’t hate it. It’s too late to talk about love now. It’s good to find someone who doesn’t hate me...)

Jing Kei was doing psychological construction silently, but nothing bad happened, only a flat voice rang in her ears.

"All right."

"What's the matter?" Jing Keai opened her eyes, and saw Hua Ye holding a small bat-shaped air ball in her hand, which was her Shikigami McDull.

"What did you do?" Jing Keai asked in surprise, "It feels like..."

Hua Ye casually tossed this shikigami to Jing Keai, "I've already mended it."


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