Hua Ye bought a bunch of candied haws.

"There are also apple candies, taiyaki..." Hinata said, pointing his fingers, "Remember to bring gifts for Linna and Xiao Ai, my sister doesn't like to let us eat things on the side of the road, so everyone is looking forward to Brother Xiaoye's arrival playing."

Not expecting me, but expecting snacks!

"Well, it's so sour..." Hinata bit a hawthorn, his face wrinkled slightly, and he muttered, "Brother Xiaoye, try eating one."

Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

"Just one, let's taste what it tastes like." Hinata said, "Brother Xiaoye must be embarrassed to buy candied haws by himself, right?"

It's a pity that I haven't felt the shame corresponding to "sorry" so far. If necessary, even if I take off my clothes and run naked in the street, I will never frown.

"By the way, there is also the Shuixinxuan cake that my sister likes to eat..." Hinata led the way and taught Hua Ye his experience as a primary school student. It's very sad."

"At times like this, brother Xiaoye must take responsibility for his own faults and take on the heavy responsibility of making my sister happy." Hyuga pouted, "My sister is unhappy, the whole house is like a low air pressure, and no one dares to speak out speak."

"Also, if my sister says something outrageous on impulse, Brother Xiaoye must know that these words are not from the heart..."

Hua Ye said, "What did you say?"

"For example, 'you go, we have no destiny, let's forget about each other in the world'." Hinata said, "Brother Xiaoye must be ashamed at this time, if he really obeys and leaves, it will be bad."

Hua Ye said: "If your sister has made up her mind..."

"There is no such thing as a decision." Hinata's cheeks puffed up, "It's just a wrong choice made on impulse."

The filthy loli raised her small face and said with tears in her eyes, "Brother Xiaoye is going to abandon me and sister?"

Hua Ye looked down: "No."

"That's good." Hinata breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to pass on his experience as a book artist, "There is nothing in the world that cannot be solved with a forced kiss. If it doesn't work, then do it again."

"Anyway, brother Xiaoye must hang on, you've already seen me all, so you have to be responsible!"

Chapter 1357 Nothing Can't Be Solved With A Forced Kiss

Walking into the shrine, Hua Ye found a group of little carrot heads neatly standing behind the door.

Two rabbit maids in maid outfits, the demon sword girl holding a bamboo sword, and even the cat-eared girl who likes to sleep late during the day all stood obediently.

"Master Xiaoye."

"Finally it's meow."

Seeing Hua Ye, a group of little radishheads surrounded him as if seeing a savior.

Mao Mao Er Niang jumped onto Hua Ye's arm, swinging it like a hand pendant: "If we don't come here, we will all be depressed, meow."


Hua Ye turned his head to look at the dirty loli.

Hinata reached out to poke Hua Ye's waist, and said like a sharp-mouthed little beast, "It's all brother Xiao Ye's fault. My sister is so sullen and unhappy every day. We dare not even speak loudly, for fear of making my sister angry."

It's probably like adults quarrelling, and children are very scared. I really hope that neighbors will visit at this time to break the atmosphere.

"Go down."

Hua Ye put the cat-eared girl on the ground, and then distributed the snacks such as taiyaki and apple candy that he bought just now. Facts have proved that the world of little loli is very simple. Sorrows left behind.

Yao Dao Ji stood beside her with her arms folded, and said, "It's just a snack of a few hundred yen, and you're so happy, aren't you all idiots?"

Hua Ye looked at the girl who turned around with a special secret method.

"Look at what?"

Yaodao Ji tensed her body, and looked at Hua Ye vigilantly. The humiliation of being caught and spanked that day was still fresh in Xianza's memory, and she never forgot!

If others dared to look at her with such disrespectful eyes, the bamboo sword in their hands would have already been cut off. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do anything in front of Hua Ye. In her few memories, she has never met Hua Ye before. Such a powerful onmyoji, but the body can be cowardly, but the mouth cannot be cowardly, as long as one's mouth is not cowardly, it is not considered a complete defeat!

Hua Ye didn't speak, but turned his head to look at the corner of the courtyard. The lady in the red and white priestess costume stood there quietly, looking over.

The laughter and laughter just now disappeared, as if someone had pressed the mute button while watching TV, and a group of little radish heads closed their mouths in unison.

"Brother Xiaoye, I'll leave it to you." Hinata pushed Huaye from behind, "Just use the method I taught you, and hurry up to get my sister. If this continues, I will go to you."

Hua Ye responded, and walked towards Miss Miko.

Miss Miko bit her pink lips silently, and said softly, "Mr. Hua, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon." His eyes fell on Miss Miko's finger, Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, "Have you been practicing archery for the past few days?"

Miss Miko said: "Of course you have to practice hard..."

"But you have to relax." Hua Ye stretched out his hand and said, "You have practiced, and you will cause hidden injuries to your body. Give me your hand."


Miss Miko bit her lower lip without reaching out, "We still..."

"then what?"

Hua Ye grabbed Miss Miko's right hand and dragged her to the backyard, "I'll give you a massage first."

Turning around and going to the backyard, Hua Ye pinched Miss Miko's arm and started massage therapy.

The atmosphere fell silent for a while.

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