
time flies.

Hua Ye let go of Miss Miko, who was almost out of breath, "Do it again?"

"No, no more." Miss Miko shook her head hastily.

I was already dizzy once, and I almost couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north. If I do it again, I don't know how embarrassing things will be done.

Hua Ye looked down, "Then are you still digging into a dead end?"

Miss Miko puffed up her cheeks, and when she saw Hua Ye raised her eyebrows, she hurriedly begged for mercy, "Just don't drill."

For a long time, Qianye Liuli didn't know how Hua Ye felt about her. She had never given a gift, dated, or even acted too outrageously. What kind of trouble is the action!

Now that Hua Ye forced her to kiss her once, Qianye Liuli looked away. Kissing someone she doesn't like is definitely a disgusting thing. She is sure that Hua Ye will never kiss someone she doesn't like.

After panting for a while, Miss Miko quickly found a group of little radish heads hiding in the corner, their pretty faces flushed even more, and she hurriedly raised her hands to cover her face.

The face of the head of the family is lost in this way, and he will no longer have dignity in front of these little radish heads!

"You sit first." Miss Miko hurriedly got up, her hands and feet were still a little weak, "I'll go make a cup of tea."

When Miss Miko left, Hinata immediately jumped out and said with a smile, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, brother-in-law."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "It's not brother-in-law."

"Hmph, after doing such a thing, do you think you can escape?" The filthy loli pinched her waist with one hand, raised her chin, and said proudly, "In my sister's dictionary, there are no breakups, only widows."

Standing still and letting your sister swing a hatchet, there is no way to hurt a vellus hair!

"I want to eat potato chips, drink Coke, and a game console, and a princess dress." Hinata's eyes were bent into crescent moons, "Brother Xiaoye, let's please your sister-in-law as much as you want!"

Please your uncle!Believe it or not, break the seal and give you a 'pickup hand', which will make you severely dehydrated and unable to get out of bed for a week!

"Okay, as long as your sister nods." Hua Ye said.

"You actually brought out my sister as a shield." Hinata puffed up her cheeks, "Brother Xiaoye has gone bad."

The filthy loli giggled, "But brother Xiao Ye who has turned bad is more attractive. To deal with a very traditional conservative girl like my sister, you should fight hard. After the raw rice is cooked, you should go to the toilet and eat it." There's nothing wrong with that..."


The cold shout sounded from behind every word.

Hinata shivered, and resolutely lay down on the sofa with her head in her arms, "Sister, I was wrong!"

"My lord." Maoer Niang asked curiously, "What does it feel like to kiss meow?"

Miss Miko blushed, pretending to be calm and said, "I don't feel anything."

"We want to try meow." The cat-eared lady raised her hand and looked at Hua Ye with wide eyes, "Dear—"

"Don't even think about it."

Hua Ye was expressionless, and pushed the cat-eared girl away from his body. He is not a lolicon, so how could he kiss a carrot head like you that weighs less than [-] catties!

"Hua Jun." Miss Miko raised her hand and pinned a strand of hair behind her ear, and she has regained her composure, at least on the surface, "The little demon's aura has been getting weaker and weaker recently, I gave her spiritual energy, but it didn't work .”

"Her body is made of special materials. Your aura level is not enough, so you can't replenish it." Hua Ye explained the reason casually.

Miss Miko said: "What will happen to the little demon in the future?"

"When the remaining power in her body is exhausted, she will become a primary school student with no power to restrain the chicken." Hua Ye said casually, "But the body can't grow up, and can't get pregnant, so I can only maintain this appearance for the rest of my life. .”

Ling Na opened her eyes wide: "So it's a vampire meow?"

Hua Ye said, "Vampires are not as weak as she is."


Yaodao Ji gritted her silver teeth, feeling extremely unwilling. She can be said to be an independent personality now, especially after learning to surf the Internet, she is fascinated by this novel world, and she doesn't want to dissipate at all, but if she becomes even A weak primary school student who can't even kill a chicken is no different from death to her who was once a powerful monster. The small fist beat the opponent's chest feebly. It would be better to die in such a scene.

"Brother Xiaoye, can you help Xiaoyao?" Hinata moved closer to Hua Ye's side and acted like a spoiled child.

This sentence made Yaodao Ji wake up suddenly. That's right, since this hateful Onmyoji can keep himself alive, he must be able to replenish the magic power in his body.

Thinking of this, Yaodao Ji couldn't help but look at Hua Ye, but the word for help came to her lips, and she couldn't say it after turning around twice.

Doesn't asking for help mean that you bow your head and admit defeat?

Even if he is not this man's opponent, his head must be raised high, and he will never bow to anyone!

Miss Miko glanced at Yaodao Ji, smiled and said, "Mr. Hua, is there a way?"

"It's enough to replenish the magic." Hua Ye stretched out an index finger, "Hold it."

"You actually let me suck your finger?!" Yaodao Ji opened her eyes wide.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "Otherwise, what do you want to hold?"


Demon Sword Fairy was speechless.

It is normal for mana to have physical contact.

During the recent replenishment, I even saw a super bad, disgusting way of replenishing magic with white liquid. In comparison, containing fingers is completely within the acceptable range.

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