"Elder sister eats too." A loli held a radish in both hands, as if holding a treasure, and offered it to Wei Nai.

The other loli followed suit and also took out a carrot, looking at Hua Ye timidly, but dared not speak no matter what.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, Wei Nai had already taken the carrot, handed it to Hua Ye, and said with a slight pleading voice, "At least it's their kindness."

Seeing Hua Ye took it, the two lolis were relieved, then hesitated, and then took out the remaining carrots and distributed them to Gabriel and the others next to them.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't speak, just took it silently.

After Hua Ye took a bite, the two lolis narrowed their eyes and began to eat with excitement.

Wei Nai asked from the side: "Which of you is the older sister and who is the younger sister?"

"Xiao Ai is my sister!" Lori on the left raised her little hand.

The other loli puffed up her cheeks: "Hey, you're so angry! Xiao Ai is only a little earlier than me!"

"Xiao Xia is also very good." Wei Nai reached out and touched the heads of the two lolis.


After eating the radish, Wei Nai looked at Gabriel and Rafael, and said, "Xiao Jia, Lafei, take care of Xiao Ai and Xiao Xia, I'll go prepare supper."

On the other side, while Wei Nai was preparing the dishes, Miss Miko pulled Hua Ye aside.

"Hua Jun, are they monsters?"

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

Miss Miko chuckled, and said in a rare and playful way: "It seems that they have recognized you as their master, why don't you take them back and keep them as pets?"

Chapter 132 My loli can't be this dirty!

"...Then, should Mr. Hua take them home to warm the bed?" Miss Miko looked at her delicately.

warm bed?

Summer is about to enter, and at that time, sleeping alone will feel hot, what kind of loli do you want to warm the bed!

"No." Hua Ye resolutely refused.

The corners of Miss Miko's lips turned up slightly, forming a beautiful arc, as if she was quite satisfied with Hua Ye's answer.

A gust of evening wind blew, and a few strands of hair were blown up by the wind. Miss Miko raised a hand and pulled a strand of black strands behind her ears. Half of her cheeks facing the moonlight were white and flawless, as if creamy, and said softly: "They probably met Is there any threat, that's why I'm so afraid to seek asylum... What do you think of Hua Jun? If you want to take care of them, I will take care of them temporarily, if you don't want to, I also have a way to arrange them."

Hua Ye turned his head and looked at him standing in the living room holding hands, his eyes were timid, as if two lolis waiting for the final judgment, their eyes fluctuated slightly, and finally said: "Take a chance and ask them what they are Let’s make a decision.”

Miss Miko nodded lightly, with the corners of her lips raised: "Although Mr. Hua doesn't like to talk, he is indeed a gentle person."


Supper is the leftovers from dinner, and it only needs to be heated briefly, so the tempting aroma will waft over after a while.

The two lolis didn't dare to enter the kitchen without permission, they just stood at the kitchen door holding hands, looking at Wei Nai eagerly, sniffing their little noses from time to time, they looked very much like pets waiting to be fed by their owners.

"Don't worry, just wait for a while." Wei Nai pursed her lips and smiled.


The two lolis nodded in unison, with exactly the same frequency of movement.

The more it looks, the more it looks like a pet waiting to be fed by its owner...

After a while, the supper was ready, and Wei Nai brought the food: "Go wash your hands first, let's eat something simple now, and go to the buffet at noon tomorrow."

As soon as the words fell, Wei Nai felt her sleeves tighten.

Looking back, he saw the blue-eyed young dragon standing behind him, with a slight wave of light flickering in his big sky-blue eyes.

"Does Kangna want to eat too?"

"I want to eat." The blue-eyed young dragon nodded.

Obviously, the word "full" does not exist in Kang Na's dictionary.

"Then you take Xiao Ai and Xiao Xia to wash your hands, and I'll get you chopsticks," Wei Nai said.

After washing her hands, Kang Na picked up the bowl with ease, and began to quietly eat the food in front of her.

The two lolis imitated the example, picked up the chopsticks very clumsily, carefully put some food into their mouths, and after chewing lightly, the eyes of the two lolis suddenly widened, and there was even a hazy mist rising.

"Eh? What's the matter with you?" Wei Nai was puzzled, "Is it not to your taste?"

"Because, because..." Xiao Xia sobbed.

"Because it's so delicious!" Xiao Ai replied.

"Xiaoxia and I always thought carrots and Chinese cabbage were the best..."

"But the food made by my sister is ten times more delicious!"

"As long as you like it." Wei Nai couldn't laugh or cry.

In other words, there is no comparison between the cooked dishes and carrots and Chinese cabbage...

The two loli wiped their eyes, clenched their small fists and put them on their chests, their faces full of admiration.

"Sister is amazing!"

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