Gabriel clenched her silver teeth: "I want to hit someone."

Not only did he take his own blood, but now he actually jumps over the tower to forcefully kill him, that facial paralysis is too much!

"It's exploded down the road."

"It's impossible to play at all."

"The opponent's support is a great god, wait to surrender."

Gabriel's shooter teammate is typing in the spring water.

I think about surrendering after only a few minutes of playing. It doesn’t matter if my teammates have no fighting spirit at all. I will do the output by myself.

This useless angel opened the chat window, switched to the everyone mode, and said murderously: "Come over to the river to die."


Gabriel's teammates typed a series of ellipsis one after another, expressing their speechless feelings for this support teammate with the lowest equipment level. Both the enemy and us use the same hero, and it is indeed easy for people to compare. The problem is the opponent's current equipment. The level is a lot ahead, the river is singled out, you are not enough to kill both of them!

Hua Ye silently manipulated the character into the river.


"'My family has a dead angel' has been terminated!"

Chapter 1365

Looking at the termination announcement on the screen, Gabriel's passer-by teammates looked at a loss.

This is... winning?

The camera cuts to the past, and the teammates are even more confused. They are two levels behind their own support. Not only did they win the opponent, but they didn't even lose a drop of blood?

After counting, it must be that the god on the other side dropped the line.

"Tch, how dare you kill me twice in a row, treating me like I was made of dough."

Looking at the fresh red and blue double buffs and bounties on her body, Gabriel immediately felt her waist no longer hurt and her legs no longer hurt, so she clicked back to buy equipment.

That facial paralysis actually uses the couple skin with others, and even ranks on the opposite side to snipe himself, absolutely unbearable!Must blow his head off!

"Well, the next step should be to help the advantage path and continue to expand the advantage..."

The useless angel opened the panel, took a look at Hua Ye's outfit, decided to learn it, left his cowardly shooter, and walked up the road humming.

"Don't be cowardly, go up and fuck him." Gabriel gave a signal to attack.

When the top laner on her side saw Gabriel with double buffs, he was shocked and launched an attack, and then the hero controlled by Hua Ye walked out of the grass.

The small-scale team battle ended quickly.

The top laners on both sides were killed at the same time, leaving only Jia Baili running away with a trace of blood, and Hua Ye, who had half of his blood left, followed leisurely behind.

"Very good, with the assist, you can buy equipment."

Hua Ye's passer-by teammate excitedly clicked on the equipment bar, and was about to wait for the [-] yuan assist to buy the equipment he wanted, but the kill notification sound did not sound for a long time.

Passers-by teammates turned everything on the screen, and were shocked to see that the bloody enemy support stood in place and returned to the city, while his own thigh turned a blind eye and disappeared into the wild.

"???" The passer-by knocked on a series of question marks, "Boss, are you disconnected?"

Hua Ye said, "No."

"Boss, why don't you kill her? I'm only short of an assist money."

Nonsense, you only need a flat A to capture this useless angel, yes, the problem is that if you kill her, you have to go to the middle road to give away her head!

"Brother Xiaoye." Hinata looked over with puffed cheeks, "E-sports doesn't need to be released, and Xiaojia will definitely be angry if you release the water like this?"

You think too much, that useless angel doesn't pay attention to competitive spirit!In addition to this competitive game, there are many online games that can be strengthened by charging money. He even said that krypton gold is not for becoming stronger, which would be meaningless!

"Woo meow!" Mao Er Niang was flustered, "Someone caught us meow!"

Hua Ye said, "Take two steps to the left to avoid the skills."

"Understood meow."

The cat-eared girl immediately stood up and took two steps to the left.


Your uncle!It is for you to control your game character to take two steps, not for you to stand up and walk!

"Ahh! I'm going to die, meow!"

Take your hands off the keyboard, give up resistance, you are waiting to die!

Fortunately, Hua Ye appeared in time and successfully defeated the opponent's mid laner.

"Woo meow." Mao Er Niang patted her chest, "I was saved, meow, I almost died, meow."

The competitive level of this cat-eared girl is appalling, and her operation and awareness are not as good as Gabriel's. No wonder Hinata refuses to play with her, because it's a real pitfall.

"Warm your bed at night, meow." The cat-eared lady looked over with bright eyes.

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "No need."

"Idiot." Hinata said bitterly, "Lina will sleep with me at night."

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