After a moment of silence, Wei Nai glanced at Hua Ye, then looked away, and said softly, "Student Hua Ye, please turn down the volume of the TV set."

Hua Ye nodded, picked up the remote control at hand, and lowered the volume.

The air is quiet again.

The atmosphere also became subtle.

Hua Ye felt that he should say something, so he looked at a loli in front of him and asked, "You seem to be very afraid of me?"

"T-I'm not afraid of what the master will say." The loli trembled for a moment, almost crying.

That's enough, you're so frightened that you stutter!

It's okay not to mention this, but when the word "stuttering" is mentioned, Xiao Xia's face suddenly showed a look of shame and indignation: "Woo, Xiao Xia is, it's not stuttering!"

The other loli next to her looked tearfully: "Master, master, don't you want us?"

Hua Ye's face turned black with anger.

Why do you have to talk about whether I want you or not in just three sentences?

How can I pick this up!

"Well, Xiao Xia sneaked out to play alone when she was a child, but was spoiled by a learning parrot." Luoli Xiaoai explained timidly.

"And then?" Wei Nai asked curiously.

This loli puffed up her cheeks, with a grain of rice on her mouth, and said angrily: "That parrot is a stutterer! Xiaoai played with it for a long time, but finally learned how to stutter. From then on, as long as you meet When it comes to things that are too tense, Xiao Ai will stutter!"

"Is that so?" Wei Nai pursed her lips, looked at Hua Ye with disgust in her eyes, "You must have been scared."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, got up silently and walked out.

When I got outside the courtyard, I could see the stars, the bright silver moon, and the moonlight shining like water, shining for thousands of miles.

At this moment, a low exclamation suddenly came along the night wind.

Hua Ye followed the prestige.

Where is... the direction of the backyard hot spring?

(PS: Open the interface in a habitual place, and suddenly saw the huge reward from the big guy 'Old Dirty Link', I was so scared that my hands were shaking... Oh my god! A salty fish like me is actually rewarded by the big guy !

To be honest, the first thought after the shock was not surprise, but trepidation and shame. After all, this book has many shortcomings. I really don’t think I am better than others, so I can get such a big reward...

I don't know what to say, anyway, thanks again to 'Old Dirty Link' for the reward!

It's a pity that there is no moon outside the window, only dim lights.

But allow me to say it again.

The moon is so beautiful.

I love you.

Chapter 133 Look at Oupai, choose prey

"Ahahaha——" The iconic smirk floated along the night wind, full of complacency, "You tricked Gabriel! I didn't notice that I was actually tricked by the nest step by step right?"


The air was silent.

Only the evening wind whimpers and rolls by.

Satania, who was waiting for Gabriel to "turn pale with fright", finally got only a caring look that "there is no fluctuation in my heart".

"Hey, what kind of hateful expression do you have!" Satania shouted angrily.

Hmm... the expression of caring for the mentally retarded?

Gabriel yawned impatiently, "What are you doing this time?"

"Heh heh heh, of course I want you to see the majesty of my great demon!" Satania said proudly with her hands on her hips, "I'm fully prepared to defeat you this time!"

Rafael covered his mouth with his hand, with a happy smile on his face: "Hey, it really is His Royal Highness Satania's style, I'm looking forward to it."

As he spoke, he gave a thumbs-up thumbs-up, tilted his head and said cutely: "Xiao Jia, don't you think His Royal Highness Satania's expression just now is simply amazing?"

"I don't think so at all. No matter how you look at it, you are an idiot."

"Hey, what are you two muttering about!" Satania waved her fist, "Listen to me carefully with an expression of reverence!"

"Huh?" Gabriel raised her eyebrows and looked over lazily.

How could it be possible to speak to you in a reverent tone!

You are naked, standing on the big rock next to the hot spring, with your hands on your hips, and the gesture of waving your arms and talking is super shameful!

Are you imitating the Statue of Liberty in the famous painting "Liberty Leading the People"!

The tragic and heroic epic instantly unfolded!

My apologies to the author whose name I don't know!

"Gabriel, you should admit defeat as soon as possible!" Satania took out a diamond-shaped crystal from her pocket, and there was an amber liquid in it gently rippling, and from time to time it would condense into a face with fuzzy facial features.

Then the red-haired idiot covered his face with his right hand, and the small canine teeth at the corners of his mouth gleamed in the moonlight. After he settled his posture, he called out in a super embarrassing tone: "Come out, my servant! Live in the dark abyss, walk on the Warcraft in the valley of terror..."

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