"Student Hua Ye, how long will it be?" Hoshino Xia bit her lower lip, her face flushed red, and misty mist welled up in her eyes.

"It hasn't been cleaned yet, just rub it a few more times." Hua Ye paused, and then said, "Don't worry, just rub it and you won't get in."


Hoshino Xia almost ran away, she just rubbed her thigh, where else do you want to rub her in!

Simply weighing the pros and cons, Hoshino Xia quickly made a decision: "I, I believe in Hua Ye..."

"Hey, why are you being so gentle with this monster with big breasts?" Igarashi was super upset, "She was the one asking for help, but she dared to doubt you. If I said that when I hesitated just now, I should have slapped her on the ass." .”

"This big-breasted monster is clearly shaking M. Maybe the more you bully her, the more excited she will be."

"You're talking nonsense, I..."


There was a loud applause.

Igarashi raised his right hand, "No wonder this fat pervert always likes to spank me. It turns out that spanking feels pretty good..."

Chapter 1378 The thigh is the correct part to write orthographic

"Igarashi love!"

Hoshino Xia turned her head and looked, the little rabbit on her chest was jumping up and down, "Don't go too far!"

"What's wrong with beating you?" Igarashi crossed his arms, "Treating the enemy should burn everything like a fire. If you didn't take a picture of your butt, you should secretly be grateful."

"Also." Taking advantage of the rare opportunity that Hoshino Xia couldn't resist, Igarashi slapped him again, feeling extremely happy, "Legs are so thick, it's time to lose weight."

"Where is it thick?" Hoshino Xia couldn't help but retort, girls are particularly concerned about their body shape, this is absolutely unbearable, "I'm just plump!"

"Fat people like to say they are plump."

"It's better than your skinny ribs with no meat!"

"What did you say?"

"Sparse Ribs, I'm talking about you!"

"Very well, accept the punishment."

Hoshino Xia tightened her body, ready to be slapped again, but saw Igarashi turned and walked to the table, took something, turned and walked back.

"You, what did you take?" Hoshino Xia suddenly became nervous.

Igarashi said, "Guess what."

"Classmate Hua Ye?" Hoshino Xia's pitiful voice sounded, "What did she take?"

Hua Ye said, "A marker pen."

"Hey, a marker..."

There was a sudden coolness on the thigh, and a certain cold object was swimming under the buttocks, one stroke, two strokes, three strokes...

A straight character jumped on the leg.

That's right, Japan also uses the orthographic counting method, but this word appears on the blackboard is very serious, but when it appears on a girl's lap, it is full of bad connotations!

"Very good, write another one." Igarashi was so excited that he picked up a pen and started writing.

"It's enough!"

Hoshino Xia was ashamed and angry, but it's a pity that her legs and feet were weak at the moment, and she didn't even have the strength to resist, and soon there were some prohibited words such as "I can't afford to be provoked" on her thighs, which often appear in notebooks and ri/fan words.

"Okay." Hua Ye withdrew his right hand, "No problem."


Hoshino Xia suddenly pushed the chair away and stood up straight. The little rabbit on her chest trembled three times, and black mist surged behind her. She gritted her teeth and said, "You really went too far this time!"

At least four or five orthographic characters were written on the thigh just now, and things like markers are hard to wash off!

"You can write it back if you have the ability." Igarashi is not afraid at all, this poor-breasted star is full of ambition, "Anyway, I feel good."

After finishing speaking, I realized that this sentence was ambiguous, and hurriedly corrected it: "Anyway, I had a good time writing today."

Hoshino Xia gritted her teeth, suddenly turned her gaze, looked at Hua Ye, and said in a cute loli voice, "Student Hua Ye, you must have spent a lot of energy just now, right?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

(Hey, it should be said that there is something like this at a time like this!)

"Anyway, I still want to thank classmate Hua Ye. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know what to do now." Hoshino Xia raised her face, "I can't repay you for your kindness..."

"So in the next life, I will be a cow and a horse to repay people?" Igarashi said disgustedly, "I just want to fool you with a verbal thank you. If I knew it, I shouldn't have saved you in the first place."

Two lovely dimples appeared on Hoshino Xia's face: "So let me repay classmate Hua Ye with my body."

This big-breasted loli has no morals: "There are so many straight characters on the legs, each stroke is counted as one, and I will never go back on my word."

As he spoke, he glanced at Igarashi who gritted his teeth: "Although the experience is not as rich as someone else's, it is definitely more comfortable than a certain poor-breasted pork ribs."

Igarashi gritted his teeth: "Who do you say is the ribs!"

"What?" Xing Yexia crossed her arms, making the little rabbit want to speak out, "That is to say, you admit that you have a lot of experience in that area?"

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