Not one of the subjects that Gabriel hates to see the most.

No way, since this crippled angel embarked on the path of no return to cultivating immortality, staying up late, eating irregularly, sitting for a long time without exercising has become commonplace, and his physical fitness has declined again and again. In the first half of the day, the combat power has dropped to the lowest 0.1 goose.

"Physical education or something, it's super annoying." In the locker room, the useless angel squinted his eyes and murmured, "It would be great if the physical education teacher suddenly had an accident, such as a sprained foot."

A row of black lines fell on Wei Nai's head, and she couldn't help complaining: "Don't curse the teacher just to skip class, and apologize to those teachers who stick to their posts no matter the wind or rain!"

"I'm an angel, and I don't have the ability to curse others." Gabriel turned her head to look at Wei Nai, suddenly her expression became serious, "Vinai, I have something very important to tell you."

Swimming lessons have long since ended, and winter physical education lessons are usually held in the school's gymnasium. For example, today's lesson is women's basketball. At this moment, all the melon-eating girls in the locker room have left, leaving only Wei Nai and Gabriel.

"Say, what are you talking about?" Wei Nai couldn't help becoming nervous.

"That, I..."

Gabriel bit her pink lips, a slight blush appeared on her face, she rarely showed a shy and hesitant expression, and she tapped her two fingers on her chest like Liuhua.

(Hey, what is Xiaojia going to say?)

(Could it not be those strange words yesterday!)

"That..." Gabriel whispered, "I'm hungry."


"Phew—" Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief, and it was fine that he didn't say anything strange, "If you're hungry, you can go to the vending machine to buy a bottle of milk, or wait until lunch."

"Vina should have something to eat, right?" Gabriel said.

"Huh?" Wei Nai shook her head, "I don't eat snacks."

Gabriel said, "Because it's beautiful and delicious?"


Wei Nai slightly twitched the corner of her mouth, suppressed the desire to complain, and said with a straight face, "Xiaojia, are you messing around?"

Having been with Hua Ye for so long, Wei Nai has also learned Hua Ye's mantra.

"No." Gabriel shook her head, "Hurry up and change your clothes."

After a while.


Wei Nai couldn't bear it anymore, "Xiao Jia! Don't stare at me when I'm changing clothes, it's weird, okay!"

"What does it matter." Gabriel waved her hand, "They're all girls."

Suguha is still a girl, but she's already with another girl!

The crippled angel hugged his chest with one hand and held his chin with the other hand, and said solemnly: "Today, I found out for the first time that Wei Naijiang has a very good figure."

"What's wrong? It's obviously very ordinary." Wei Nai was speechless, "If you have a good figure, it should be Lafite or Satania."

"Poke poke-"

Then there was a low cry of embarrassment and panic.


Wei Nai hurriedly backed away, leaning her back against the wall of the dressing room, raised her right hand to cover her chest, and said with a pretty face, "Xiao Jia! Don't touch me suddenly!"

"I'm studying the mechanism of the devil's stress reflex." Gabriel said solemnly, "The collection of materials is an essential and important part of research."

"Your interest is obviously to sleep with games, when did it become a strange research!"

Shy and angry, Wei Nai bit her lower lip and said, "If you do strange things again, I will, I will..."

"Just what?" Gabriel said pitifully, "If there is anyone in the world who won't hurt me, it must be Wei Nai-chan."

"Even if you say so..."

Wei Nai bit her pink lips, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the sly light flashing from the corner of Gabriel's eyes, and couldn't help but put on a pretty face.


The sound of the right hand falling on the wall sounded.

"Hey, Wei Nai? What are you doing?"

Accidentally being pushed into a corner by a wall, it was Gabriel's turn to panic.

Wei Nai snorted: "I am also very interested in studying the stress reflex mechanism of angels."


Their eyes met, both blushed a little, and the temperature in the air seemed to be rising rapidly.

It's a pity that there is no lily route here, otherwise it is really possible to embark on a pink road of no return!


The door of the dressing room was suddenly pushed open, and a little red-haired devil rushed in.

"My armguard... eh?"

Satania opened her eyes wide and looked at Vinai and Gabriel, who were leaning against the wall, flushed and very close, with a 0v0 shocked look on their faces.

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