"To put it bluntly, I am interested in Fatty!" Igarashi crossed his arms and said in disgust, "You perverted Fatty, don't come near me in the future."

Hua Ye glanced at Igarashi, and there was no wavering in his heart: "Is there no need for breast augmentation tomorrow?"

Igarashi: "..."

Hit the soft spot and kill with one hit.

The two walked out of the school gate and came to the remote corner where Hoshino Xia parked.

"Xiaoye sama." The car window was rolled down halfway, revealing a cute loli face, Hoshino Xia waved, "Hurry up and get in the car."

Igarashi sat next to Hua Ye, and complained, "Everyone calls me master, are you a maid in a maid cafe?"

"What's wrong with the maid?" Hoshino Xia used her skills to tilt her head, "I'm only Hua Ye's maid."


Look at each other.

An invisible shred of sparks quickly exploded in the air.

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone and browsed the news without hesitation. The two of them were bastards and mung beans, and they liked to bicker when they met. This level of noise could not affect him.

"Call someone else's master casually, it really is a two-legged female beast in estrus."

"I'm happy to call you master, and it's okay to call me husband." Hoshino Xia countered, "As for a guy whose development level can't even match that of a primary school student, I guess he can't even experience the feeling of heat."

Igarashi was furious, clenched his fist and hit Hua Ye's thigh: "Who do you say is inferior to a primary school student? Have the guts to say it again!"

Hua Ye was speechless, you can hit me if you want, what kind of trouble is it to throw it on my leg!

"If someone insists on matching the number, I can't help it." A pleasant smell of milk rushed into her nose, Hoshino Xia raised her palm-sized loli face, and rubbed against Hua Ye's arm like a cat , "Anyway, Hua Ye, who is wise and powerful, will distinguish right from wrong and help me to speak fairly."

You think too much, you always do things by helping your relatives and not helping your relatives, and you don't care what justice is!

"Go away, don't rub him." Igarashi was extra protective in front of his old enemy.

"Student Hua Ye is sitting in the middle, at least half of it belongs to me, why can't you rub it?"


Igarashi's forehead was twitching, and he got into Hua Ye's arms like a fish, and sat on Hua Ye's lap in a side-sitting position, "Now the whole person belongs to me!"

"Tch." Hoshino Xia puffed up her cheeks, "Sit on classmate Hua Ye's lap, will you hurt me?"


Igarashi looked up at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye remained silent.

This point cannot be denied at all, the weight of this poor-breasted star is less than ninety catties, it is flat, short, and very thin. When I first started to encourage her, the ribs under the chest would break my hand from time to time!

"Yes, damn it!"

After getting along for so long, of course Igarashi knew that Hua Ye's reticence was acquiescing, so he was so angry that he almost exploded.

Sitting in your arms swallowing my anger, you actually dislike me for being too skinny?

It is tolerable or unbearable! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Feeling that Igarashi on his leg was about to turn into a volcano that would explode when touched, Hua Ye had no choice but to squint his eyes and said, "It feels pretty good."


Igarashi calmed down a little, but was still very unhappy.

A girl like yourself sits in your arms and twists and turns, but you don't react at all?

I think you are not giving me face!

Although Liu Xiahui was calm, but there was no sex, it didn't mean there was no reaction, the person who didn't move at all was actually an eunuch!

So Igarashi started his death-defying journey, bickering with Hoshino Xia, while twisting his body quietly in Hua Ye's arms, although his movements were extremely green and clumsy, he still managed to attract the attention of the space-based rail gun.

Feeling something strange on his buttocks, Igarashi's body froze slightly.

(Hmph, sure enough, you're still in heat, right?)

(I heard that physically healthy boys are hard when touched, and it took so long for him to react. Could it be... Kidney deficiency?)

(Kidney deficiency at a young age, how many times have you done it with others behind my back?

This star with poor breasts planned to be honest after being provoked successfully, but now he 'deduced' the symptoms and causes of Hua Ye's kidney deficiency, and immediately became unhappy, puffing his cheeks and preparing to punish him.

In the end, she slipped accidentally and happened to be in the right position. If she wasn't still wearing clothes, she would have opened the door to a new world by now!


An uncontrollable coquettish vibrato blurted out, turning the whole carriage into pink instantly. Igarashi's face flushed, and she hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth. The electric shock spreading from the friction part made her unable to maintain her sitting posture. Everyone fell limp in Hua Ye's arms.

"You, you...?" Hoshino Xia was stunned, his eyes slipped from the flushed Igarashi's face, and fell on Hua Ye's lap involuntarily, and he was shocked immediately.

"You two give me a little more!"

"To actually sit in my car and do that kind of thing in front of my face... It's no longer obscene, but a perverted Q-crazy!"

"It's delicious."

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