"Then what do you do?"

"I asked people to take the couple away. They can't kill people here. The impact is too bad."


The two gestured to each other with their eyes, and followed Hua Ye closely, in case Hua Ye suddenly ran away. Then they saw Hua Ye go straight to a box and knocked on the door.

The door of the room opened quickly, and a middle-aged man appeared behind the door, wondering: "I don't want to serve... eh? Who are you?"

Igarashi took a step forward and said coldly, "If you don't want to die, get out of the way."

The middle-aged man was a little suspicious for a while, although he didn't know which side Igarashi was, but the domineering and domineering aura couldn't be faked.

Thinking of this, the man bent down slightly, and his tone became respectful: "May I ask what's the matter?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Igarashi snorted, already labeling this bald middle-aged man as 'must die' in his heart, so naturally he wouldn't waste his saliva with a dead man, "Get out of the way."

The middle-aged man was taken by the momentum, subconsciously stepped aside.

Hua Ye pushed the door open and walked into the private room.

Igarashi hugged Hua Ye's arm and followed closely behind.

Walking into the box, Igarashi quickly caught everyone's eyes. A female office worker wearing a small suit and a hip skirt, who seemed to be in her thirties, was sitting on the sofa with her eyes closed, His face was flushed, obviously something was wrong, but there was no one else besides that.

"Just looking for this woman?" Igarashi and Hoshino Xia glanced at each other, "This woman...is a wife, right? She still wears a wedding ring on her finger!"

"Could it be that this fat pervert has gone so far that he won't even let a wife go?"

Hua Ye walked up to the woman, stretched out his hand and said, "Auntie..."

Before he finished speaking, a black anti-wolf electric shock device suddenly poked over.

With a calm face, Hua Ye grabbed the opponent's wrist and said, "Auntie, it's me."

The woman struggled for a while, opened her eyes wide, and her eyes were a little blurred: "...Xiaoye?"


"Wait a minute." Igarashi realized that he might have misunderstood something, reached out and tugged at the corner of Hua Ye's clothes, "Who is she?"

Hua Ye said, "The monitor's mother."

"Squad leader... Machiko, right?"

In Igarashi's mind, the figure of a black, long, straight and beautiful girl appeared. She had a name and a surname, but in class, most girls liked to use the title of 'squad leader' instead of their name. It seemed that she was a professional class leader.

That's right, when the elevator closed just now, the familiar figure Hua Ye saw was the class monitor's mother, Hashimoto Qingyin.

It can be said that Hashimoto Qingyin's appearance here is necessary for work, but something is wrong with her flushed face. Hua Ye paused for a while at the door of the box just now to confirm the situation in the box through his voice.

Obviously, the situation of the monitor's mother is not good.

His face was flushed, his breathing was short of breath, and his forehead was sweating. He had obviously drunk something he shouldn't have.

"Little Ye..."

Hashimoto Qingyin's pink lips parted slightly, her eyes blurred, her right hand involuntarily landed on Hua Ye's waist, and then...

Chapter 1388

Then Igarashi couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hey, you should push her away quickly!" The star with small breasts was jealous and said like a little beast, "You don't want to use your body to help detoxify like in martial arts dramas, do you? "

Detoxify your sister, she obviously drank something like 'sleepy black tea' or 'obedient water', these things can only confuse the mind for a short time, and it is nonsense to explode and die without mating Is the plot good?Take off your clothes and throw them in cold water, and you will be refreshed instantly!

"No need to interpret."

Hua Ye raised his right hand, and then...


A hand knife hit Hashimoto Qingyin's head.

Machiko's mother let out a soft cry of 'Oops' and put her hands on the top of her head, looking unexpectedly cute and cute.


Under Hua Ye's "wake-up call", Hashimoto Qingyin's blurred eyes quickly returned to their former calm and indifference.

"it's me."

Hashimoto Qingyin looked around, quickly figured out what was going on, pursed her lips slightly, and then pulled her hand out of Huaye's pocket with a calm expression.

"It's really a headache to encounter such a thing by accident..."

The voice was calm, like catkins flying in the spring, and it seemed that they didn't pay attention to what happened just now. The calmness and indifference made Igarashi and Hoshino Natsu look sideways.

"That..." The middle-aged man was sweating on his forehead, and said with a dry smile, "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Not everyone can be shameless enough to fight back. Most people will feel guilty and flustered when encountering such a thing, and subconsciously choose to escape.

"Bang bang."

There was a knock on the door.

Hoshino Xia turned around and opened the door of the private room. Three female bodyguards in suits appeared outside the door, bowed and said: "Miss, please order."

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