Hua Ye nodded silently: "You guessed it right."


If you think that Machiko's mother looks gentle and intellectual, and her wife attributes are MAX, then you think she is easy to bully, then you are very wrong!

She is not like some pathetic girls, who will turn black and become sickly after encountering threats. She can freely control this form of sickly, and switch at will!

After the electric shock continued for half a minute, Hashimoto Qingyin turned off the electric shock device until the middle-aged man had tears and snot running down his face.

Igarashi and Hoshino Xia quietly breathed a sigh of relief: "Is the punishment over?"

Although the two of them could easily crush each other in terms of strength, for some reason, they felt a little flustered.

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and said, "Obviously it's not over yet."

Chapter 1389 Reserve Girlfriend

"Xiaoye, help me get the bag."

Hashimoto Qingyin said lightly, if the black electric shock device in his hand didn't make a 'sizzling' sound, he would have thought it was calling Hua Ye to sit down for dinner.


Hua Ye responded, and picked up the lady's bag from the sofa.

The bag had already been opened, Hua Ye casually glanced at it, and was immediately speechless.

"Hey, the things inside are too weird." Igarashi opened his eyes wide and couldn't help complaining, "Sure enough, the cuts of the powder are all black. This sentence is absolutely true."

In the bags of ordinary girls, there are usually cosmetics, keys, small mirrors, towels, small snacks and other things, but in Hashimoto Qingyin’s bags, in addition to the above items, you can also see utility knives and small scissors. Even the existence of hemostatic spray!

He is obviously an editor of a publishing house, a serious office worker, why would he carry so many dangerous items with him!

Your true identity is actually a special spy, right? Once you receive an order from your superiors and take off your high heels, you can become an ace agent and assassinate any target!

"It's kind of scary." Hoshino Xia stuck out the tip of her pink tongue and said in a low voice, "It's so delicate and scary."


Hua Ye felt that these things might be prepared for himself.

Fortunately, the squad leader knew about his mother's delicate nature one step ahead, otherwise, when he heard the news of "I want them all", he would probably give up on himself and be so wronged that he secretly wiped his tears. At that time, Hashimoto Qingyin might be able to do it for her own daughter. A person comes to visit, and then do such a terrible thing!

"Thank you Xiaoye."

Hashimoto Qingyin took the bag and took out a utility knife and scissors from it. The middle-aged man who fell on the ground was already convulsed by the electric shock. Seeing this scene, he trembled again, his voice was trembling, and he stuttered. Baba shouted: "No, don't kill me! I'm going to call the police!"

"You, a criminal, still want to seek justice from the police." Igarashi snorted, and said with disgust in his eyes, "Are you still shameless?"

Hoshino Xia tilted her head, and said in a cute tone: "This kind of middle-aged man whose head is full of white/turbid liquid, don't talk about face when he is in heat, he even forgets his name."

When dealing with this kind of person, Igarashi and Hoshino Natsu have exactly the same position - the scum must die, and it is not worthy of sympathy at all.

In order to satisfy those few minutes of disgusting animal desires and cast a dark shadow on another person that cannot be erased for a lifetime, shooting is not an exaggeration.

If you have the ability to flirt with girls and step on multiple boats at the same time, at most you will be called a scumbag, but if you are drugged, you will probably take photos and videos afterwards to threaten women, which is outright rape Guilty.

"I, I just touched Editor Hashimoto, and didn't do anything else!" The middle-aged man panicked and said incoherently, "You have no right to lynch! I want to call the police! I want to surrender!"

After meeting Hashimoto Qingyin's dark, emotionless eyes, the middle-aged man suddenly felt that only the police station could guarantee his safety.

"Hey, big tiger." Hashimoto Qingyin asked softly in a calm and flat tone, "Which hand touched me just now?"


It was obviously a flat tone, but it fell into his ears, but it made the middle-aged man's hair stand on end, and he was sweating profusely.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" The middle-aged man begged helplessly, "I will never dare again! Please forgive me!"

"Hey, won't you answer?" Hashimoto Qingyin squatted down, "Then put both hands together..."

Hey, what are you talking about like a mafia boss!Are you still planning to chop off with both hands? The utility knife in your hand can't do that!

"I..." There was a trembling in fear, and an angry and suppressed roar suddenly sounded, "I will fight you!"

The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and the rabbit bites in a hurry. This middle-aged man is obviously ready to learn how to bite a rabbit. Unfortunately, Hua Ye is standing next to him. The moment he is about to pounce on someone, he has already raised his right foot and stepped on it.

"Thank you Xiaoye." Hashimoto Qingyin still had a calm expression on her face. The middle-aged man was shocked for half a minute just now. Even if Hua Ye didn't help, she would not be thrown down. At most, she was a little embarrassed. That's all.

"You guys go out first?" Hashimoto Qingyin raised her hand and rolled up the hair beside her ear, "The next thing will be a bit inappropriate."

Hey, don't think that the two of them are short loli, they are legal adult loli, okay!We were still discussing the issue of breastfeeding just now!

"it is good."

Hua Ye nodded, exerted a little force on his feet, knocked the middle-aged man unconscious, and walked out of the box.

From the squad leader's point of view, he and Qingyin Hashimoto can be regarded as a 'family'. It's only natural to help relatives or not. As for the life and death of the middle-aged man... just an ant, it doesn't matter at all.

Get out of the box.

The door was closed, completely blocking the sound from inside.


Hoshino Xia raised her hand and patted her chest, the rabbit on her chest was jumping around, "It's the first time I've seen Bingjiao in real life, it's so scary."

"Like a mother, like a daughter." Igarashi looked at Hua Ye and said with disgust, "I won't be surprised that you will be cut off by your squad leader someday."

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