"You, what are you doing?"

"Lie down and you'll know."

Alice raised her right hand to block her chest, preferring to die rather than submit: "I won't..."

It's a pity that he was handsome for only three seconds before Hua Ye caught him and put him on his lap.


A crisp slap sounded.

The scorching pain spread on her buttocks, Alice was extremely aggrieved in an instant, mist rose in her eyes in the blink of an eye, "You, you actually hit me..."

What happened to you?

On your birthday, you were bound with a tortoise shell!I haven't taught you a good lesson, you've already gone to the house!

Hua Ye's poker face: "Don't cry."

Seeing Hua Ye being so ruthless, Alice felt even more aggrieved, and the golden beans were about to fall.

"If you dare to cry, I will take off your fat times."


Alice hurriedly raised her hand to cover her little butt, and held back her tears in an instant, her face flushed and she shouted, "Big/pervert! I hate you the most!"

Let me tell you, the last person with a stubborn mouth is already dehydrated now!

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye reached out and landed on the little butt of the short bean. It was clearly a flat-chested and short-legged turnip head, but the little butt was surprisingly upright.

Feeling the movement of Hua Ye's right hand, Alice panicked immediately. She deeply knew that Hua Ye's lower limit and integrity were unfathomable.

"I, I was wrong!" The little bean hurriedly begged for mercy.

Hua Ye said, "Where did you go wrong?"

Alice felt aggrieved and said, "I won't call you an unscrupulous face paralyzed from now on, and I won't complain about you as a perverted lolicon in my heart. Even if you are a playboy and a scumbag, I will greet you with a smile... ..."

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye lifted up the short skirt, "Sure enough, let's take off Fatty."


Chapter 1392 Many Kidneys, Willful

"I'm gonna start now."

After the customary pre-dinner announcement, the dinner officially began.

The TV was not turned off, and a street interview program was playing at the moment.

"May I ask if the elevator is out of control and falling down quickly, how should I perform correct self-rescue?"

"I know this." Satania's eyes lit up, with a grain of rice still stuck to the corner of her mouth, "It's very simple."

"Hey, what should I do?" Liuhua looked over curiously, the hairs on the top of her head bristling, "I don't know."

"Hmph." Satania raised her chin and said triumphantly, "Just jump up hard when the elevator falls to the bottom."


Liuhua exclaimed, and little stars appeared in her eyes: "His Highness Satania is so powerful, she can think of such a way."

Lafite gave a thumbs up, smiling happily, "That's right, I didn't even think of this method."

"Hmph." Satania pinched her waist with one hand, "Gabriel, I won this game."

"Huh?" Gabriel was eating fried shrimp, and looked up at Satania, "What did you just say?"

"Hey, don't ignore what others say!"

"Sorry, I have selective deafness." The useless angel continued to eat, and said weakly, "Most of what you say goes in the left ear and out the right ear, so I don't know what you're talking about."

"Deafness means you can't hear!" Satania complained, "You can hear clearly!"

"Tch..." Gabriel said with squinted eyes, "When you stand up for a long jump on the tram, will you jump further than usual?"

"Eh?" Satania looked up at the sky, pondered for a moment, and said decisively, "It should be."

Gabriel said, "I'll talk after doing the experiment."

"Is it not?" Satania was dubious, and turned to look at the twin-tailed short bean, "Alice, do you think it will be?"

This short bean was a lot more honest now because he was almost stripped off. Hearing this, he glared at Hua Ye, and said, "No."

"Why not?" Liuhua also had a cute face, "With help, I should be able to jump farther."

Alice opened her mouth and threw the blame at Hua Ye: "You are asking about the big facial paralysis."

"Brave, what do you think?" Liuhua looked forward to coming.

If you think about it with your toes, you know it’s wrong!The simplest example is that the earth rotates all the time, and the rotation speed is very fast. According to the two of you, when you jump up, the earth should turn far away under your feet, and you don’t need to work hard at all. All kinds of transfer trips, just jump into the air and wait for the earth to rotate!

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Watch TV by yourself."

After some interviews, the host on TV announced the answer: "Jumping is useless. The correct way is to bend your knees slightly, stand on tiptoe with your heels, lean your back against the elevator, open your hands, and . . . pray silently to God."

Pray to your sister, God will not pay attention to you ants. Instead of praying to him, you might as well pray to Wei Nai. A little angel with a god-level protective body and holy light will never leave him alone!

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