Alice glared at Hua Ye with hatred: "Xiao Jia has worked hard."

No wonder Xiaojia feels weak every day, and always looks like he can't cheer up, because he is so tossed every night that he can't sleep!

"Liuhua knows." Gabriel raised her hand to cover her forehead, "I will go back to sleep every night!"

"Eh?" Liuhua raised her small face, with a grain of rice sticking to the corner of her mouth, and blinked her eyes cutely, "After the brave man healed my demons at night, I'll go back to my bedroom to sleep..."

"You don't even let Liuhua go?" Alice was shocked, "If you use that kind of thing to replenish the magic of Liuhua, you won't be afraid of exhaustion!"

"Ah, I forgot."

"If this big facial paralysis is afraid, he won't dare to say that I want them all!"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "It's eye drops."

"The brave also made me drink white liquid." Liuhua continued, "Sometimes my stomach is full, and I have to drink it all..."

"Where's my cell phone?" Alice murmured, "Uncle Policeman, this is the person."

"Sometimes I still don't believe it, and I have to open my mouth to check after drinking..."

Check your sister!You puffed up your cheeks and didn't speak, everyone knows that you didn't swallow it at all!

"Is it milk?" Satania said cheerfully, "I also drink a glass of milk before going to bed. Sleeping with my stomach warm is very comfortable."

A row of black lines fell above Alice's head, and she always felt that this sentence had a strange ambiguity.

"Shihua told Liuhua to drink milk every day." Hua Ye said with a poker face, "Because drinking milk to supplement calcium can grow taller."

Liuhua was a little disappointed, "But after drinking milk for a long time, my height hasn't changed at all, it must be a lie."

Alice is very concerned. She also has the habit of drinking two glasses of milk a day, and even skipping rope to eat papaya secretly. However, not only her height, but also her milk volume have not changed at all, as if God has opened her eyes to her. Not long body' joke.

"Don't be discouraged. Persistence is victory." Satania held her chest up. "Recently, my chest feels tight. Lafite said that the rabbit has grown up..."

You grew up not because you drank milk, but because you were often teased by that black-bellied girl!

"The periodic table of elements also says that calcium can promote bone development."

"Speaking of the periodic table of elements, I recently saw the periodic table of elements in China on Twitter." Satania looked up at the sky, shivering, and said in fear, "It feels like a terrible spell."

Liuhua said seriously: "That's right, it's black magic that summons evil creatures."

Japan's periodic table of elements is quite rich in content. It is not simply elements plus sequences, but made into small squares. Each grid is equipped with pictures. What are the common applications in daily life? Is it solid, gaseous, or liquid? Wait, it's quite lively and much more interesting than memorizing blindly by rote. Even a fool like Satania can memorize it.

As for the periodic table of elements in the Celestial Dynasty... not to mention the fun, the key is that there are many strange and uncommon Chinese characters in it, let alone writing it out, whether it can be read accurately is a problem!

As we all know, these complicated and uncommon Chinese characters can be traced back to Zhu Yuanzhang.When Zhu Yuanzhang was alive, he once set a rule that the descendants must follow the principle of gold, wood, water, fire and earth when naming their names, that is, there must be five elements in the name as radicals. The Zhu family had many descendants in the later period, and the common Chinese characters with five-element radicals had already been used up. In order to avoid tabooing the ancestors, they could only keep looking for some rare characters with five-element radicals, or even create their own characters!

The periodic table of elements was introduced to China during the Qing Dynasty, and was translated by Xu Shou online. However, how to translate the elements and Chinese characters correspondingly was a huge problem. One day Xu Shou was thinking hard, and suddenly found a Zhu Yuanzhang family tree. The characters are taken over and used, such as mercury, zinc, and polonium, these are the Chinese characters invented by the old Zhu family for naming!


Had dinner.

The sky has completely darkened, the evening wind is cold, and the lights of Wanjia are dimmed.

"Master Baiyu, I'm going back." Alice stood up and said goodbye. As a young lady, she naturally had to take on corresponding responsibilities, and her daily schedule was quite full.

Before leaving, he gave Hua Ye a sideways glance and warned, "Don't bully Master Bai Yu!"

Lafite sent Alice to the door: "Be careful."

"Don't worry." Alice waved her hand, "The driver is picking me up outside."

"Hey, Master, drink tea." Lafite brewed a cup of green tea and handed it over with a smile.

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to take it with peace of mind.

"Student Hua Ye." Lafite clenched his fists and tapped on Hua Ye's leg lightly, "I'm asking for something."


"When Satania was having lunch at noon, I heard her say something like 'empathy'..." The black-bellied girl's eyes were bent into crescents, and she whispered, "In order to prevent Satania from being deceived , we need to give her a vivid teaching lesson."

Your sister's teaching class, after all, you just want to satisfy your desire to evade taxes!

Hua Ye's poker face: "It's against the law to bully idiots."

"This kind of thing is a 'prosecution' in law, as long as Satania doesn't speak, there is no problem." The black-bellied girl smiled happily, "And bullying or something, let Satania show fat, And covering three points with one finger is a real crime."


Who bullied her!Just let her back out of difficulties, don't always pester yourself to guess the punch, okay?

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "Take a bath together at night."

"Don't." Lafite blushed pretty, his eyes turned, and he gave Hua Ye a peevish look, "Student Hua Ye's nostrils have grown bigger again, he must be thinking about some nasty things again."

Hua Ye was expressionless: "I not only think, but also do."

"You can actually say such obscene words without changing your face..." Lafite raised his hand to cover his mouth, his eyes were timid, "Mr. Paralyzed Face is indeed getting more and more lecherous. He obviously didn't talk like this before."


The black-bellied girl clenched her fists and said: "It's okay, I will even like the perverted part of my boyfriend, this is my responsibility as a girlfriend."

Hua Ye said with a blank expression: "I have improved the tortoise shell that is common on the market, and I will test it on you tonight."

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