Amano Miu said thoughtfully: "Little Machiko's performance is remarkable, perfectly expressing the shyness of a female high school student when she is crushed by the boy she likes, and the tension and anticipation in the shyness..."

"Cousin." Machiko blushed, "I didn't expect it."

Knowing that it was acting for the purpose of collecting materials, how could it be possible to expect it!It would be very embarrassing if you really kissed me!

"But..." Miu Amano turned her head to look at Hua Ye, and pointed out, "The problem lies with Xiao Ye."

Hua Ye looked over: "What's the problem?"

"From the beginning to the end, the expression on the face didn't change at all." Amano Miu found out the problem, "It's very difficult for me not to capture those green, sour, sweet and anxious moments."


Chapter 1400 Poker Face Battle

"Speaking of which." Miu Amano said thoughtfully, "Since you entered the door until now, Xiao Ye seems to have always had this plain expression?"

"Even if I accidentally disappeared just now, I didn't show the cute expression of a male high school student when he is shy."


The voice fell, and the living room suddenly fell into silence.

The three monitors looked at each other, but none of them spoke.

"Hey, what's going on with you guys...wait." Miu Amano looked in shock, "Don't you guys have seen Xiaoye show other expressions?"

"Ha, haha, this is it." Tian Zhongnan scratched his head, "I saw it once."

"That time... Oni-chan was obviously angry at the time, and it's scary to think about it now."

This bad girl was talking about the time at the club, when someone secretly drugged Lafite and Alice's drinks, Hua Ye showed an angry expression for the first time.

Miu Amano raised her hand to cover her mouth, opened her eyes wide and said, "Only once?"


The rotten female cousin turned her head to look at the class monitor again: "Little Machiko?"

"That..." The squad leader pursed his pink lips, his eyes were a little erratic, and whispered, "Student Hua Ye is usually... not good at expressing feelings..."

Machiko thought about it carefully, and found that Zhonghua Ye always had such a calm and calm expression in his memory, and the rest of the expression changes can only be described with a handful of fingers.

"I see." Miu Amano nodded, with a clear look on her face, "So Xiaoye has facial paralysis?"


The air was silent again.

None of the three melon-eating girls stood up to support Hua Ye, obviously acquiescing to this statement.

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly: "It's not facial paralysis."

Facial paralysis is a medical condition. Its official scientific name is facial nerve paralysis. The usual symptoms are crooked mouth and drooling eyes. Which one fits me!

"Well, although facial paralysis is also a kind of cuteness, it's more common in girls." Miu Amano's eyes brightened slightly, and she didn't know what to think of, two blushes appeared on her cheeks, she shook her right leg, her eyes were excited, "If you regard it as the attribute of the main male protagonist..."

"You will be spanked." Hua Ye interrupted.

Judging from your dilated pupils, faster breathing, and flushed cheeks, you must have thought of some super dirty scenes, and you don’t even want to listen to the follow-up content!

"The consequences of doing things are serious."

"Xiaoye wants to do strange things to me?" Miu Amano raised her hand to cover her chest, "I'm Machiko's cousin."

Don't say you're a cousin, even if you're the squad leader's own sister, she won't be lenient when it's time to teach you a lesson. When you deal with someone who refuses to change after repeated admonition, you will end up in trouble if you can't afford it!

"Cousin, don't draw strange things with Hua Ye." Machiko stood beside Hua Ye resolutely, "Hua Ye will be angry."

"Little Machiko hasn't married yet, yet she turns her elbows out." Miu Amano held her chest and said aggrievedly, "I'm so sorry."

"I'm doing it for your own good!" Machiko blushed and couldn't help complaining, "And you should cover your left side if you feel stuffy, don't cover your right chest and say you're stuffy!"

"Okay, okay, I don't draw, I just think about it in my mind." Miu Amano didn't continue talking, and casually brought the topic, and then patted her thigh and said, "This is not good, and it's not a sketch of a character. , if you want to draw a work that is green, sour, sweet, and heart-pounding, Xiao Ye, the male protagonist, must make an expression."

The bad girl said: "Well, just imagine it?"

"Can you imagine Xiaoye making faces in your mind?" Amano Miu asked back.


The three girls shook their heads one after another. They had already accepted the setting of facial paralysis. It must be scary to suddenly make faces or something.

"You can't, and I can't either." Miu Amano shrugged, "Even though I can paint with difficulty, but it will always be a bit out of tune... Besides, Xiao Ye is in the room, just let him make an expression Bar?"

"Hmm..." The rotten female cousin shook her finger, "Shall I laugh first?"


The four girls looked over one after another.

Hua Ye: "..."

Do you think you are joking? How could you just laugh out loud!

The air is quiet.

Hua Ye still had a poker face.

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