Someone sneaked up to him?

Hua Ye never expected that someone would attack him at night, his first reaction was that someone wanted to sneak attack and assassinate him.

So, the moment he opened his eyes, a piercing aura shot up into the sky, and he punched out subconsciously.

"Ah!" A terrified cry sounded.

It was only then that Hua Ye realized that the person standing by his bed was actually the crippled angel Gabriel. At the last moment, he changed his fist to grab and grabbed the crippled angel onto the bed.

"What are you doing?!" Hua Ye frowned, with a rare hint of anger in his voice.

If he had been a little slower in reacting just now, the ending would definitely have become irreversible.

Gabriel's face turned pale, lying on the bed, still unable to recover from the oppression of the aura just now, hearing this subconsciously murmured: "I, I came to attack you at night..."

Hua Ye: "..."

The script is wrong!

My useless angel can't be that dirty!

Apart from your interest in games, when did you have the bad taste of attacking others at night!

Gabriel finally came back to her senses, her eyes widened in embarrassment and anger, "hentai! Let me go!"

It was only then that Hua Ye realized that he was still holding on to the other person's shoulders. The skin touched by his palm was soft and smooth, with a slight elasticity, which made it hard to put it down.

"Huh?" Hua Ye snorted coldly.

If you made a mistake, at least apologize to me obediently!

And in the middle of the night, he ran into other people's rooms to play night raids, who is the hentai!

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Hua Ye not only did not let go, but turned over and put the hard-working immortal cultivator Gabriel under him.

"You, you, what are you doing?!" Gabriel's eyes flustered, her voice stuttered, and she quickly reached out to push Hua Ye, but her hands and feet were still weak, and she couldn't push at all for a while, but she seemed to want to refuse Also welcome to touch...

"You, if you dare to mess around, you will die!" Gabriel opened her eyes wide, trying to make Hua Ye feel ashamed with her majestic gaze, but it was a pity that it had no effect at all.


Are you still stubborn at this time?

I really don't know how to get angry!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and looked down at the past condescendingly.

Because of the struggle, the pajamas on Gabriel's body were a little messy, revealing a piece of snow-white skin, under the bright moonlight, reflecting the luster like pearls.

Having said that, it is also the body, why is there such a big difference between men and women?

Delicate and lovely cheeks, slender and graceful neck, shiny and small collarbone, and faintly visible...

No, the focus seems to be a bit wrong!

Now is clearly the time to teach this useless angel to be a man!

"Don't look! Close your eyes!" Gabriel said angrily.

It’s just a small steamed bun, who do you think cares about it?

"Hun Dan! You must be thinking something terrible!" Gabriel blushed, and she was about to reach out to pinch Hua Ye, "Get out of the way, or I will bite you!"

With a grimace, Hua Ye grabbed her two little hands and pressed them directly on the pillow.

The four eyes met, and the air suddenly became quiet.

Looking at those moist eyes of embarrassment, flushed cheeks, and thin lips that gently opened and closed, Hua Ye suddenly felt his heart beat faster, and there was a feeling in his heart that he wanted to taste his lips. The impulse to taste...

Sensing Hua Ye's hot gaze, Gabriel bit her lips slightly, her eyes flustered, and she turned her head: "What, what are you doing? If you dare to mess around, I will really kill you!"

Ah, the threat of no deterrence at all.

However, Hua Ye felt that his heart seemed to be beating faster and faster.

Is this what I'm looking for... the heart-pounding feeling?

Lowering his head, Hua Ye stared seriously at the lazy Gabriel below him for the first time.

Tightly pursed lips, shy and indignant eyes, long and slightly trembling eyelashes, and a delicate face like a porcelain doll, although no makeup is applied, it is rosy and rosy, which can be broken by blowing a bomb.

Having said that, aside from the habit of indulging in cultivating immortals, this Gabriel is actually a very beautiful girl. On the first day of school, the appearance of her clasping her hands together and praying under the bright morning light suddenly became a part of her memory. Extraordinarily clear.

Unknowingly, I have known each other for more than a month. Although this guy is always causing trouble for me, I unexpectedly started to get used to it...

As for this Gabriel's angel status, for some guys, it may violate taboos, but in the face of a power that can override everything, the so-called taboos are nothing but pale nonsense.

But the question is... Are you really moved?

Hua Ye frowned slightly, thinking about this question.

However, because I didn't have the same experience before, I couldn't get the answer for a while.

"You, what are you looking at!" Gabriel finally couldn't help but shout out in embarrassment, "Hurry up!"

Hua Ye came back to his senses and stopped thinking about this question.

it's actually really easy.

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