"Would you like to watch TV first?" Machiko blushed and took the clothes, then turned around and brought over the hair dryer.

After a moment.

Before the trousers were baked, the bathroom door opened first.

The sick and charming wife with her hair tied into a bun and wearing a pajamas opened the door and came out.

"Mom, are you ready?"

"Yeah." Hashimoto Qingyin has returned to a calm and flat state, "It's been long enough, and it won't be good for your health if you continue to soak."

Machiko said, "I'll soak it later."

"Well, thank you Xiaoye just now, cramps or something, it's so uncomfortable." Mrs. Bingjiao's eyes rolled slightly, and she glanced at Hua Ye, "In return, I can help you bake your clothes, and you and Machiko go to the bathroom to take a bath together Oh."


your sister!It's nothing to take a bath together, but with the squad leader's thin skin, it's impossible to take a bath with others in front of you!When you say that, you are actually trying to stop the squad leader and me from taking a bath!

"Mom, what are you talking about!" Sure enough, Machiko shouted angrily, "I wouldn't do that kind of thing."

The clothes were already baked, and Machiko came over and was about to hand the clothes to Hua Ye, but because of Hashimoto Qingyin's words, he lost his steps in shame and anger, tripped with his right foot on the table leg, and faced directly. Fall down!

Of course, Hua Ye would not be indifferent. He watched the squad leader fall to the ground and rushed to the street. He stood up and grabbed the squad leader's shoulder.

However, when he grabbed Machiko, Machiko also caught something strange in her hand...that was Hua Ye's pants!

When people are in a panic, they will not let go of what they hold on to, so to rescue those drowning people, one must wait for the other party's strength to be exhausted before rescuing from the back. went in.

Machiko is like this at the moment.

After grabbing Hua Ye's trousers with his right hand, he subconsciously wanted to use his strength to stand up, but Hua Ye didn't wear a belt at all, he just buttoned a button, and the result of pulling hard now was that he fell off!

When Hua Ye changed into wet clothes just now, he took off his underwear and didn't wear them again. As for long johns, Hua Ye had never worn them.

Now that the trousers have been rolled to the bottom, the inside is naturally clean and there is no cover.

Right in this bright living room, the big boa constrictor freed from its shackles is showing off its power in front of the mother and daughter, showing an absolute sense of presence that cannot be ignored!


The air was suddenly quiet.

A deathly silence enveloped the living room.

"Yes, sorry..."

Machiko opened her eyes wide, and when she looked up, she saw the boa constrictor swaying gently in front of it, which was only a fist away. The terrifying and ferocious appearance instantly petrified the squad leader.

In contrast, Hashimoto Qingyin was much calmer, although he raised his hand to cover his mouth in shock when he saw the boa constrictor just now, then turned his face and said in a calm and calm tone, "This When should I put my pants on first?"

Nonsense, I don't know how to wear pants!The problem is that the squad leader is holding the trousers tightly in his hands, and he can't lift them up even if he wants to!

Hua Ye's face was calm, and he had no shame in walking the bird in public. He looked down at Machiko, and said, "The squad leader fainted."


"He fainted and still clutched his pants."


Mrs. Bingjiao turned her face slightly, her eyes involuntarily paused on the boa constrictor, and then moved away again.There was a faint blush on his face: "Well, I can't help you in this situation, Xiaoye can solve it by himself."

I thought you would come over to help break the squad leader's hand, but it turns out that you also have times when you give up!

Sure enough, female hooligans are afraid of being shameless. In this world, only thick-skinned people can eat all the people!

Hua Ye bent down, ready to ask the squad leader to let go of his hand.


Machiko was originally in a stress-induced coma, but now she has woken up, opened her eyes in a daze, and saw a big python dangling in front of her, she couldn't help but let out a low cry, and almost fell into a coma again in fright.

It's a pity that human beings have a strong ability to adapt. A squad leader who has been unconscious once will naturally not be able to become unconscious a second time.

"Squad leader, let go." Hua Ye said.


Machiko opened his mouth, and then hurriedly closed his mouth, because he always felt that if he was not careful, the boa constrictor would do excessive things!

"Yes, sorry!"

The squad leader apologized in a panic, quickly let go of his right hand holding Hua Ye's pants, then lowered his head and hugged his knee with tears in his eyes.

"It's nothing." Hua Ye bent down and picked up the underwear that he had just dried, then turned to look at Bingjiao's wife.

At this moment, the wife has retreated silently into the bathroom.

Hua Ye thought for a while, and instead of running back to Machiko's room, he put on his underwear in the living room. It's not like he hasn't seen it anyway. The first time he's seen it is essentially the same as seeing it a hundred times.

"I'm ready." Hua Ye reached out and pulled Machiko up from the ground.

Machiko was tearful, and her face was extremely red, like the lava in the crater, exuding astonishingly hot heat, even through the air, she could feel the scorching temperature.

(I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die...)

(Ju, actually pulled Hua Ye’s pants down, why did this happen?

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