Nonsense, if a cerebral hemangioma could be cured by touching it, the hospital would have gone bankrupt long ago!

"I see." Xiaoqian's mother was a little embarrassed and didn't hide anymore.

Fortunately, Hua Ye didn't touch her head, but just put his hand on her forehead. Although she was still a little ashamed, it was completely acceptable.

"No matter what, it's all my daughter's wish..."

In fact, Xiaoqian's mother had no expectations for Hua Ye's treatment. Even an old doctor of Chinese medicine would prescribe a prescription to save someone's life. It's not a broken hand or foot.

If she hadn't really woken up, and Suguha was next to him and explained the whole story clearly, she would have wondered whether Xiaoqian had been brainwashed and turned into a bad fanatic of some people.

"Hands are warm..."

Xiaoqian's mother recited a sentence silently, and suddenly felt a cool and strange thing flowing out of Hua Ye's hand, directly flowing into the brain, followed by a burst of intoxicating pleasure, like drinking fine wine.


The trembling and moaning that blurted out startled all three of Wei Nai next to them. They looked at each other, and all three girls blushed.

I have never eaten pork, but I have always seen pigs running. Although I have never experienced that kind of thing, I can't understand the charming vibrato just now!

Take Suguha as an example, she is only one step away from stepping into the adult world with her little girlfriend!

Xiaoqian's mother blushed and silently raised her hand to cover her lips.

An awkward atmosphere spread in the ward.

Fortunately, Hua Ye quickly replenished his vitality, retracted his right hand and said, "Okay, there's no problem."

The main cause of Xiaoqian's mother's illness was excessive fatigue and overdrawn vitality, so Hua Ye directly replenished the pure vitality to repair the physical damage and directly solve the problem from the source.

"Mom, how are you feeling?" Xiaoqian hurriedly lay down beside the hospital bed, and asked expectantly with her eyes wide open.

"I feel..." Xiaoqian's mother raised her hand and touched her forehead, and said with surprise in her eyes, "It feels very comfortable."

Xiao Qian waved her hand: "I didn't ask you this!"

"I mean the head is very comfortable, as if sleeping for three days and three nights." Xiaoqian's mother blushed, and couldn't help raising her hand to knock on the top of her daughter's head, "What are you thinking!"

I'm sorry, human beings are not suitable for long sleep, the result of sleeping for three days and three nights can only be sore all over the body!

Xiaoqian sticks out the tip of her tongue and giggles: "I'm thinking..."


"Oh, mom, you hit me on the head again."

Wei Nai said, "Let the doctor come and check on Auntie?"

"I'll go right away." Suguha nodded, turned and left.

Not long after, two doctors came in, followed by a physical examination.

After the inspection report came out, it naturally aroused shock and outcry.

"The lesion has disappeared?"

"All indicators are back to normal."

"It's only been a few days since the last inspection, what happened?"


"Hmph!" Xiao Qianyou raised his chin proudly, and winked at his mother triumphantly, "How about it, am I good?"

A few doctors didn't know why, and finally they could only classify Xiaoqian's mother as a miracle that cannot be replicated. There is no shortage of similar examples in the history of medicine. For example, when a person is terminally ill, the doctor judges that he can only live for half a year, and the patient becomes fat. , It tastes delicious, and I have lived for more than ten years without panting... The sky is big and the earth is big, the biggest miracle.

After the examination results came out, Xiaoqian's mother immediately went through the procedures for discharge from the hospital. In a place like a hospital, one extra day of stay would cost an extra day, and the environment is depressing, so normal people are unwilling to stay longer.

Get out of the hospital.

The sky is blue, as clear as washing, only a few white clouds dotted like cotton candy.

It was not yet five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun had not yet set in the west, and the sun was shining brightly. The streets were full of traffic and pedestrians, and the hospital behind them seemed to be two completely different worlds.

Xiaoqian's mother froze for a moment, her eyes suddenly turned slightly red.

"Mom, don't cry." Xiaoqian reached out to hug her mother's hand, "It's okay, it's over."

And told your mother not to cry, but my tears fell down like beans pouring from a bamboo tube!

Suguha said, "Mom, let's go home."

There is a gentle smile on Wei Nai's face, the most painful thing in the world is parting from life and death, so we must cherish the time we have with each other.

"Auntie, Hua Ye and I are going back first..."

Xiaoqian's mother shook her head, and turned her head to look, "Would you like to go to my house for dinner? I don't have anything to offer right now, so I can only cook a dinner to thank you."

"That's right." Xiaoqian wiped her eyes, and soon became a carefree foodie girl again. Her mother recovered and was discharged from the hospital, and the stone in her heart finally disappeared. I wanted to fly, "Vina sauce, go home, I told you, mom's cooking is super delicious!"


Wei Nai turned to look at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye understood, nodded and said, "Go."

Wei Nai smiled and said, "Then I'll bother you."

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