The consequence of this was that Hua Ye's palm was nearly half buried in the hem of the skirt.

The soft and delicate warm feeling fills the palm of the hand. Those who have never touched a girl's thigh can't understand the beauty of it.

The room fell silent.

The chirping Xiaoqian had already calmed down, with one hand covering her lower abdomen, a blush quietly floated on her face.

Wei Nai bit her lower lip with a hesitant and tangled expression.

Hey, why aren't you two talking?

If you stretch it further in, you'll have to touch Fat Times!Don't you have to wait until the fat times are taken off and the guns are mounted on the horse before you two know how to stop it!

time flies.

"Yes, yes."

Suguha suddenly opened his mouth and said, finally a blush welled up on his cheeks, because Hua Ye's fingers had already touched her pussy, it had reached the point where there was no way to advance!

Hua Ye looked calm, and pulled out his right hand from under Suguha's school uniform skirt. Although the delicate touch of a middle school girl was quite good, it couldn't make Hua Ye feel nostalgic.

"Huh..." Wei Nai and Xiao Qian breathed a sigh of relief, "It's finally over."

If it continues, maybe it will turn into some bad episodes!

"Is it possible to confirm your sexual orientation now?" Xiaoqian asked with concern, if possible, of course I don't want my sister to be a lily for the rest of my life, it will definitely be very hard, right?

Suguha raised her hand and pulled the hair that was hanging down her chest behind her ears, and said in a low voice, "...I don't think I hate boys."

Her feelings at the moment are a bit complicated, shy, dazed, and ashamed, but being able to acquiesce to Hua Ye all the way from the ankle to the fat times is enough to prove that she doesn't hate boys, otherwise she would have been unable to bear it. He yelled and stopped.

"That's good." Xiaoqian patted her chest, "It seems that Suguha is bisexual, and she can talk about boyfriends and get married in the future. Mom will be very happy when she finds out."

Hey, when is bisexuality a thing to be happy about!If you really want to say happy, it should be Suguha Mirai's husband!Not only can you get a gentle and capable wife, maybe the wife can drag the family to have a threesome!

"I'll go to the bathroom."

Suguha stood up, walked out of the room with a calm expression, but her footsteps were slightly awkward.

Xiaoqian blinked her eyes, leaned closer to Hua Ye, put her hands behind her back, poked her face over, and asked with fluttering eyes, "How does Suguha feel to the touch? Is it comfortable? Ever since Suguha entered junior high school, I never had a chance to touch her."

What's wrong with your regretful tone, don't have strange impulses towards your sister!Be careful to be sent to the German orthopedics department with a broken leg!

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "It's not as comfortable as Wei Nai."

"What are you talking about?" Wei Nai's pretty face blushed, her bright eyes turned annoyed, and she signaled with her eyes, "Don't say such things in front of Xiaoqian!"

Xiaoqian folded her arms and looked expectant: "Vinay sauce's thighs must be very comfortable, I want to touch them too."

Hua Ye said, "No."

"Hey, why not?"

"Vina is mine."

Xiaoqian puffed up her cheeks: "They're all girls, what does it matter?"

what is the relationship?

Just look at your sister Suguha and you'll know it!Whether you are bisexual or homosexual, there is a danger of being green if you are not careful!

"You two, give me enough time." Wei Nai put on a pretty face, "This topic ends here, and no one is allowed to bring it up again!"

"Okay then." Xiaoqian turned around and took a bag of snacks, and handed over a few candies, "Hey, Wei Nai, eat chocolate."

Wei Nai responded, took a bite of the candy, and suddenly realized something was wrong, "Wait, wait a minute, what kind of candy is this?"

Xiaoqian replied: "It's a new chocolate candy that came out recently."

Hua Ye looked down at the candy given by Xiaoqian. The ingredients on it were clearly listed: "It's liqueur chocolate."

Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her pink lips, a blush welled up on her pretty face, and she took a step back: "Ju, it's wine sugar?"

"Hey, it's true." Xiaoqian looked down at the packaging of the candy bag, "During the time my mother was in the hospital, I didn't have the heart to eat snacks. Although I bought this chocolate for a while, it's still within the expiration date...why? So, does it taste good?"

Xiaoqian wanted to ask for credit, but when she looked up, she saw that Wei Nai's pretty face was flushed as if she had a fever, her breathing was short, and her eyes were cute like never before. She was so frightened that she hurriedly threw the candy away, "No, the candy is poisonous!"


Chapter 1410 Wei Nai's Great Victory

"Vina sauce, spit out the sugar quickly."

Xiao Qian threw the candy, then hurriedly grabbed Wei Nai's shoulder, and began to shake vigorously, "Spit it out, spit it out quickly."

You are enough, this kind of shaking can only make the candy swallow deeper, so it can't make people spit it out!Don't forget to use Heimlich's first aid method in the health care class at a critical moment!

"There is no poison in the sugar." Hua Ye said with disgust in his eyes.

Xiao Qian was anxious: "But Wei Nai looks so strange now..."

"Because Wei Nai ate wine and candy." Hua Ye raised the candy in his hand, "Vina can't drink alcohol, not even wine and candy."

Xiaoqian was dumbfounded: "There is such a thing?"

"This is an allergic reaction to a specific existence." Hua Ye said, "It seems that some people don't eat coriander, even if there is only one leaf, they will spit it out."

"How can you spit out something as delicious as coriander?" Xiao Qianyi clapped her hands, "It's all heresy!"

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