
Wei Nai blinked, showing hesitation.

Seeing that there was something going on, Xiaoqian hurriedly got up and squeezed between Hua Ye and Wei Nai, "Don't talk, listen to Wei Nai."

It's just that when she sat down, her butt accidentally sat on Hua Ye's lap, which made the short-haired girl's face turn red for a moment.

"Vina sauce, let me kiss you?" Xiaoqian said, "This is the request of my life."

Wei Nai nodded hesitantly: "Okay..."

"Did you hear that? It was Wei Nai who promised me." Xiaoqian proudly raised her chin.

Hua Ye said, "No."

"Oh, how stingy." The short-haired idiot said carelessly, "what's there to be jealous of, if you can't, you can kiss me too, so it's evened out, right?"

Do you think children are playing house!You kiss Wei Nai, Wei Nai kisses me, and I kiss you again, just forming a perfect three-person cycle, really gratifying, everyone is happy!


Hua Ye looked disgusted: "What do you mean?"

"What's so embarrassing?" Xiaoqian curled her lips and snorted triumphantly, "Do you still remember the content of the first article of Chapter 1 in the strategy manual I wrote to you?"

Hua Ye said, "Be thick-skinned."

"That's right, height and appearance are predetermined by God and cannot be changed, but you can make yourself thick-skinned." Xiaoqian plausibly said, "Thin-skinned people are not suitable for chasing girls. It took a lot of courage After writing a love letter and being politely rejected by a girl, she feels sorry for herself and feels that she should disappear silently, she is simply an idiot, is an unreserved girl still called a girl?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "And then?"

"Look here." Xiaoqian pointed to her face.

Hua Ye stared at it, the original baby fat had disappeared due to the mother's hospitalization, and quietly transformed from the previous round and cute to delicate and pretty, and for some reason, the blush diffused, making the face look like a red apple, The apple flesh is particularly conspicuous, making people want to take a bite, and the taste must be very good.

"The skin is a bit rough?"


Xiaoqian bared her canine teeth, pressed her forehead against Hua Ye, puffed up her cheeks and said, "I didn't ask you to pay attention to that kind of thing!"

He raised his hand to cover his face, and said falteringly: "The weather is very dry recently, and the skin care products at home are used up again, and I haven't bought them yet. Is it normal for the skin to be rough?"

Hua Ye's poker face: "What do you want me to watch?"

"Hmph, my skin is not as thin as Wei Nai's." Xiaoqian snorted softly, "It's at least half as thick as yours, so I'm very embarrassed."

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "Do you think you have a thick skin?"

"Of course." Xiaoqian raised her chin and said proudly, "I'm the one who has the nerve to eat the tasters from start to finish in the supermarket."


Well, thin-skinned people really can't do this kind of thing.

Xiaoqian hugged Wei Nai, suddenly turned her eyes, and asked curiously: "Vina sauce, who is Xiaoye to you?"

Wei Nai, who had been dazed all the time, trembled slightly, the blush on her face became even stronger, "Yes, yes..."

"Speak quickly." Xiaoqian urged excitedly.

Hua Ye also turned to look at Wei Nai, waiting for an answer.

"Can you not say it?" Wei Nai pleaded pitifully.

"No." Xiao Qianyi waved his hand, "It must be said."

If you like it, say it out loud, if it wasn't for Hua Ye's thick skin and you being so reserved, you would still be pacing back and forth on the starting line when someone hits a home run!

When Wei Nai is drunk, she will almost enter the holy angel mode of answering all questions and responding to requests. Under Xiaoqian's questioning, she can only answer with an aggrieved blushing: "It's the person I like..."

Xiao Qian cleared her throat, took advantage of the victory and asked, "How much do you like it?"

"extremely like."

"How much is a super like?"

"It's just the kind of love that wants to be together forever."


Xiaoqian stuck out the tip of her tongue, turned to look at Hua Ye, "Did you hear that?"

"You are already the most important person, it doesn't matter if I kiss you."

Hua Ye's eyes were subtle: "It's too late."

"Hey, what do you say?"

Xiaoqian was stunned for a moment, and suddenly noticed a terrible black fighting spirit surging from her side. Turning her head in surprise, she saw that the confusion in Wei Nai's eyes had disappeared, and her eyes had returned to their former sharpness and brightness. With frost on his face, he gritted his teeth word by word and said, "Little! Thousand!"

The effect of a piece of candy can only last for a few minutes, and Wei Nai just woke up.

"Hey, are you sober?" Xiaoqian reacted, very annoyed, "Damn it, it's so fast, I wish I had known that I would let Wei Nai eat one more candy..."

"Don't even think that I will eat it again!"

"Hmph, some things can't be controlled... um! No, don't touch my waist! Hahaha!"

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