"So..." Hoshino Xia changed the subject, "Let me help Mr. Xiaoye have a baby?"

Hua Ye remained expressionless and unmoved.

"Big-chested monster! Give me enough time!" The voice of gnashing teeth sounded, and Igarashi showed her small canine teeth, "You lowly sow, believe it or not, I will play you with tentacle monsters!"

"I was wrong……"

Hoshino Xia suddenly lowered her head.


Now it was Igarashi's turn to be shocked, how could this monster with big breasts give in so easily?

Must be holding back some bad idea!

"What do you want to do?" Igarashi looked warily.

Hoshino Xia's expression was innocent: "Ai-chan always misses me in the wrong direction..."

"Before you speak, put down the opened skirt for me!"

"I'm apologizing." The big-breasted loli blinked, "It's common sense to show your breasts when you apologize, right?"

Igarashi's forehead twitched: "Did your common sense come from an alien planet?"

"I apologize." Hoshino Xia looked at Hua Ye, raised her hand and tapped lightly on the head, and then stuck out the tip of her pink tongue, "I promised Lord Xiaoye before to have a baby and warm the bed, but I didn't do a single thing. arrive."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "It's nothing."

Even if you want to warm your bed, you still have to ask my opinion!

"My mother taught me since I was a child." Hoshino Xia shook her head, her voice was low, "What you say and what you pour out, you must do what you say, otherwise don't make promises."

"So I decided to fulfill the promise I made before..." The big-breasted loli raised her chin, revealing her snow-white and slender neck, like a swan eager to kill, her voice was decisive, "Student Hua Ye, please play with me to your heart's content .”


To be able to say such shameless and obscene words, you know how to bend and stretch!

"Big-breasted monster!" Igarashi clenched her pink fist, unable to bear it any longer, her killing intent was determined, "I'll beat you up!"


ten minutes later.

The doorbell rang.

Hoshino Xia went to open the door, and there was a female bodyguard in a suit outside.

"Master Hoshino." The woman bowed and handed over a bag, "Here is what you want."

"Thank you." Hoshino Xia nodded lightly, reached out to take the bag, "Wait for me in the car."


The female bodyguard should be respectful, turned and left.

Hoshino Xia closed the door, turned around and entered the room, and took out the contents of the bag.

"That's all." Hoshino Xia handed the things to Hua Ye, and explained, "The maid is very cautious, it must have been premeditated, the room is clean, no useful clues can be found... Please, classmate Hua Ye. "

Hua Ye reached out to take the bag, and took out a comb, two lipsticks, several bottles of hydrating and moisturizing cosmetics, and a pair of black pants.

"Wait." Igarashi frowned and looked, "That fat...why does it look familiar?"

Hua Ye put down the fat time and said calmly, "It was the fat time you changed in the bathroom that day."


Igarashi's eyes widened suddenly, and the fear of being dominated by Fatty who sprinkled itching powder that afternoon surged into her heart again. If it wasn't for Hua Ye's help to relieve the itching, she might have died in the bathroom directly!

Sprinkling itchy powder on fat times is definitely the cruelest and most evil act!

"Hundan!" The poor-breasted star kicked it out, "I'm going to kill... eh!"

Painful groans sounded.

Igarashi's body stiffened suddenly, his open mouth slowly closed, tears welled up in his eyes, "I'm going to dismantle this sofa and burn it to ashes!"

Only the person involved knows how painful it is to kick a toe.

Hua Ye turned his head to look, put down the bag in his hand, "Let me pinch it for you."

Igarashi had tears in her eyes, and her voice was aggrieved: "Move, can't move..."

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and hugged the poor-breasted star onto the sofa, then took off his slippers, revealing his jade feet.

"No bleeding."

"But it hurts."

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to hold Igarashi's right foot, "Squeeze it, it will be fine soon."


Igarashi snorted and turned his head away, "You don't dislike my smelly feet now, do you?"

Hua Ye said calmly, "I never said that."

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