"Eh, why?"

Hua Ye looked down and didn't speak.

"Hey!" Igarashi bared her small canine teeth, super fierce, "What kind of eyes do you have?"

Hua Ye's poker face: "Caring for the idiot's eyes."

"Die a thousand times!"



Back to the apartment.

After washing up, Hua Ye sat in the kotatsu. The kotatsu is known as the number one magic tool for winter, so it has its value, but it's a pity that it's easy to add negative states such as "waste meow" and "laziness".

Liuhua raised her hand: "Well, I want the brave man's knee pillow."

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "No."

Liuhua blinked her eyes, and shrank back into the kotatsu like a silkworm baby. Then, half of her face poked out from Hua Ye's face, and her chin rested on Hua Ye's thigh.

"This is called Darkness Chen Cang (*^▽^*)."

Your uncle, you don’t tie up your hair after taking a bath, and you can shoot a special film with the appearance of getting out of the kotatsu!Suddenly I remembered Ms. Sadako from the Urban Legend series. Because there are fewer and fewer users of videotapes now, she had to "work hard and support her family" and started rushing between major studios. She can completely keep pace with the times. Get out of the furnace!

The popularity rate of kotatsu is much stronger than that of video tapes and small theaters, and it is easy to produce various popular plots!

"Brave and brave." Liuhua changed her posture, comfortably pillowed on Hua Ye's lap, raised her face and said, "Tomorrow I'm going to Italy to find a doctor... Do you think the plane will crash suddenly? what?"


You are enough, the speed of this thinking escape is too fast!Don't think about this kind of thing before taking the plane, it's just setting the flag, okay?Airplanes have the lowest accident rate among all means of transportation, although once an accident occurs, basically there are no survivors.

Liuhua continued: "Similar plots often appear in comics. The plane suddenly crashed and fell with billowing smoke, landing on an uninhabited deserted island..."

The survivors of the plane crash all came from forced landings. The death rate in the word crash is [-]%, okay?

"Then everyone gave birth without shame or impatience..."

Enough is enough for you, living on a deserted island should be the first thing to survive, not to have children!

"Hey, that's right." Liuhua suddenly asked a question, "When the plane crashed, why didn't everyone jump out of the parachute?"

Hua Ye said: "Civil aviation does not have parachutes."


The waste angel who was playing the game next to him squinted and complained: "Because opening an umbrella is a skill, ordinary players who are not krypton gold players are not qualified to click on this skill tree at all."


Chapter 1416 Iron-boned Jia Baili


The phone vibrated.

Hua Ye picked up his phone and connected to the video call.

"Brother Xiaoye!" It sounded like a baby bird chirping, "Did you miss me?"

Hua Ye said blankly: "No."

"It's too much." Hinata on the other end of the video puffed up her cheeks, "I'm not happy, I need Brother Xiaoye to kiss me before I get up."

Gabriel propped her chin with one hand, and looked at her with disgust in her eyes: "Lorizon, starting in three years, the maximum penalty is death."

Hua Ye corrected: "I am not."

"Tch." The useless angel curled his lips and said, "Does everyone know that in their hearts?"

"Children are not stupid. They actually know in their hearts whether others treat them well or badly." Gabriel had reason and evidence, making it irrefutable. "Otherwise, why do you think they like you?"

"That's right, sister Xiaojia is right." Hinata rested her chin on both hands and nodded, "I like Brother Xiaoye the most! (*^▽^*)"


"Master is meowing?" A cat-eared lady jumped onto the bed, her purple eyes were big and round, and her face was full of anticipation, "We will eat dried fish tomorrow, meow."

You are enough, before you speak, tidy up your pajamas!Camisole tops are only suitable for those with big breasts. It's not suitable for a poor-breasted cat-eared girl like you!From a distance, it looks like a flat white board with a piece of fried egg, and then there are two date stone nails on the top of the fried egg! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"Idiot." Hinata turned his head to look, "Brother Xiaoye is going to play in Italy tomorrow, and won't come over to make saury for you."

"Hey, I forgot about meow." The cat-eared lady suddenly froze, and said pitifully, "Our saury is gone, meow."

"I really want to go to Italy too." Hyuga blinked, "Why don't Brother Xiaoye sneak me there?"

Hua Ye said, "Your sister just nods."

"Don't tell my sister, let's elope."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Believe it or not, as soon as you get on the tram, you will remember your sister's phone number?"

"Sister is too much." Hinata puffed up her cheeks like a puffer fish, "It's obviously such a good opportunity, I don't know how to grasp it at all, if it were me, hehe, I have already cooked the rice by now, and I won the victory completely It's over."

Do you think that just touching your feet will last your whole life!Not to mention cooking raw rice into mature rice, even if it is cooked into porridge, it is still useless!With your current development level, it is impossible to win victory, the only possibility is to go to the hospital for treatment, because it will crack!

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