"You have a good idea, hug your knees and go to sleep."


Hua Ye silently picked up his phone, sent a message, and said, "Wait a moment."

"Hey, what have you guys done?"

"You'll know right away."


The phone on the table vibrated suddenly.

Gabriel picked up the phone and found that it was a message from a guy whose gender was unknown and whose note was Cash Girl.

[Limited time mission: Warmth in winter! 】

【Mission content: In this cold winter day, please protect the kotatsu and don't leave. 】【Mission reward: winter limited skin five/sequence. 】

"The soul is pale!"

Gabriel slapped the kotatsu, and clenched her fists tightly: "How dare you use such shameless and indecent means, who do you take me for!"

You are an angel, you are not a human being, and it is not a matter of forced buying and selling, and an exchange of equal value, how can you say it is shameless and obscene?

Hua Ye did not speak, but silently sent a message.

The phone vibrated again.

Gabriel picked up the phone and found that the task content had not changed, but there was a new reward in the reward column.

[Additional task reward: choose a 3A-level masterpiece. 】

Gabriel is strong, and wealth cannot be moved: "Don't use this method to make me submit, I will not agree! Give up!"

The phone rings again.

[Additional mission reward: [-] Saint Quartz. 】

Gabriel: "..."

It turns out that the law of true fragrance is one of the essences of human beings, and even angels are not immune.

Hua Ye stood up and turned off the chandelier in the living room.

It was dark in the living room.

Because it was the end of the month, there was no moonlight outside, only dim starlight.

Hua Ye walked back to the waste angel, "Okay, let's go to sleep."

"Hun Dan, just wait and see! How dare you use this method to bully me..."

"You talk too much."


The next moment, as the pink lips were blocked, this iron-clad useless angel finally stopped talking.

Chapter 1417 Taplis Begging in the Wind

Silent all night.

Seven o'clock on Friday morning.

Hua Ye opened his eyes on time, looked at the useless angel sleeping on his chest like a kitten, and offered a wake-up call: "Wake up."


The long eyelashes fluttered, and Gabriel was activated.

It's a pity that the startup failed, and the eyes didn't open in the end, and he said in a daze, "Don't bother me, I have to do it yourself."

Hua Ye said, "You can't get up if you don't let go."

But when I think about it, the problem is that you are holding it firmly in your hands, and you can't get up at all!

"So annoying..."

The crippled angel still didn't open its eyes, squatting on Hua Ye's chest for a while, and soon realized that it was holding something hard and hot in its right hand, and subconsciously pinched it.

Hua Ye's face turned black and he said, "You are enough."

"Tch." Gabriel quickly realized what was in her hand, and let go of it in disgust, her little face flushed slightly, "hentai."

Shut up!Since you fell asleep in the middle of the night, and you have been holding onto you until now, you have no right to call others perverted!


"It's enough."

"A big hentai with a head full of white/turbid liquid."


In the face of this useless angel who only wants to get up, it is really a wrong choice to softly call her to get up, the correct way to deal with it is to wake up straight away!

Hua Ye said with a blank face: "Getting up early is a good time to practice lung capacity."

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