No one is tying you to go out. If you want to play, go out to the crater of Mount Fuji to soak in hot springs in the morning, go to the peak of Mount Everest to bask in the sun in the afternoon, and go to Siberia to dig potatoes in the evening. After digging potatoes, just come back to Kobayashi Make dinner!

"Kangna sauce." Cai Chuan put his hands behind his back, blushed and kissed the blue-eyed young dragon's face, "This is a blessing for a safe journey."

"Hey, so there is still such etiquette?" Thor blinked, and leaned forward, "Puyo Puyo", "Ahhh, Xiao Ye, don't hide, I will give you a blessing."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "No need."

"No, this is a courtesy." Thor said solemnly, "What if the plane crashes along the way?"

Lose your sister!Talk about the crash before other people board the plane, you will be beaten!

"Even if nothing happens, maybe there will be gangsters hijacking the plane..."

This blue-eyed dragon can punch Godzilla, kick Bumpman, and with one punch, any gangster will have to kneel and call daddy!

"I told you not to hide." Thor put his arms around Hua Ye's neck, and two soft and plump volleyballs immediately pressed against Hua Ye's chest. It was obvious that today was another day of traveling in a vacuum.


The scent of milk came over my face, and the dragon maid kissed Hua Ye on the cheek, showing her small canine teeth, and smiled triumphantly, "Okay, blessings are delivered."

Chapter 1421

Hua Ye took Kang Na back to the apartment, and received a warm welcome from Wei Nai... Unfortunately, the welcome object was only the blue-eyed young dragon.

"Kangna sauce." Wei Nai's eyes lit up, and she presented the cake that she had prepared for a long time to the world's cutest little girl, "Do you want to eat?"

Connor said, "I want to eat."

"I'll feed you." Wei Nai pulled Kang Na to sit on the sofa, eyes flickered, and said expectantly, "Open your mouth."


Blue-eyed young dragons have always been fond of delicious snacks. In this era when elementary school students are generally in love, cute young girls like Kang Na are super popular in schools. The specific manifestation is that they go to school every morning, inside the table hole There will be a variety of snacks.

"Well, it's soft and soft~~"

Taking advantage of the opportunity of feeding, Wei Nai showed her true colors, and stretched out her hand to pinch Kang Na's baby fat face, pinching left and right.

"Brave." Liuhua lay on the kotatsu, holding a shark in her arms and beating the pillow, "Come and sleep on the kotatsu together."

Taplis lay next to Liuhua without any image, and now he was wearing a blue down jacket, which was obviously Wei Nai's clothes... Liuhua and Gabriel both have flat chested short legs and carrot heads. Although my younger sister is not very tall, she is so close that she can't wear it.

"There is such a comfortable invention in the world, it's amazing." Taplis murmured, "No wonder the seniors said that we must be vigilant in the world, otherwise it is easy to be deceived and corrupted."

This sentence is absolutely true, the first step for Gabriel to slide into the abyss is to be seduced by the slogan of "you can become stronger by charging money"!

Krypton gold is only the first time and countless times. Once you set foot on the road of no return, you can never turn back!

Because of the departure soon, Gabriel didn't bring the computer over. Now, with one hand propped on her chin, the three of them watched TV together.

Hua Ye sat next to Gabriel and put the chestnuts he bought on the kotatsu.

"Hey, it's sugar-fried chestnuts." Liuhua's eyes lit up, and she raised her hand and said, "I want to eat."

Hua Ye said, "Peel it off yourself."

"Oh..." Liuhua took out a chestnut and handed it to Taplis, then took another chestnut, made a movement of stroking his sleeves, then squeezed it with wide eyes, "Hi!"

After two seconds.

"Brave, you can't peel it off."

You are enough, you can't even peel chestnuts, your arm strength is too weak!Hurry up and do push-ups, lest you will be powerless in the future!

Hua Ye said with disgust: "There are shelling tools inside."

"It won't work." Liuhua said confidently.


With a straight face, Hua Ye squeezed open the chestnut and handed it to Liuhua.

"Thank you Brave." Liuhua took the chestnut and said solemnly, "As a reward, I will sleep with Brave at night."

"Hey, one, sleep together?"

The idiot junior had already handed the chestnut to Hua Ye's hand with a blushing face. When she heard this, she was startled and quickly grabbed Hua Ye's hand, "Senior, don't want it anymore."

Taplis broke Hua Ye's fingers and snatched the chestnut back, "Senior, don't sleep with me."

You're thinking too much, a fool like you, who would sleep with you!

The idiot schoolgirl raised her hand to cover her stomach, and stammered blushingly, "Yes, there will be a baby."

Hua Ye said blankly, "Where's the physical health coloring book I gave you last time?"

"That book." Taplis's face collapsed, "it was confiscated by the staff, and the staff blushed and said it was 'spread [beep——] items', it would be impure to read."

Physiological health knowledge is something that all people of the right age should know, it is not some kind of bad item!To say it's not pure, when I watched the live-action Uncovered Conference in an Internet cafe, I was already not pure!

Hua Ye peeled a chestnut and prepared to feed it.

"Put down that chestnut, I'll eat it myself." Gabriel rolled his eyes, "I don't want to lose face."

"By the way, Tapu sauce." After pinching her face, Wei Nai sat down on the sofa, "Is there anything you want to see Xiao Jia this time?"

Taplis said: "It's not a big deal, it's just that Gaairu-sama asked me to check how many good deeds Senior Gabriel has done recently..."

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