The last ray of starlight in the sky was also covered by dark clouds, only the silver arcs piercing the sky from time to time leapt and jumped, and a deep mist filled the jungle. Obviously, a storm was coming.

The two lolis held hands, pursed their lips, and walked timidly on the path in the forest. The cold wind was like a pair of cold hands, making them shiver involuntarily.

"Little love, little love, where should we go?"

"Well... Anyway, let's get out of here first..." Xiao Ai bit her lip and said in a low voice.

Xiao Xia wanted to ask again, but suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked forward.

The sound of dull and rhythmic footsteps came slowly, as if each step was stepping on the hearts of the two Lolitas, causing them to freeze in place.

As a flash of lightning flashed by, a tall and thin man could be clearly seen coming from the other end of the bluestone path.

This is a tall and thin man with a bone mask on his face, wearing a silver robe that dances in the wind, with blood-colored maple leaves printed on it, although his face cannot be seen, but he can feel a wave The fierce momentum rushed towards his face like a blade.

Under the indifferent gaze of the other party, the two loli hugged each other tremblingly, and they didn't even have the strength to escape.

"Oh~ yes, it's Shirakari-sama!"

The tall and thin man gave the two lolis a cold look, and said calmly, "Take it back."

"Yes." A little demon with a very low sense of existence came out of the darkness and strode towards the two lolis.

The two loli hugged each other, waiting desperately for the final judgment.

As a result, at this moment, a cold voice sounded:


All the demons were stunned, and followed the prestige, and saw two figures walking over in the jungle, one after the other, it was Miss Miko and Hua Ye.

"Master, master!" The eyes of the two lolis lit up slightly.

Baishou, wearing a mask, looked at Miss Miko and Hua Ye, and said calmly, "Human Onmyoji?"

"Yes." Miss Miko nodded slightly, "How about we sit down and talk?"

Although there are many monsters in this world, generally speaking, humans are still respected. Most monsters will choose to stay away from human onmyojis when they see human onmyojis.

But this time, the other party said coldly: "I don't care who you are, get out of the way immediately, or you will bear the consequences."

Miss Witch suddenly frowned.

There are also many kinds of monsters, like herbivorous animals and carnivorous animals. Some monsters are timid and fearless, harmless to humans and animals, such as these two loli, and some are extremely disgusting to humans, and even attack people event.

The masked guy in front of him, with cold eyes and a faint murderous look around him, is obviously not an ordinary monster.

"Is it really impossible to talk?" Miss Miko tried to make a last effort.

Who knew that this time, the monster named Baishou waved his hand directly and said, "Do it."


A bolt of spider silk lightning shot out.

It was only then that everyone noticed that on the big tree above their heads, there was a huge spider entrenched at some point. Its body was about the size of a water basin, and the patterns on its back unexpectedly formed a hideous human face!

At this moment, the monster opened its mouth, spit out a spider thread, and rolled towards Miss Miko.

Anger flashed in Miss Miko's eyes, she took a deep breath, and made a mudra with both hands, giving people the illusion of being dazzled by butterflies.

When the last movement was completed, a swirling white mist like smoke and mist suddenly gushed out from her sleeve. This breath was as cold as ice, and directly condensed into an ethereal girl. The girl was translucent It looks like an ice elf, but it is the shikigami Yuki.

With the appearance of the snow girl, the temperature in the air suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, and hoarfrost even condensed on the nearby flowers and plants!


As Xuenv raised her hand and pointed, the cold air visible to the naked eye immediately turned into a billowing vortex, directly freezing the spider silk, and then quickly spread upwards.

The spider demon was caught off guard, half of its body was covered with a layer of frost, it immediately screamed, bit off the spider thread, jumped to another tree next to it, looked at Miss Miko with a fearful expression, and for a while He didn't dare to attack again.

"Trash." Bai Shou snorted coldly.

The spider-like monster trembled all over, and lowered its head tremblingly.

"No matter who you are, since you dare to stop me, you should make up your mind." Baishou walked towards Miss Miko with indifferent eyes.

"Ridiculous!" Miss Miko gritted her silver teeth and made seals with both hands, "Come on!"

The frosty mist turned from the cold air suddenly turned around and rushed towards Bai Shou.

However, there seemed to be an invisible barrier around this big monster. The raging cold air couldn't get close to its body for three feet.

"Tips for carving insects."

In the surging cold mist, there was a deep roar, followed by a cold light, directly tearing the mist apart.

Miss Miko's face was slightly pale, and the phantom of the Snow Maiden in front of her collapsed immediately.

Staring at it, I saw a huge Silver Moon Wolf walking out of the frost and snow.

The pace of this giant wolf was unhurried and unhurried, walking towards Miss Miko with a posture like a stroll in the garden, which actually gave people an elegant posture, as if the illusion of a lord patrolling his territory.

In fact, in nature, many animals have this posture when they are not hunting.

For example, if you meet a tiger that has just eaten in the forest, then congratulations, even if you walk past the tiger swaggeringly, it will not bother to pay attention to you.Of course, if you have to touch its ass or pluck its whiskers, that's another matter.The reason for this is that tigers don’t eat carrion, and when they’re full, they become very lazy and can’t move easily, just like humans.Secondly, tigers do not have the habit of storing food.

In other words... the giant wolf in front of him didn't regard Miss Miko as an opponent at all, otherwise it would be a hunting posture, not what it is now.

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