Liuhua opened her eyes wide and looked over, "I smell the smell of conspiracy...Is it my sister's suitor?"

Shihua didn't speak.

"If you don't speak, you're acquiescing." Liuhua turned her head to look at Hua Ye, and shouted in shock, "Brave, brave, someone wants to poach your corner!"

Shut up!Your sister is not included in "I want it all", so it's not considered poaching!

Shihua narrowed her eyes, "Go take a bath."

"Oh..." Facing the powerful rule, Liuhua had no intention of resisting, and put the phone next to Shihua, "I'm going to take a shower."

Hua Ye looked at Shihua, "The massage is not over yet."

"Yeah." Shihua lay down again, as if Lafayette was lucky to someone else, "Continue."

At this time, the phone rang again.

Shihua picked up the phone and glanced at the caller's information, and was about to hang up, but because of Hua Ye's massage finger trembled, she accidentally touched the swipe to answer.

"Finally answered my call." A deep and magnetic male voice rang out, with surprise, "I heard that your sister came to Italy to look for you, shall I be your sister's tour guide? You are busy with work every day, and there are almost no We went out to play, and this time we just happened to play together."

Shihua's expression was cold: "No need, I... ah—"

As Hua Ye massaged her to the sensitive point, it was too late for Shihua to bite her lip again, so a seductive croon came out of her mouth.


The other end of the phone fell silent.

A moment later, a suspicious male voice sounded: "Ten... Ten Flowers? You just..."

"I'm..." Halfway through Shi Hua's words, an impulse surged up again, and finally turned into a suppressed low moan, "Uh-hmm-!"

The coquettish vibrato instantly turned the whole room pink.

Shihua bit her lower lip tightly, and a large blush appeared on her pretty face. Even Gao Leng Yujie would be ashamed to make such a misleading voice when she was on the phone.


There was the sound of a teacup breaking from the other end of the phone, and then the man shouted angrily: "You actually cheated on someone behind my back?!"

"Please respect yourself." Shi Hua said coldly, "It's just a massage, and what I do has nothing to do with you."

"Massage will make this sound?" The man laughed angrily, "I have slept with so many women, I know very well that you are [beep——]!"

"You actually answered my phone while you were working, I didn't expect you to be such a perverted woman!"

Shi Shi bit her lower lip, and her face turned cold. After saying this, the man who made the call originally had a glimmer of hope, but now he is completely cold!

But also, anyone who answered the phone and heard a strange gasping sound on the other end would not be able to keep calm.

Hua Ye had already stopped what he was doing, and was going to wait for Shi Hua to finish calling.

As a result, Shihua looked over and calmly said, "Continue."

"Ju, you still have the nerve to say continue?" The man's frantic voice sounded, "Shameless woman!"

Do you know that the heroines in many abuse books have a scene of making a phone call!Not only does the dull male protagonist not understand what the female protagonist is suffering from, but he also cares about running slowly!Although the plot is old-fashioned, it brings a lot of excitement!

Hua Ye shrugged, Shihua didn't care, and he didn't care: "I see."

Hearing Hua Ye's voice, the man yelled angrily: "Woman who dares to touch me, you are doomed!"

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and slapped Shihua's buttocks, making a crisp 'slap' sound, and then said in a deep voice, "Change your position and do it again."

Chapter 1431 Massage Will Get Bigger

"Change position and do it again."

Shihua narrowed her eyes slightly, her wine-red pupils looked over with a little shame, and then responded softly.



There was the sound of a teacup breaking on the other end of the phone. Although it was just a simple syllable, it could cause [-] points of critical damage to a certain group of people!Patients with heart disease or high blood pressure are forbidden to operate, and it will kill people if they are not careful!

"You two..."

Shihua didn't listen any more and hung up the phone directly.

The room became quiet again.

Shihua put down her phone and looked at Hua Ye who had stopped.

Their eyes met, and Hua Ye could clearly see his own reflection in Shihua's burgundy eyes.

In the past, Gao Leng Yujie, the ice in her eyes melted and gradually turned into a pool of spring water.


Hua Ye said calmly, "It's done."


Shihua's face was expressionless, she just felt that her lower abdomen was as warm as soaking in a hot spring, and the strong sense of comfort seemed to have swept away the exhaustion accumulated in the past few months.

I guess there won't be such an opportunity in the future, right?

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