"What did I do in the past..." Gabriel was a little puzzled, but she was not afraid of being abducted, and followed the female shopping guide into the dressing room next to her.

"Please take off the down jacket outside." The female shopping guide took out the tablet and used the online translation function to communicate with Gabriel.

Gabriel felt that something was wrong: "Wait, why did I take off my down jacket!"

"Don't worry, we will provide you with the most professional service."

"So your client is wrong!" Gabriel complained, "I'm not the one who bought underwear!"

It's a pity that the two sides couldn't understand each other, so the female shopping guide smiled and lifted the tablet again to repeat.

"So complicated."

The useless angel sighed, hesitated, and took off his down jacket, "Let's deal with it first, and let that paralyzed face communicate later."

The female shopping guide picked up a professional measuring ruler, took a bust measurement on Gabriel, and then raised the tablet to communicate: "Your current bust is 77A, I suggest you choose a girlish growth..."

"Wait." Gabriel became restless, "During the physical examination of the whole school in the fall, my bust was clearly 74A, which was exactly the same as the test result when I entered the school in the spring. How could it be..."

"Can rubbing really make it bigger?"

Chapter 1432 Big liar, not sweet at all

The locker room door opened.

Gabriel gritted her teeth and walked out, punching without saying a word.

"Accept the punishment, hentai!"

Hua Ye didn't dodge or dodge, put away the phone slowly, and asked, "What's wrong?"

It is said to be a fist of punishment, but in fact it can't even break the defense, it's almost like scratching an itch.

"Don't even think about hugging me to sleep again!"

Gabriel has made up her mind.

Soul light!If I didn't happen to check my bust today, I don't know that it has grown so much. If I become as big as my sister, I will scare my parents to death when I go back!

The height I want to grow the most has not changed, only the chest has become bigger. Needless to say, it must be the reason why the air conditioner broke down in those few days and I was bullied by this facial paralysis at night!

The female shopping guide came out after Gabriel, and said with a smile, "Please follow me to choose underwear."

"Tell her." Gabriel looked disgusted, "I don't wear underwear."

Hua Ye looked at the female shopping guide and said calmly, "I bought underwear for another girl."

The female shopping guide was surprised, but her expression was not angry, she still smiled and said: "For underwear, it is the most comfortable to choose by yourself."

Hua Ye said blankly, "We came because her underwear was broken."


"That's it..." The female shopping guide slightly twitched her mouth, "May I ask if you two know the bust size of your companion?"

"I know." Hua Ye said, "It's 83D."

She's obviously a schoolgirl with a loli face, but her height and bust are actually a bit stronger than this useless angel. It's hard to tell who is the schoolgirl, let alone who she is!

The female shopping guide looked down at Jia Baili, who was being held by Hua Ye, her eyes suddenly turned contemptuous, girls are just fine, why are you a boy so familiar with other people's busts!

"How do you know Tap-chan's bust size?" Gabriel raised her face and looked over fiercely.

The dialogue between Hua Ye and the female shopping guide is in English. This useless angel's English is so-so, and he can barely understand it, but the bust size is very familiar.

Hua Ye said, "You can tell by visual inspection."

Gabriel said, "Let me check with your eyes."

Hua Ye looked up at the female shopping guide in front of him, and said visually, "Your bust is 34C."

"Eh, how did you know?"

The female shopping guide blushed, quickly raised her hands to cover her chest, and looked over vigilantly.

Hua Ye didn't answer, but looked at Gabriel again, "Your sister's bust is..."

"To shut up!"


If you know the size, the rest will be easy. Gabriel can make up his mind about the color and style. Anyway, Taplis is also an idiot. I don’t think I can pick anything. Even if I buy sexy underwear, I can say a few words Flick to wear it on the body!Maybe you can even take pictures to commemorate it!

It didn't take much time to buy underwear and walk out of the store.

"Are you hungry?" Hua Ye looked at the waste angel, "What do you want to eat?"

Gabriel turned her head: "Don't eat."

"That's it."

"Come on, bow your head, I'll give you a buff."

Italy is a place of the Renaissance, with a long history and rich humanistic history. Apart from the most famous pizza and pasta, other delicacies are also quite rich, but there are more sweets.

Walking into the supermarket, there are various brands of chocolate, cheese, wafers, and ice cream, which are obviously a paradise for sweet tooth lovers.

Although Hua Ye didn't like sweets, girls basically loved them, so he bought a few more famous brands that were recommended by others when he was looking for strategies. After all, it was not bad for money.

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