Hua Ye opened it casually, and a strong fragrance spread out immediately. Inside was a red fruit the size of a fist, dark red in color, and there seemed to be a fragrant liquid flowing in the flesh.

Just at this time, a ray of moonlight fell and fell on the fruit. The fruit actually had a faint halo, as if it was reflecting with the stars in the sky, and there was a dark fragrance flowing out. Refreshing for it.

"Well, it smells so good!" Miss Miko opened her eyes slightly and looked curiously, "What is this? Why is it so fragrant?"

"I heard from my father that this is Lord Baishou's precious fruit." The two lolis came closer and said with sad eyes, "Father was killed by Baishou just because he couldn't resist eating a fruit." The adults killed..."


you sir!

I thought there were so many twists and turns of love and hatred in it, so it turned out to be the reason for being so useless!

Is this the so-called good swimmer drowning in water and foodies dying for food!

Miss Miko blinked her eyes and suddenly realized: "It turned out to be a spiritual fruit, no wonder that wolf demon was so powerful just now."

The so-called spiritual fruit is actually a kind of fruit that contains a lot of spiritual energy, similar to public supplements such as ginseng, but ordinary people can only absorb a little spiritual energy after eating it, and after a period of time, these spiritual energy will naturally dissipate .

But onmyojis or monsters eat it, but they can absorb the spiritual energy for their own use, thereby improving their cultivation.

However, this kind of spiritual fruit is extremely rare. Occasionally, someone finds it and eats it by himself. It is a rare treasure that will not be easily revealed to others. Therefore, Miss Miko only heard of its name, and this is the first time she has seen it.

In this way, it can be explained why the wolf monster is so powerful. It is obviously because of these spiritual fruits that it became a big monster. It is a pity that there is only this last spiritual fruit left.

Looking at the spiritual fruit in the wooden box, a look of longing flashed in Miss Miko's eyes.

Hua Ye raised his hand and said casually, "You can eat it if you like it."

"No." Miss Miko shook her head and said seriously, "This is Hua Jun's trophy, I can't take it."

To be honest, Hua Ye really didn't like these things. After all, he didn't know how much he ate more advanced things, but since Miss Miko said so, he wouldn't force it.

"I heard from my grandfather that even an onmyoji has limited absorption of the spiritual energy in the fruit." Miss Miko pursed her lips and said, "So before eating, you need to bathe, burn incense, and pray sincerely. It is best to fast for a day, so as to absorb the aura to the greatest extent."


Take a bath and burn incense?

Pray sincerely?

Could it be to communicate with the spirit in the sky of this fruit, tell it to eat it immediately, let it not lose its temper, and cooperate obediently!

"So complicated."

"My grandfather ate it before, that's what he said." Miss Miko puffed up her cheeks slightly.

"What your grandfather said is not necessarily right."


Hua Ye waved his hand to stop it: "Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome at all. I'll make it into biscuits when I get back and give you some. You will know who is right and who is wrong."

"Is it really possible?" Miss Miko's eyes lit up.

In all fairness, she is also very eager for the spiritual fruit, but there is only one spiritual fruit, and it is absolutely impossible for her to ask Hua Ye for it.

"Well, I'll do it when I get home." Hua Ye nodded.

"Thank you Hua Jun." The corner of Miss Miko's lips curled up slightly, and she agreed softly.

Chapter 139 Free Activities

Hua Ye put away the box casually and said:

"Okay, let's go back."

"Hmm." Miss Miko nodded slightly.

As for the aftermath work here, just call Sachiko Hirata, and someone will come to deal with it later.

When Hua Ye returned to the hot spring courtyard with the two lolis, it was almost early morning. When he entered the living room, he happened to see Wei Nai walking down the stairs sleepily.

"You, you..." Wei Nai opened her eyes wide, looking at Hua Ye and Miss Miko who came back side by side from outside the courtyard, she couldn't help being startled, then bit her lips, her eyes dimmed instantly.

Looking at those dimmed eyes, for some reason, Hua Ye suddenly wanted to explain.

Things are not what you think!

"Hua Jun and I just went out to find Xiao Ai and the others." Miss Miko said calmly.

"Eh, is that so?"

Wei Nai raised her head and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the two lolis walking behind Hua Ye.

Then his face turned red.

Even if the two of them go out together at night, it has nothing to do with me, right?

Anyway, I'm just a classmate...

"Sister Wei Nai!" Two lolis rushed over.

"Master is amazing!"

"Huh?" Wei Nai blinked her eyes and looked at Hua Ye curiously.

The two loli slipped their tongues, and hurriedly stuck out their little tongues, trying to confuse them: "In short, in short, the master's is super powerful, Xiao Ai and I are shocked, our hearts are beating 'plop plop plop'."

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