After the last piece of pizza was finished, everyone left the restaurant, and the next thing was to go shopping. The so-called travel means leaving behind worries, eating, drinking and having fun... It's a pity that Gabriel, a hard-working immortal cultivator, has no interest in shopping.

The crippled angel followed the team at first, then walked more and more slowly, and fell to the end after a while.

"What's wrong?" Hua Ye stopped and asked.

Gabriel had her hands in her pockets, and a goose-yellow scarf around her neck, which covered her mouth, revealing only half of her small face and small and delicate nose, "I want to go back."

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Leg hurts?"

This useless angel is a sports insulator. Every time he takes a sports test, he will lower the class average. When he skied in the afternoon, he started to complain that his legs hurt, and now it must be even more painful.

"It hurts." Gabriel said, "I want to play games more."

Hua Ye said blankly: "You still play games when it hurts?"

"Games are a good way to relieve pain, okay?"

If you want pain relief, give me painkillers, games don’t have the effect of pain relief!

"Hey, who said there is no?" The crippled angel complained, "There are a lot of news reports about 'an earthquake is coming, I refuse to escape, I want to finish this promotion game', 'I turned to the Internet cafe at night when I was a kid, and after a night of games, I found out Broken leg', it's all the pain-relieving effect of the game."

This is the same as looking at beautiful women or swearing to relieve pain. It is only a short-term diversion of attention, but the pain is still there, and the subsequent addiction is even more difficult!

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Go back."

"Hey, you don't want to go shopping?" The useless angel raised his face, his blue eyes reflected the bright starlight in the sky, and blinked lightly, "I can go back alone."

Hua Ye said, "Let's go back together."

Girls are very interested in shopping, Hua Ye really has no interest, just two of them, now a group of people are acting, but no one will talk to Hua Ye.

Gabriel said, "Isn't it a little bad to go back now?"

What's wrong, others are shopping, you are wandering!You can't enjoy the fun of shopping, but you have to suffer from leg pain. At this time, don't cater to others, but do what you want!

Hua Ye said, "Then continue shopping."

Gabriel was silent for two seconds, then turned around decisively: "Go back and play the game."


The evening wind is cold.

The south of Italy is warm, while the north is cold and dry. At night, the temperature has reached zero degrees. Even wearing thick clothes and a scarf, Gabriel still feels the chill. Standing under the street lamp, she sighed softly. Breathe in, you can see the white water vapor curling and drifting under the light, and finally disappear into the night sky.

The useless angel stomped its feet and stretched out its right hand in front of Hua Ye: "Hey, warm me up."

Hua Ye held it, and it was as icy and cool as expected.

"Put your hands in your pockets, and it's still so cold?"

"Because the pockets are cold, and the hands are also cold." Gabriel complained, "It's not mathematics, and it can be negative and positive. Both of them are cold, and the result is naturally cold."

Hua Ye said, "Sleep with me at night."

"Get out." Gabriel looked disgusted, "The air conditioner is enough, I don't need you at all."

It's because I slept with you for a few days that my bust got bigger!If one day it turns into a big papaya or a big cow, it will scare my parents to death when I go home!

"Did you forget something?"


Hua Ye looked down: "It's true that there is an air conditioner, but the bed is very cold. If you only rely on yourself, you can't even try to warm the bed for an hour."

Gabriel: "..."

What is the most annoying thing about the long cold winter night?

It's not that it's difficult to sleep alone, and few people nowadays will have difficulty sleeping alone, because the "person next to the pillow" will always accompany them with their mobile phones.

What I really hate is my cold feet. I can't even cover them with warm hands, and I can't sleep.

Walking to a crossroad, when Hua Ye and Gabriel stopped to wait for the red light, there was laughter from the side. When they turned their heads and looked around, they saw a young couple taking a selfie. The boy was carrying the girl on his back. Looks pretty happy.

Hua Ye looked down at Gabriel, and the crippled angel also looked up.

"Come up." Hua Ye squatted down.

If it was before, Gabriel would have hesitated, but now... her feet hurt so much, it is much more comfortable to carry her back than to walk, of course it is how comfortable it is.

The useless angel lay on Hua Ye's back, hugged Hua Ye's neck with both hands, and gave orders: "Go back to the hotel."

"So cold hands..."

Gabriel thought for a while, then put both hands on Hua Ye's face, "It's so warm."

Hua Ye's face turned black and he said, "You're going too far."

"Tch, you are so thick-skinned, you are not afraid of the cold at all, are you?"

Just because you're not afraid of the cold doesn't mean you can't feel the cold. If you suddenly put your hands like ice cubes on someone's face to keep warm, you're going to be slapped!

Gabriel plausibly said, "I'm helping you physically cool down."

Physical cooling, right?

Wait a minute to make you physically hypoxic!If you don’t apply for a roof tile for three days, and haven’t taught you how to be a human being for a long time, you’re about to apply for a roof tile soon.

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