"But the air conditioner in my room is broken." Lafite put his palms together and said pitifully, "It's very cold in the room. I might not be able to wake up after sleeping all night. It's very troublesome to change the room now. I can only ask Machiko Sau... the kind-hearted squad leader will definitely not refuse, right?"

In fact, Machiko really wanted to refuse, letting Lafite into the room felt like leading a wolf into the room.

It's just that in such a cold weather, it's really terrible for the air conditioner to break down, and we can't just ignore it.

After hesitating for a moment, Machiko nodded and agreed: "You... come in."

"Thank you Machiko-chan."

Go into the room.

"Phew, I survived..." Lafite heaved a sigh of relief, smiling happily, "I can't repay the monitor's kindness for taking him in... Shall I warm the monitor's bed tonight?"

"No, no need, the bed is already very warm."

"That's fine, let's sleep together."


"It's all girls, it's okay to say."

Machiko could only agree aggrievedly, "Okay, you sleep on the left side, and I sleep on the right side..."

Turn off the desk lamp, and the room returns to darkness.

Machiko turned her back to Lafite, ready to sleep.

After a while, a hand was quietly extended.

"Bai, classmate Bai Yu?"

"I just stood outside for a while, and the heat on my body has run out." The bed under her body trembled slightly, and Machiko felt a delicate body with a coolness and fragrance sticking to her back, and reached out to wrap her arms around her waist. , "And I like to hug pillows when I sleep, it's much more comfortable to hug like this."

Machiko burst into tears: "You, your hand..."

"Oh, actually I have 'alien hand syndrome', and my hands can't be controlled." The girl's voice behind her was very soft, like the whisper of a demon, "It will be fine for the squad leader to bear it for a while."

"This kind of thing can't bear it at all!"

"Think of it as a physical examination for Machiko-chan. Physical examination is a very important part."

"You..." Machiko was still complaining, but suddenly felt a strange electric sensation spread in her chest, and her pretty face flushed immediately, "No, don't pinch!"

"It's not pinching." The squinting-eyed demon king behind said solemnly, "This is a necessary step for the physical examination."

"Isn't there such a bad physical examination!"

Machiko felt aggrieved and did not dare to speak loudly, so she could only bite her lip and silently endured the bullying from the girl behind her.

The slender and moist fingers penetrated into the pajamas, and quickly slid down.

Panicked, the voice stammered like a frightened bunny: "You, you, what are you doing?"

"Hey, help Machiko-chan check her body."

"No, no! Not there!"

"I said no, but my body is very honest, it's already..."


"What's going on?" Hua Ye glanced at the quilt.

It's nothing to hide under the quilt. There are many children who like to cover their heads when they sleep. It's not burning charcoal, so there will be no danger. Why did the squad leader's body temperature suddenly rise rapidly?

I should be shivering to scare myself.

Hua Ye was puzzled and stretched his legs to Machiko.

Machiko finally got out of the little theater of the brain hole, her pretty face was flushed, and steam came out from the top of her head, and she accidentally substituted herself and Lafite into the plot of Lily's book, it was super scary to think about it!

At this moment, Hua Ye stretched out his legs, and Machiko reached out to grab it reflexively, and then a pleasant voice came to his ears: "Hey, it's so strange, why did classmate Hua Ye's quilt move?"


One sentence made Machiko hold his breath suddenly.

"It's nothing." Hua Ye said calmly, "I moved my leg."

It's a pity that Machiko didn't dare to show her face at all, otherwise she would be able to see the super vicious smile on Lafite's face standing by the bed!

That's right, a few seconds after the black-bellied girl entered the door, Machiko had already revealed her whereabouts.

People can hide in the bed without any movement, but there is still one thing left outside.

That is the slippers by the bed.

As the saying goes, "Moonlight in front of the bed, two pairs of shoes on the ground", you can use several towels, and I have never seen anyone use several pairs of slippers!

Kang Na's slippers were on her feet, so the extra pair of slippers must be evidence left by a certain girl.

Who is the girl who dare not talk to herself and wants to hide when she meets her?

There is no need to think about it at all!

Alice stayed in the room, Gabriel didn't bother to hide, Vinay didn't know how to go to bed, and the trio of Taplis, Satania and Liuhua fool didn't need to hide.

"Well, it looks like he's hiding under the quilt?"

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