Hua Ye looked down, his eyes burning: "Do you want to try it?"

"Eh?" Machiko was taken aback, and quickly understood what Hua Ye meant, her pretty face was hot, and she shook her head in a panic, "No, no!"

"If you don't go back, Wei Nai will be suspicious."

If you do that kind of thing, don't say you can't hold your head up tomorrow, maybe you won't even be able to get out of bed and walk!

The black, long and straight girl begged softly, "How about next time?"

All those who say 'I'll treat you next time' are hooligans. It's meaningless to not set a time for the next time!

Hua Ye didn't force her, and hugged Machiko, who was soft all over, to the bed, "Go back."

It's not a human who is in heat [-] days a year. Hua Ye doesn't have a strong desire for that kind of thing. Compared with the instinctive desire of the body, he values ​​pure and flawless feelings more.

Once many people become impulsive, they will be dominated by their lower body, and they will not stop even knowing that they have committed a crime. These people are just poor people who are dominated by desires. The real strong should learn to control their desires.

"That, that..."

Machiko looked over with erratic eyes.

"what happened?"

"Hua Ye isn't, isn't angry, is he?"

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "I'm not angry."

It's not those poor creatures whose IQ will drop to negative numbers after they are in heat, how could they be angry because of such a trivial matter!

Machiko breathed a sigh of relief, covered her chest with one hand, grabbed the sheet with the other hand, leaned over shyly and kissed Hua Ye on the lips, then hurriedly ran to the door with her head down.

"I'll go back... oops!"

Chapter 1447

"Squad leader, are you back?"

Wei Nai opened the door.

"I'm back." Machiko's eyes drifted, and he said falteringly, "I, I just..."

"Come in and talk." Wei Nai said with concern, "It's so cold outside, be careful of catching a cold."


Machiko walked into the room and saw that Kang Na was already lying on the bed, but she was not asleep. Turning her head to look over at this moment, the clear eyes made Machiko very guilty.

Others didn't know, but Kang Na was right next to her, so she clearly knew that she was hiding under the blanket!

(Fortunately, Kang Na-chan doesn't know what I did in the quilt...)

Machiko felt guilty and was thinking about how to explain the mystery of her 'disappearance'. Wei Nai said first: "Squad leader, the milk is on the table. Drink it and go to bed."

"Ah...I, I'll drink right now."

Machiko hurriedly picked up the boxed milk on the table and drank it.

"Cough cough cough."

"Squad leader, slow down." Wei Nai reminded.

"Yeah." Machiko responded, holding the milk in both hands and sipping the straw, "I'm done."

"Then go to bed." Wei Nai said, "I'll turn off the lights when you sleep well, I'm so sleepy."


Machiko put the milk carton into the trash can, turned around and lay down on the bed, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief, "Vina, I slept well."

"Yeah." Wei Nai reached out and turned off the desk lamp, "Squad leader, good night."

"Good night, Vinay."


The room quickly quieted down, and there was no 'night talk', only the sound of soft breathing rising and falling.

"Vina seems to be asleep..."

"That's fine, I don't need to explain where I went."

Machiko hugged a dolphin pillow, and couldn't help but start thinking about what happened today, until a flash of lightning flashed across her mind.

"Hey, wait...why didn't Wei Nai ask me where I went after I came back?"

"She went to classmate Hua Ye's room just to find me and Kang Nachan. If she saw that Kang Na didn't see me, she would definitely call to inquire, but she didn't make any calls..."

"Unless, unless Wei Nai knows where I am, that's why I didn't mention it on purpose?!"

The squad leader opened his eyes wide, recalling more neglected details one by one. For example, Lafite who suddenly told a bad joke was very strange. He knew Hua Ye would not laugh when he heard a joke, but he still said it so happily.

"So Lafite knew from the very beginning that I was hiding under classmate Hua Ye's quilt!" Machiko thought about the cause and effect, and his whole body was in a bad mood, "Those jokes were just for me!"

"Everyone knows that I'm hiding under classmate Hua Ye's quilt!"



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