Lafite leaned on Huaye's shoulder, and slid his fingers lightly on the screen, with a happy smile of 'everything is under control' on his face.

Hua Ye said, "Your legs."

"Hey, what happened to your leg?"

What's the matter, you just hugged your arms, but your legs are also crossed, let's not let you sleep!

"Take off the legs." Hua Ye said in disgust.

"Don't." The dark-bellied girl leaned closer to Hua Ye, with a scent like orchid and musk, and said coquettishly, "This position is the most comfortable."

You are comfortable and I am uncomfortable!The octopus girl is talking about you, half of her body is firmly occupied by you!

Lafite said: "When you sleep on your back, you tend to snore, especially in winter, when you wake up in the morning, your throat will feel dry and sore..."

"Sleeping on your stomach will affect your physical development."

"So..." the dark-bellied girl concluded, "Only lying on your side is the most correct sleeping position."

"Sleeping on your stomach affects development?"

Alice let out a low cry, and the drowsiness that had just surged dissipated again.

"Strange, no wonder!"

"When I was a child, my mother was very busy every day, and I liked to sleep on my stomach when I slept alone... Is it because of this that the development is so poor?"

You are enough, the sore throat is due to the dry and cold weather, it has nothing to do with your sleeping position, otherwise why it only hurts in winter, but not in summer and autumn!

Hua Ye said, "This has something to do with your leg pressing on me?"

"Of course it has something to do with it." Lafite rubbed against Hua Ye's shoulder with a charming voice, "When people suffer from insomnia, don't they like to sleep curled up on their sides?"

"That's right." Alice nodded, "I can attest that insomnia is super annoying."

Lafite said solemnly: "Scientific research has proved that lying on your side is the easiest position to fall asleep."

Which scientist conducted this research, but the research data has been published!Casually adding words such as 'scientific research' and 'expert advice' in front of a sentence seems to put on an authoritative and scientific cloak, adding a layer of convincing aura. Who knows if there are any experts behind it? Graduation!

"A lot of people don't sleep on their side." Lafite stretched out his hand and brushed his hair behind his ears, "Because they don't understand how comfortable it is to sleep on their side!"

"While turning your body sideways, your legs should hold things, such as quilts and pillows. This is the most comfortable sleeping position meow."

A pillow is something you hold in your arms, not your legs!

"That's right, your boyfriend is my queen pillow."

Hua Ye said with disgust, "Go away."

"If you don't leave, you have to hug Mr. Facial Paralyzed. Wherever you go, you won't be separated for a minute or a second."

"Are you a koala?"

"That's right, it's your boyfriend's exclusive koala."


"Master Bai Yu..." Alice's voice sounded resentful, "I'm still by my side."

Dog food or something doesn't taste good at all!


The phone vibrated slightly.

"Well, Xiao Hinata-chan sent another message..." Lafite's eyes lit up, and he lightly tapped the screen with his pale jade fingers, "It's a video."

"The video sent at this time always feels very difficult."

"Hey, could it be a horror video?"

Alice felt drowsy at this moment, but instead became energetic, she guessed after hearing the words.

"It's very possible." Lafite nodded, "After all, it's Hinata-chan's 'heart', let's taste the content first."

The speed of the hotel's WiFi is very fast, and the video is loaded quickly. With Lafite's finger clicking, the video starts to play.

This is an ordinary city night.

The stars dimmed.

The evening wind is cold.

Passers-by are all in a hurry.

A young man in a suit and holding a briefcase stood at the entrance of the subway station and looked at his watch with a tired face. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

The young man rubbed his face, tried to drive away his tiredness, and walked into the subway.

It was getting dark, and the subway was finally not as crowded as it was during the day, and it seemed empty and deserted.

The man randomly found a seat and sat down.

There were only a few passengers in the carriage, no one talked, and the air was eerily quiet.


A dull sound sounded, as if an impact had occurred, waking up the man who was sleeping with his eyes closed.

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