"I'm not afraid of getting fat twice."

"Is it because the link of groping is missing?"

Discovering problems, analyzing them, proposing countermeasures, and verifying them are scientific research methods.

Hua Ye let go of his fingers and began to verify.

"The pervert really let go?" Alice blinked, a little unbelievable, "Is it because Master Bai Yu is coming out soon?"

The little bean's doubts were quickly answered, Lafite didn't come out of the bathroom, but a hand quietly penetrated into her pussy!

That's right, this is the correct way to explore, otherwise there is no need to write a special chapter for things that can be covered in one sentence!

"Eh eh?"

Alice suddenly opened her eyes wide, opened her small mouth, and her face was full of disbelief.


"big liar!"

"It was agreed that I would only touch Fat once!"

The sudden change made the short bean stunned for a moment, and his reaction was inevitably delayed by half a beat. Hua Ye didn't pause and began to grope.

I have to say that although Alice is only [-] meters tall and has a flat chest and short legs, her buttocks are surprisingly upright, smooth, delicate, full of elasticity, and feel excellent.



A breathtaking trembling sound came out, and the whole room turned pink.

As Hua Ye fumbled with his fingers, the little bean suddenly trembled like an electric shock. The unprecedented stimulation made Alice suddenly raise her neck, like a swan eager to kill.

"Don't, don't touch there!"

Alice gasped, and hurriedly turned her head to beg, her voice was full of panic and shyness, and even had a crying tone of embarrassment, without any trace of arrogance.

"Take it out quickly!"

This short bean's pink lips opened and closed, and her breathing was rapid. The eyes that were pretending to be stubborn just now had turned into two spring waters, and her hands were tightly clutching the quilt. Not only her face, but all the exposed skin had turned into Alluring pink.

Obviously, the lethality of groping for this trick by yourself is ten times greater than that of picking fat times!

After verifying and finding the correct way to sanction the little bean, Hua Ye quickly withdrew his right hand.

Alice rolled, and Gululu rolled to the side of the bed, and fled in a panic, as if if she stayed any longer, she would be eaten by "Ahwu".

"Shameless! Nasty!" The little bean took two steps back, covered his buttocks with both hands, his legs trembling slightly, "Super big/pervert!"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "I'm not."

"You just now..." Alice opened her eyes wide, the watery blue pupils glared at Hua Ye angrily, and shouted in embarrassment, "Only a super pervert can do that kind of thing!"

Hua Ye said, "You told me to try it yourself."



A soft sound.

The bathroom door opened, and Lafite pushed the door and walked out.

Alice, who was about to speak, quickly shut her mouth, and turned her head to look aside with a flushed face.

Naturally, this appearance couldn't be concealed from Lafite, and the black-bellied girl puffed up her cheeks: "It's too much for the paralyzed gentleman to bully Alice behind my back."

Hua Ye said, "I haven't."

It's this little dwarf bean who must give it a try. Since it is said, it is natural to do what it says. Even if it can't spit out a hole, it can't do it on its own!

As a result, the black-bellied girl turned her eyes and said with a smile, "The next time you bully Alice, let me watch from the side."

"Master Baiyu!" Alice suddenly puffed up her face, "You must have been intoxicated by this big face!"

If you had been watching just now, you would have already picked up your mobile phone and ordered concentrated sulfuric acid and formalin online!

"Ecstasy soup or something, there isn't any." Lafite raised his hand and rolled up the hair beside his ears, "But I have said a lot of sweet words."

"Sweet, sweet talk?" Alice opened her eyes wide and looked at Hua Ye in disbelief, "This pervert can actually talk sweet talk?"

"Isn't Master Bai Yu misunderstood 'sweet talk'?"

Lafite said, "Don't look down on classmate Hua Ye."

"That's the only thing I don't believe at all!"

Hua Ye poker face: "You are enough."

"Just listen to it if you don't believe me. Listening is believing." Lafite raised his snowy chin, winked at Hua Ye quietly, coughed lightly, and said, "Hey, classmate Hua Ye, the moonlight is so beautiful tonight. Woolen cloth?"

It is early in the morning and there is no moon at all!This sentence is suitable for the graceful school, not for the super clingy black-bellied school like you!

Hua Ye naturally knew how to answer this question.

Lafite didn't join any formal clubs at school, and he was always very leisurely after school in the afternoon, so he often took Hua Ye to the bookstore to read. When the two of them were reading, they had encountered this topic before.

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