Soon we arrived at the place where we boarded the boat.

Venice is the only city in the world without cars. There are no cars, bicycles, or traffic lights in the city. The only means of travel is boats.

There are three types of boats here. One is a boat similar to a taxi, which can be called a taxi. The price is more expensive. The advantage is that it is equipped with an engine and the speed is more expensive. The second is a bus boat with a fixed route. Responsible for the main flow of people and transportation, and the price of a three-day or two-day ticket is cheap. It is exactly the same as a city bus, except that it has changed from a car to a boat.

The last one is the traditional travel tool in Venice, the gondola boat, which is a boat that appeared in the Venetian merchants. It is narrow in width, slender in shape, punted by hand and moderate in price.

At sunset and dusk, renting a gondola with a double seat for lovers, wandering in the water lanes of Venice, watching the orange-red sunset slowly sinking into the horizon in the soft clear waves, is a must for many couples matter.

However, the gondola can only seat six people at most. Hua Ye and his party are large, and two gondolas are expensive, so Hua Ye doesn't care. It's a pity that Wei Nai refused to agree, and everyone took the bus in the end.

Under the guidance of the staff, we applied for a one-day bus card. With the card, we can take any bus in Venice. Because it is the off-season of tourism, the fare is quite cheap.

After Hua Ye boarded the boat, he found that the bus boat was indeed worthy of its name, and the seating arrangement inside was almost exactly the same as that of the bus.

"It feels like taking a bus." Satania looked out the window and muttered to herself, "I thought it was just the thin and long boat in the book."

Have you ever heard the saying that if you want to get rich, build roads first!In any city, perfect transportation and cargo capacity is the foundation of the foundation, it is impossible to have only one means of transportation!

"I heard that there are many kinds of boats in Venice, just replace the means of transportation in the city with boats." Lafite stretched out a finger, and gave an example, "For example, a taxi can be changed into a taxi boat, and a fire engine can be changed into a boat." Fireboat..."

"I see." Satania's eyes lit up, "A police car is a police boat?"

"Yes, there are indeed police ships."

Alice said, "An ambulance is an ambulance boat?"

Machiko pursed her lips: "There is also a courier car, which should be called a courier boat here."


Talking all the way, I soon arrived at St. Mark's Square, which is the center of Venice and a gathering place for tourists.

After the bus boat arrived at the station, the ropes pulled the shore to fix the boat, and then the door of the boat opened, and everyone stepped off the bus boat and came to the square—exactly the same experience as taking a bus.

"Wow, there are so many people." Satania opened her eyes wide, "Black people, white people... Waiter, look, there are people with red skin!"

Shut up!That's the color after being blown by the sea breeze all year round, so it's not a red-skinned person!

Lafite blinked: "Just a joke, Venice has people from all over the world, but there are no Venetians."

Wei Nai was speechless: "Isn't that an exaggeration?"

"It's not an exaggeration." Shihua folded her arms and said, "Venice is now a complete tourist city, and the prices are high. There are indeed not many local Venetians."

Machiko said casually, "Is this an invasion of alien species?"


Tucao is so sharp that others have nothing to say!

"It's just eleven o'clock..." Wei Nai checked the time on her phone, "It's still early, shall we go shopping for a while?"


A group of melon-eating girls walked forward in a mighty manner, but Alice left behind absent-mindedly.

Hua Ye walked last, turned to look at the short bean, "Do you feel unwell?"


Alice turned her face away.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "This is the sixth time your mind has wandered off."

"So many times?" Alice was shocked. It is undeniable that she was in a daze, but six times is too many!

"How do you guys know so well?" Alice blushed and looked vigilantly, "I warn you, don't make up my mind."

Needless to say, I won't hit you, a flat-chested, short-legged turnip, I have no interest in twin ponytails that choke fate!

Hua Ye said, "Not interested."

"The soul is pale!"

Alice, whose eyes were wary just now, heard this, and immediately bared her small canine teeth, shy and angry: "Big/pervert! Go die a hundred times!"

You did such an excessive thing in the morning, and now you say you're not interested?

If you're not interested, go pick up the girl's fat times, hurry up and explode on the spot!

This little bean opened its small mouth, revealing two rows of small silver teeth, and bit towards Hua Ye, "I'll bite you to death—"

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to support the little bean's head, "Don't make trouble."

Whoever quarreled with you, said to bite you, really bit you!

Alice bared her teeth and claws, but it's a pity that she is short and has short arms, and she can't reach Hua Ye at all. Instead, her eyes are red with grievance.

Hua Ye was speechless: "Why are you crying?"

Alice didn't speak, raised her hand to wipe her eyes, and walked forward with her nose sniffling.


Hua Ye was speechless immediately. Before, he was a little crab with teeth and claws, how could he become a poor cat that hurts the spring and the autumn in the blink of an eye!

Hua Ye thought for a while and asked, "Do you want some ice cream?"

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