Hua Ye's face was expressionless, and he raised his foot and kicked back without making a sound. This kick was obviously the first to come, but it landed on the face of the man opposite him first. It felt weird, as if the man took the initiative to send his face to Hua Ye's feet.

The stubble-bearded man let out a scream, and flew upside down. A bloody spray shot up in the air, and a few teeth could be seen flying out.

After landing, the man rolled twice, stopped when he hit the wall, and then lay on the ground, motionless.

The faces of the three gypsies who were half-smiling and full of hostility changed slightly. When they subconsciously looked down, they saw that their companions had nosebleeds all over their faces. They looked quite miserable, but they didn't scream and roll because they had passed out.

Shihua stopped in her tracks, turned her eyes to Hua Ye, and suddenly understood why Jing Keai said Hua Ye was very powerful.

Because it is so.

It is impossible for ordinary people to knock down a man in his prime with one blow.

"Are you tired of working?" The remaining three men looked at each other, this time they didn't watch the show, they all gathered around, cursing vulgar words in English, "Do you know who we are?"

Hua Ye had absolutely no interest in knowing the identities of these people, so he turned to Shihua and said, "Go to the side, don't get your clothes dirty."

Shi Hua didn't refuse this time, she nodded slightly and stepped aside: "Be careful."

Be careful not to use it.

If he can still get injured against a few ordinary ants in the micro-magic world, Hua Ye can directly kill himself by wiping his neck.

"Dong dong dong."

The big fat man who blocked the way started to run, not fast, but the violent aura he brought made people nervous.

Just halfway through the charge, the fat man opened his small mung bean eyes and hurriedly braked.

The ordinary young man kicked the other two men to the ground one by one. Not to mention getting up to fight again, he didn't even hug his belly and struggled. Obviously, he was kicked directly and passed out.

Seeing this scene, Fat Brother's heart trembled.

The family knows their own affairs.

With my body, I have no problem dealing with ordinary people. I don’t need any skills, just crush them directly, sit down with my butt, and I can make the opponent surrender on the spot. However, when I meet those who are flexible and able to beat, they are easy to be beaten. I can't find the north.

What should we do now?

Fat Brother's head was sweating, his usual role was just to press the stage, but now he suddenly became the last one, so he was naturally a little flustered.

Those three companions were all knocked down by a single blow. Even if you have a lot of fat and a strong ability to resist blows, how long can you last?

Thinking of this, Brother Fat rolled his eyes, and his gaze fell on Shihua.

By the way, hostages!

As long as you catch this woman, you will be able to make the other party throw a mouse attack. This is how it is done in crime movies!

Shi Huaqiao's face turned frosty, and then... turned around and ran away.

In nature, the difference in body size has an absolute suppression attribute, just like in the Olympic Games, all weightlifting events are divided according to the weight class of athletes.

Shihua's weight is only fifty-two kilograms, and the big fat man in front of him is at least one hundred kilograms more. In terms of strength, he will definitely be crushed. It is a very stupid choice to fight against the top without giving an inch.

Another reason is that Shihua doesn't want to have physical contact with this kind of man whose face is greasy and whose lewdness is almost overflowing from his body, that would be disgusting.

The alleys in Venice have always been very narrow, and the running fat brother is almost like a monster in Temple Run, occupying the entire alley with his rampant body.

Hua Ye grabbed Shihua's hand, pulled Shihua behind her back, and then kicked her out.


The gravel splashed, and the ground seemed to tremble.

Fat brother, who was chasing Shihua with excitement just now, has already slammed into the wall.

To deal with this kind of ordinary ants, if a second strike is needed, Hua Ye can also kill himself by wiping his neck.


Shihua breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that she had clenched Hua Ye's right hand at some point, and a rare blush flashed across her pretty face.

After the matter was settled, Huaye and Shihua turned and walked towards Liuhua and Satania.

The two idiots were dumbfounded.

"Six flowers..."

The ten-flower pretty face was frosted, and the whole body was shrouded in low air pressure, which made people dare not breathe.

He clearly told him not to run around, but turned around and entered such a remote alley with a stranger. If Hua Ye hadn't found the two of them, what a terrible thing would have happened!

There is no shortage of bad guys in this world.

When you meet these people, you don't even have a chance to regret it.

"Sister..." Liuhua lowered her head timidly, not daring to speak.

Hua Ye looked at Satania and asked calmly, "What are you doing here?"

"This sister Catherine wants to help us with divination. She said that the noise in the square will affect the accuracy of the divination, so she brought us to this quiet alley." Satania blinked her eyes with a cute expression, "Servant Why did the officer come here? And suddenly beat someone up?"

Ten Flowers: "..."

No wonder you two were stunned just now, you don't even know what happened to you!

I just don't know if the two of you will happily count the money for each other when you two are taken away and sold later! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

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