Shihua didn't know what "power" Hua Ye was talking about. She was not an onmyoji, and she never asked Hua Ye's identity, so she just said, "Are you sure that woman won't backtrack on what she says?"

Hua Ye said indifferently: "She dare not."


A plain sentence, the confidence and casualness contained in the voice, made Shihua slightly look sideways.

"It's good that nothing happened." Shi Hua retracted her gaze and quickened her pace.

"An accident?" Hua Ye was startled, and quickly realized, "You think I killed someone in the alley just now?"


No wonder I suddenly smelled it back and forth on my body, in fact, I was smelling blood!

The reason behind saying 'forgive you one last time' is to attract the attention of the two people on the boat and prevent them from discovering the 'corpse' in the alley!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, realizing that he had wrongly blamed Shihua.

"I thought you were throwing a tantrum."

If you make a mistake, you have to admit it, and Hua Ye quickly admits it.

Shi Hua kept his eyes fixed, as if he hadn't heard it, obviously upset.

"You can call back." Hua Ye continued.

Shihua squinted her eyes, looked at it with disdain for looking at kitchen waste, parted her pink lips, and uttered a few words: "You think beautifully."



"Sister!" Liuhua ran over, the hair on the top of her head trembling slightly, "Are you and the brave all right?"

Shihua said, "It's okay."

Things like wall thumping, hugging, and spanking will definitely not be said.

"Why did the attendant suddenly hit someone just now?" Satania asked puzzled.

Shihua's expression became solemn: "Do you know who those people were just now?"

"Huh?" Satania blinked, "Isn't it a wandering fortune teller?"


So idiots have the benefits of being idiots. I haven't realized until now, what happened to me!If you take a step slower, the "wandering fortune-teller" in your mouth will forcibly confiscate your mobile phones and sell them to others!

Shihua said: "Next time you meet someone holding a crystal ball, I will give you a free fortune-telling. Don't agree."

"We didn't say yes," said Satania. "I gave her two chocolates."

"That's right." Liuhua nodded, "The fortune-teller has to eat because of her interest, we can't take advantage of her."


Shihua sighed, raised her hand to cover her forehead and said, "Forget it if you don't know."

"The two of you will follow me next, don't leave an inch."

Liuhua said, "What should I do if I need to go to the bathroom?"

Shihua said expressionlessly, "I'm waiting outside the door."

Shihua continued to ask: "Then what if sister goes to the bathroom?"

"You talk too much."

It is undeniable that there are good people among the Gypsies. Good and bad are relative concepts, but the poor impression of Gypsies in Europe is not groundless.

Gypsies have no nationality, limited education, no social security and no work experience because they wander around and have no fixed place to live. Various reasons make it difficult for them to find suitable jobs.

When life is difficult and unsustainable, it is easy to take risks.

This is the reason why troublemakers come out of poor mountains and rivers.

Safety comes first when you are away from home. If you see a gypsy rushing over to tie a red rope, hold a crystal ball to help you tell your fortune, or actively sell various handicrafts, you will easily get into trouble. It is best to take a detour.

Going around like this, it was twelve o'clock at noon before I knew it.

We all went to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

Vinay said, "It feels like St. Mark's Square is very small."

Italy is originally composed of many small islands, each of which has a low face, and many islands are the kind of small islands that make people worry about whether they will be directly submerged when the tide rises.

"It doesn't matter how small the island is, what matters is who you play with." Lafite's eyes rolled and he smiled brightly, "Does the squad leader think this sentence is correct?"

Machiko subconsciously sat upright, thought about it carefully, and didn't find any traps in this sentence, so she said cautiously: "That's true..."

"Then Machiko-chan will go shopping with me this afternoon?"


The black-bellied girl clasped her hands together and said, "I like the monitor the most."

Machiko: "..."

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