Have you ever bullied this short bean?

Hua Ye thought about it carefully.

The answer is no.

Bullying people should be like Lafite, in order to gain pleasure, take the initiative to play with others. Although I have spanked this short bean's ass, I have also picked up fat times, and I have practiced tortoise shell binding, but it is only punishment, and I have not benefited from it at all. Get joyful thoughts!

(Ahhhh! It's all due to idiot Anna, why are you talking about such an embarrassing topic?

(Grandpa must think that I have become the kind of girl who doesn't love herself?)

(So ​​embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing...)

"Grandpa, I'm going back!"

Alice has made up her mind to go, and doesn't want to stay for a quarter of an hour.

As a descendant of arrogant blood, the old man wanted Alice to stay, but his expression was still rigid and majestic, and he said in a flat voice, "Go back."

After the maid escorted the three of Hua Ye out of the room, the old man immediately stood up, pulling his beard in frustration: "It's been a long time since my granddaughter came to see me... It's such a failure to let her go back!"

"Do you want someone to investigate the boy next to Alice?"

The old man hesitated for a moment, but in the end he still didn't pick up the phone.

"never mind."

"Although Alice is innocent and kind, her mother is not easy to talk to. If that kid had ulterior motives, that woman would have driven him away."

"Hey, my granddaughter has grown up in a blink of an eye... I will ask my private doctor tomorrow if there is any treatment for dysplasia."


Hua Ye and Alice walked from the second floor to the living room.

The young girl Anna followed Alice like a little tail, her big eyes were full of admiration.

"What are you doing?"

Anna's eyes sparkled: "Alice is as good as she was when she was a child!"

"Huh? Great?"

"I haven't even dated a boyfriend, and Alice has already had a first experience."


your sister!This short bean was studied in noble girls' schools from elementary school to junior high school. After transferring to ordinary high school, she became Lafite's little fan girl. Not to mention the first experience, she doesn't even have much experience in talking to boys. !

"Ha, haha." Alice laughed dryly, raised her chin, and still refused to admit defeat, "It's not a big deal... They're already high school students, so, isn't that kind of thing normal?"

Anna blinked her eyes, leaned close to Alice's ear and whispered, "Alice, I heard that it will hurt the first time, is it true?"

Alice bit her lower lip, and for the sake of face, she still insisted: "It does hurt."

I have never eaten pork, but I have always seen pigs run away. It is common sense that the pain will be good. It is bleeding, so it will definitely hurt!

"I'm afraid of pain..." Anna whispered.

Don't do it if you are afraid of pain, no one will force you!

Anna asked softly, "Alice, isn't that kind of thing comfortable?"

Alice hasn't tried it herself, so she naturally doesn't know how comfortable it is. Now, for the sake of face, she insisted: "Then, that kind of thing... I feel it's just barely, no, it's uncomfortable, and I don't hate it. That's it."

"Hey, I heard others said it was very comfortable, why did Alice say it was uncomfortable?" Anna was startled, and looked at Hua Ye with wide eyes, "Could it be that he is not in good health?"

Hua Ye's face darkened suddenly.

He naturally heard the conversation between the two girls whispering and biting their ears clearly, but it had nothing to do with him, so he didn't care.

Now I actually say that I can't do it, I can't bear it!

For all male creatures, "No" is a pretty bad evaluation, especially when this sentence is said from a girl's mouth, it can cause [-] points of critical damage.

Hua Ye narrowed his eyes and looked at Anna.

A weak human being like you can dehydrate you in one minute and pass out in two minutes!

"Don't talk nonsense." Alice puffed up her cheeks. This short bean can complain about Hua Ye, but she doesn't want Hua Ye to be looked down upon by others, so she raised her snowy chin and said, "He, he is too powerful. That's why it's uncomfortable!"

Anna's expression was blank: "Hey, it's too powerful, why don't you feel uncomfortable?"

"Because, because it lasted for too long!" Alice stammered as steam rose faintly from above her head, her little face was so red that it exploded, "One time, one time at a time!"

Hua Ye glanced at Alice.

You are complaining in disguise and saying no, what is an hour, as long as you think about it, there is no problem at all for a day and a night, you don't know anything about the real power!

"That kind of thing..." The words that were said, the water that was poured out, and the words rushed to this point, Alice could only go to the dark, and at this moment, resisting the shame that was about to explode, she tried hard to remember herself After reading the book and the book, I said dizzily, "That kind of thing is comfortable at the beginning... Afterwards, I will be very tired, so I will naturally feel uncomfortable."

"Hey, why are girls tired? It should be because boys are tired, right?"

"What's wrong with the girl?" Alice crossed her arms and turned her head to look away. She didn't dare to meet Hua Ye's eyes at all. "I-you have to change your posture, right? If you keep changing back and forth, you will naturally get tired. .”

"So that's the case." Anna nodded, then asked in a low voice full of curiosity, "What's Alice's favorite pose?"

"Of, of course..." This short bean didn't know what poses he thought of, and the water vapor on the top of his head burst out, not only the small face and neck, but even the twin ponytails were stained with scarlet. His body was shaking, and he almost fainted, "Of course it's the back, the back..."

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